Part 11 – Sarah Hwaiting! Ho Hwaiting! (Final Cut)

Christmas Surprise~!! \(n_n)/



Day Four – An Unexpected Surprise (1 day before surprise…)



Arriving at the resort around 5pm


“We’re here!”

Junsu opened the door to their suite.  It was a three-bedroom suite, with a spacious living room, accessorize with fresh flowers, cream throw pillows, a white couch, wide windows with flowing white curtains, and a 32-inch flat screen.  There’s a modern kitchen, just like Sarah’s, with colorful plates and shining utensils.  And, the most important part, the large terrace which faces the beach.  This is the room where they always stay because it has a perfect view of the beach.  Just directly above this room is Sarah’s room.

Junsu threw his bags on his bed then ran to the other members’ rooms.

“Let’s go guys! Let’s walk to the beach and have dinner at the restaurant near the beach.”


“You guys go ahead, I’ll just arrange my stuff.”

“Are you sure Yunho? We can just wait for you.”

“No, go ahead. I’ll follow you.”

“Ok then. Call us.”


The four left Yunho in his room.  He was still depressed with what Jaejoong did earlier.  Yunho really was not in the mood to walk along the beach.  And he was also not in the mood to eat outside.  He only said that he would follow them because he wanted them to leave him alone for awhile.

Yunho sat on the couch at the terrace and listened to mellow music.  It was so peaceful.

“Aish! So bored!”


After a few minutes, he started to get bored so he decided to go downtown.  He went downstairs and called a cab.  At night, the streets of Japanare so lively.  There were full of bright lights and interesting shops.  Yunho slowly forgot his sadness and started to amuse himself as he walked on the streets, passing by different shops. Then he stopped in front of a cute shop which sells cute printed shirts.

“Why are you looking at me? Am I cute?

Caution! A super handsome person is wearing this shirt.

Taken?...Not yet!”

Yunho laughed as he read the messages printed on the shirts of the mannequins.  As he was about to leave, something caught his attention.

“Back off! He’s mine! à

Back off! She’s mine! ß”

He read each word again and again and then something came into his mind.

“Perfect!” he shouted as he pointed to the shirts.

“Perfect!” Suddenly, another person shouted.

Surprised, Yunho slowly turned to his left to see who it was.  It was Sarah, who was also pointing at the shirts.

“Sarah sshi!”

“Yunho oppa!?”

“What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?” They asked the same question at the same time.

“Haha! I got bored so I went downtown. You?”

“I’m trying to look for a Christmas gift for Junsu oppa.”

“Aah…these will do!” Yunho pointed the shirts.

“Yah! I know! They’re perfect.” The two laughed and entered the shop.

“This looks good!” Yunho raised a shirt with the same message but with a different design.

“Nah! I don’t like the color.”

“How about this one?”

“Nah! Too simple.”


“Aniyo! Aniyo!”

“Aish! What do you like anyway?  I’ve showed you almost all of the couple shirts here in the store!”

“Hmm…it should have the same message as the one we saw on the store window. Junsu’s shirt should be color purple and mine should be green.  Then the design should be cute, with colorful drawings.  But I don’t like the ones’ full of drawings, making the design too crowded.  Not too simple or too extravagant. I want the design to be just right.”

“Whew! Ok captain!”

Yunho stood straight, and then positioned his hand like a soldier greeting his captain. 

“Ho oppa, hwaiting! “ Sarah cheered as he ran off and searched the best couple shirt that would pass all her requirements.  At the end of the store, Yunho saw two shirts, purple and green. 

“Purple and green, check!”

He looked at the message and it was the same as the one at the store window. 

“Message, check!”

He looked at the design, not too crowded and not too simple.

“Cute design, check!”

He slowly walked towards Sarah who was also busy searching for the best couple shirts.

“How do I look?”

Yunho was now wearing the purple couple shirt.  He walked back and forth, modeling the shirt with full of charm and charisma.


Sarah, viewed the shirt, from front to back. Walking from right to left.  Circling around Yunho.

“Yah! Stop it! I’m getting dizzy!”

“It’s perfect Ho oppa!” Sarah exclaimed.  Then both held each others’ hands and they jumped with joy.  They jumped in circles.

“Ok, stop. I’m getting dizzy also.”

“Let’s buy them!”


The purple couple shirt, for Junsu, has the message, “Back off! She’s mine! à”.  Then there is printed half-heart with a boy cartoon inside it.  Meanwhile, the green shirt, for Sarah, has the message, “Back off! He’s mine! ß”.  The other half of the heart on the purple shirt is printed here and there is also a girl cartoon inside it.  Putting these shirts side by side, you would see that the whole heart will be formed and the boy’s hand is holding the girl’s hand.



The two bought the shirts and left the shop. 

“Oh now I’m thirsty from all the walking and searching. Let’s buy drinks there!” Yunho pointed at a tea shop on the other side of the street.

“Two tapioca milk teas please! One vanilla and one peach.”

