Part 3 – Gwenchanha?

Christmas Surprise~!! \(n_n)/




Junsu arrived at the gates of their dormitory with water dripping from his hair and his clothes soaking wet.  He stopped for a while ‘cause he doesn’t feel like seeing s.  He doesn’t want them to see his weak side for it may affect their performance later on.  But what the heck!  Maybe they won’t even notice.  So Junsu slowly opened the door and quietly closed it to not disturb the other members.  Unfortunately, as expected, their leader, who was waiting for him, was leaning on the wall adjacent to the door.

“Junsu ah!  Where have you been?  Jaejoong is looking for you.”  Yunho greeted as Junsu takes off his rubber shoes on the doorway.

“Oh, I did not see him.”       

“Yoochun, text Joongie that Junsu is already here.  Junsu, palli palli, go change your clothes before you catch a cold.”  Yunho dragged Junsu’s lifeless body to his room and sat him on the bed. 

“Yah! Go change to dry clothes already!”

But Junsu’s just staring aimlessly at the floor.

“Here!”  Yunho threw the towel at him.

“Ouch! Hyung!  Why did you do that??”

“You’re not listening to me! Dry yourself with that towel.  I’ll go get some fresh clothes for you.”

Maknae entered the room and sat beside Junsu.

“Wow hyung!  You’re sooooo wet!  Too bad you forgot your soap and shampoo! Wahahahaha!

Junsu did not react so Changmin tried again.

“Yuck! Go change before you flood the whole room and become a sea monster! Hahaha!”

tik tik tik…BOOM!

“Mwo ra go??!  Is this how you treat your hyung?? Yah! You…!”  Junsu punched Changmin hard on the shoulders.

“Aww!  You asked for it huh!”, Changmin suddenly grabbed Junsu’s neck and messed his hair so bad that Junsu screamed in pain.

“Ah, ah! It hurts!”

Yoochun entered the room to check what the commotion is all about since he can hear the screams of Junsu in the living room.

“Yoochun ah! Help!”

Yoochun ignored Junsu, grabbed his phone and started to act like a host in a boxing match.

“As you can see, the counterattack of our maknae is soooo strong!  With his huge muscles and large built, no one can escape his wrath…oh! Oh! Junsu’s trying to escape!  Will he make it?? Let’s see, let’s see…go Changmin! Go! Turn left! Oh, that’s a good one Min!”

“STOOOOOP!”, Yunho’s voice boomed inside the room as he threw the clothes on the floor.  The three were surprised and terrified for they saw Yunho’s serious face.  They’re like small children waiting for their butts to get slapped by their father.

“Let me join!!!”, then suddenly, Yunho jumped on Junsu who was currently being held hostage by Changmin on the bed.

“Woah! Wah wah! Another giant joined the fight!  What will happen to Junsu now??  Who will win his fight? Viewers, cast your votes now! Just text Changmin and Yunho, ‘the tall brothers’, to 123456789 or Junsu, ‘the unfortunate one’, to 123456789.  You’ll get a chance to win a picture of Junsu with his cute pajamas so text now!”, Yoochun continued to fuel the fight while laughing his heart out.  At last, Junsu managed to escape.  Junsu ran for his life outside the room to the living room.  The dynamic duo chased after him.

“You can’t escape!”

“Stop it guys! Waah!”

Now they ran around the whole dormitory, from the living room, to the kitchen, to the dining room, and then back to the living room.  Yoochun, who got tired of watching them running back and forth, just sat on the couch and watched the television.  Jaejoong arrived and happily greeted everyone.

“I’m back!  Where’s Jun… ah!” He was startled to see the three boys running towards him.

“Hyung protect me!” Junsu hid himself behind Jaejoong who was now shocked with what’s happening.  “I’m glad that Junsu’s happy right now”, he thought to himself.

“Ok, you two stop right there! Junsu needs to rest.”, Jaejoong commanded as he led Junsu, who was still hiding behind his back, to the room.  Junsu, happy with his hyung’s protection, teased Changmin and Yunho by sticking his tongue out and making cute faces while saying, “You can’t catch me now! Bleh! Eu kyang kyang!”

“What’s wrong with Jaejoong??”, Yunho said as they looked puzzled.

“This is the first time he sided with Junsu hyung!”


Jaejoong closed the door behind him and turned to Junsu with serious eyes.  Then he handed Junsu’s phone and smiled, “Everything’s alright now. Sarah called.”

“Mwo? Cheongmalyo?”

“Why didn’t you say you’re having a hard time?  You have a problem and you didn’t tell us.”, Jaejoong’s concerned tone as he fixes Junsu’s hair.

“I don’t want you guys to get affected.  I don’t want you to perform badly because of me.”, Junsu said as he faced down.

Jaejoong hugged his dongsaeng and patted his back.

“Well next time, just tell us ok? We can help.  I’ll leave now so you can rest.  We still need to finish our schedule for this day.”

“Hyung! Gomawo!”

Jaejoong smiled and shouted, “Our Kim Junsu, hwaiting!!!”


While Junsu was resting inside his room, Jaejoong gathered all the members to the living room.

“Guys, we have a mission.  Sarah called and she needs our help.”



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