Part 5 – Welcome Japan!

Christmas Surprise~!! \(n_n)/




Day One - Piano Lessons (4 days before surprise…)


“Yoochun oppa!”

“Hwanyonghamnida! Chal jinaeshossoyo?”

“Ne, chal jinaessoyo.  Nu nyo?”

“Good! Let’s go!”

As they were on the road…

“You really flew all the way here just to see that babo huh! Hahaha!”

“Hahaha! I missed his -face that’s why!”

Yoochun drove Sarah from the airport to a resort near the beach where she will be staying.  He made the reservation in the reception since Sarah can’t speak Japanese.

“You’re on the 8th floor, let’s use the elevator.”, Yoochun said as he approached the elevator leaving Sarah behind.  As Yoochun entered the elevator, he saw Sarah trying really hard to carry all her stuff.  Then the door closed.


Yoochun forgot to help Sarah with her things.

“Oh men! I forgot!” Yoochun went down the elevator again and saw Sarah’s mad face.  Embarrassed with what he did, he approached Sarah slowly.  As he went close to Sarah, she slapped Yoochun’s shoulder really hard.

“Why didn’t you help me?!  Why did you leave me behind??!”

“Mianhe, mianhe…” Yoochun apologized while scratching his head.  “I got excited about your room that I forgot to carry your things.”

“Yoochun oppa! You should really drink memory tablets.  You’re getting old every single second! Hahaha!” Sarah teased Yoochun as they went in the elevator together.


“Here’s your room! I chose the one facing the beach.”

They arrived at a beautiful one-bedroom suite. It has a modern shiny kitchen, a cute dining table accessorized with colorful fresh flowers, and a magnificent living room that overlooks the white sands and the vast blue ocean.  It even has a lovely terrace where you can relax, lie down on the couch and watch the people going to the beach.

“Wow! The view is perfect! And the room is so lovely! Nomu kamsahamnida!”

”I knew you’d love it.”

“You sure have a good taste, haraboji! Haha!”

“At least I’m not in love with a -face!”

Both of them laughed.

“Maybe Junsu’s choking right now since we’ve been talking about him all morning! Haha! Ok, let’s start!”


They went downstairs, to the lounge where there is a white grand piano.

“What do you want to learn?” Yoochun asked.

“Of course you know what it is! The song Junsu wrote for me.  I’m sure he’ll be speechless when he sees me singing it.”

“I’ll be thrilled to see his frozen face when he listens to your awful playing!”

“Yah! I had piano lessons when I was six years old! So this song would be easy for me.”

“I knew your teacher and she said that you always sleep when she was teaching you.”

"Yah! That’s not true!



Meanwhile, in the dorm, the boys were busy in their own activities.  Jaejoong and Changmin were busy surfing the net, and answering the messages from their fans while Junsu and Yunho were playing soccer on their Xbox.

“Why do I have a feeling that something’s coming? I’m really nervous right now.” Junsu said to Yunho.

“Nah! You’re just scared that I’ll defeat you in soccer!” Yunho said as he slips his eyesight to Jaejoong and Changmin who were secretly laughing.  Junsu was clueless.

“By the way, where’s Yoochun?  I was surprised to see his bed empty this morning.”, Junsu asked.

Changmin, who was in charged of blocking all of Junsu’s questions, answered naturally.

“Ah, he left with our manager.  They said they will discuss something about his latest composition.  Hyung? What will I say to this fan of yours who’s asking what your wish is this coming Christmas?”

Junsu paused their game and ran to Changmin’s laptop.

“All I want for Christmas is a…fruitcake! Just joking! Of course, I want to receive all the love from Cassiopeia!~*^_^*”, Junsu typed hoping to taste the fruitcake Sarah was talking about.

Seeing Junsu’s answer, Changmin and Jaejoong nodded at each other, knowing what to do next.


“Just in time!”, Yunho said as Yoochun entered the studio. Immediately, his stylist handed him his clothes and another staff gave him a copy of the topic to be discussed on the show. 

“I made it! I thought I’ll be late.” Yoochun said as he wears his coat and the necklaces that are being handed to him by his stylist.  After that, his hairstylist started to fix his hair making soft curls and putting wax.  Junsu hopped towards him, looking all excited to see his friend.

“So what happened to your composition? Did they like it?” Junsu asked.

“Yah! I had fun with Sa…staff! With the staff!”

“Ah! The staff liked it, that’s great!” Junsu said then he left Yoochun to play with Changmin.

“Whew! I almost spilled the name of Sarah.  Glad that Junsu didn’t notice.” Yoochun thought.  Then he looked at Jaejoong, who was waiting for his feedback about Sarah, and made the “ok” sign.  Jaejoong thought of his invisible to-do list and checked Yoochun’s mission. 

“One down, three more to go~^^”, Jaejoong typed on his phone. Without noticing it, Junsu was standing at his back, reading the message he typed.

“One down, three more to go…? What’s that hyung?” Junsu asked.

“Waah!” Jaejoong fell on his chair.

“Waeyo hyung??” Junsu helped his hyung on his feet.

“Don’t you read my messages!” Then Jaejoong hurriedly walked out of the room before Junsu floods him with more questions.

“What did I do??” Junsu wondered.



Writer's Comments:

sorry I posted late,.I was suppose to post all of the chapters before Christmas and post the last chapter yesterday (Christmas Day),.but I had a one week vacation and just returned yesterday morning,.nomu nomu cheoseonghamnida~ T_T

anyway, I'll try to post daily starting today, and post all the chapters this month,.thanks for reading! \(n_n)/ nomu nomu kamsahamnida~!!!^^


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