Yunho paid for the drinks.

“Vanilla or peach?”

“Actually, I like them both! Haha!”

“Woah! Ok, we’ll just share.”

“Ne!” They walked as they drank their milk teas.

“The surprise is tomorrow right? Christmas eve?”

“Ne! I’m too excited! I hope I won’t mess up.”

“I know you can do it! So how’s the song? Need help?”

“It’s fine, just finished practicing earlier this morning before you guys arrived.”

“Ah! So you know we’re coming today?”

“Ne! Hyuk Jae oppa called me.  That’s why I called Jae oppa remember? I asked him to text me if you’re already on your way.”

“You should have called me instead!” Yunho whispered.

"Huh? Mwo ra go yo?”

“Ah nothing. How about the food? Do you need something? Let’s go to the supermarket!”

“Nope. I already bought the ingredients yesterday. I’ll start cooking tomorrow morning.”

“Aah…” Yunho left with nothing to say.  He could see that everything was already prepared so he had nothing more to say. 

“Still no contribution.” Yunho sighed.

“It’s ok oppa.  You helped me buy a gift today! Thanks!”

“Yah! I did help! Haha!” Yunho blushed a bit.

“Ho oppa, hwaiting!”

“Sarah sshi, hwaiting!”



“But I don’t know when to wear it though.  I think it would not look good if I wear a shirt while playing the piano. Haha!”

“Yah right! Hmm…come with me.” Yunho suddenly grabbed Sarah’s hand then he dragged her down the road.

“Where are you taking me??”

“You’ll see.” Yunho grinned.



The four already finished their dinner and Yunho still did not show up.

“Argh! Where is Yunho?” Jaejoong dialed Yunho’s number for the second time as they walked back to their suite. Unfortunately, our forgetful leader left his phone on the couch at the terrace.  Junsu opened the door of their suite and looked for Yunho in his room.

“Hyung! He’s not here.”

Then someone answered Jaejoong’s call.


“Yah Yunho! Where are you? We’ve been waiting for you in the restaurant but you did not show up!”

“Jae hyung! Let’s go shopping! Yehey!”

“Mwo ra go??”

As Jaejoong raised his head, he saw Yoochun holding Yunho’s phone.

“Aish! Of course he forgot his phone!” But Jaejoong can’t resist shopping so his anger was gone immediately.

“Well, ok then. Let’s go! Junsu and Minnie, are you going too?”

“I’m in!” Junsu jumped from the couch.

“Nah, I think I’ll just stay at my room and sleep.”

“Ok, good night Min!”

However, Changmin was not really going to sleep.  He was planning to visit Sarah upstairs so that they can play the new RPG game he got from the net.

Meanwhile, the three went downtown to shop.  Junsu, who was not really fond of shopping, only wanted to see the city lights that’s why he joined the two.

1 new message…flashes on Sarah’s phone…

“Just a sec Ho oppa.”

“Where are you? I’ve been knocking on your door.”-Oppa

“I’m busy right now. I’ll explain later.” Sarah typed on her phone and then it rang.

~Taisetsu de taisetsu de…sekai de ichiban taisetsu na hito~ (Jagiya calling…flashes on the Sarah’s phone)

“Omo! Junsu oppa is calling! Yoboseyo?”

“Jagiya! I miss you!”

“Ayiee~! Miss you too. Where are you now?”

“We went downtown because Jae hyung and Yoochun ah wanted to go shopping.”


“Ne! Waeyo?”

On Sarah’s background, Yunho shouted, “Sarah sshi! I’m waiting!”

“Who’s that?”

“Aah…just my father. Call you back later. Love yah!”

“Love yah too! *mwah*”

“Funny, her father sounds like Yunho.” Junsu thought as he waited for the two who were now fitting glamorous jackets.



“Ho oppa! I must go. Junsu oppa just called and said that they’re here, doing shopping.”

“Omo! Leave first then I’ll follow.”

“Algessumnida! Gomawo Ho oppa!”

Sarah wore her cap and hood and then went downstairs, outside the building.  After five minutes Yunho followed.  Just when Yunho was standing in front of the door, someone called him.

“Yunho hyung! What are you doing here?

Hearing this, Sarah, who was just a meter away from Yunho, ran as fast as she could, without looking back.  Luckily, Junsu did not notice.

“Uhmm…I got bored so I went downtown.”

“Why are you sweating? Is it hot?”

"Ah! That’s nothing! Haha! Let’s go!” Yunho said as he nervously wiped his sweat.




Author's Notes:

on the tag , *ontama, if you watched the ontama video of DBSK, Yunho shouted cutely in that video,.hehe!^^ It's just the same with the scene above~ ^-^

by the way, the next chappie I'll be posting is the LAST CHAPTER of this fanfic,.and I would like to ask for your votes as to what ending would I post first,.What ending do you like??o-O is it HAPPY ENDING or SAD ENDING,.Please vote guys! \(n_n)/ I will post the ending that has the most votes~

thanks for reading guys~!!

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