Breaking World - Chapter 2

Breaking World

When Sunggyu arrived at his usual bench the next day, he found that it was already occupied by Woohyun, who was awake for a change.  Woohyun sat with a coffee cup in each hand.  He smiled when he saw Sunggyu.

"Coffee?" He offered one cup to Sunggyu who kindly accepted.

Sunggyu sat down and placed his book beside him.  "Not tired today?"  he asked.

"Dead tired actually, but-" Woohyun hesitated a moment to glance at Sunggyu before continuing, "I thought it would be nice if we could chat...and maybe go to lunch or something.  That is, if you want to.  You don't have to.  You're probably thinking I'm some weirdo so it's okay if you want me to go away-"

"That would be nice," Sunggyu said before Woohyun could finish.

Woohyun was quiet for a moment.  "The lunch part or me going away?"

Sunggyu laughed.  "Lunch, you silly."

Woohyun let out a sigh of relief.  "Great!" he exclaimed excitedly. "I know a good place."

The small restaurant was situated in an alley that would easily be overlooked by many unless they knew it was there.  The place had few and simple furniture and seemed very quiet for lunch hour.  In fact, Sunggyu and Woohyun were the only customers there.

"Who's your date, Woohyun?"  They were greeted by the blonde haired owner.

Woohyun blushed and turned to see Sunggyu's reaction.  Either Sunggyu didn't hear the comment or he didn't mind it because he was smiling.  He probably didn't hear it, thought Woohyun.

"Sunggyu, this is Dongwoo.  He's the owner here and the chef," introduced the Woohyun.

The two exchanged greetings with a polite bow and hand shake.  "Oh, he's got nice hands.  Just your type, Woohyun."

Woohyun turned and looked at Dongwoo.  "Ah, there's the death glare.  That's my cue to make myself scarce."  Dongwoo tied on his white apron and headed towards the kitchen.  "Two specials on the house, coming right up!"

"I'm paying!" shouted Woohyun.

"No need to impress your date.  If he's here with you then he must like you!" Dongwoo shouted from the kitchen.

"I-" Woohyun was about to retort when he decided it would be better if he shut up instead.  Instead he turned to look and Sunggyu.  "I'm sorry."

"You guys get along well," commented Sunggyu.

"It's probably because I'm his only customer," joked Woohyun.  "But he is a great cook.  I promise."

Sunggyu had to admit that woohyun was right.  Lunch was very satisfying.  If the restaurant was made known to people it would definitely be popular.  He had to laugh though, at the scene of Woohyun trying to force Dongwoo to take his money and Dongwoo who kept dismissing him.  In the end, Dongwoo had to push them both out and lock the door to stop the persistent Woohyun from paying.

The two walked down the street without any idea where they were headed until Sunggyu caught sight of something in the distant. 

"Are you busy?" Sunggyu asked.

"I'm all yours," Woohyun replied, before his brain could register what he had just said and then smacked himself on the head.  "I mean, no, I'm not busy."

"Great!" Sunggyu exclaimed as he grabbed Woohyun's hand and dragged him along, much to Woohyun's surprise.

Woohyun could not stop staring at Sunggyu's hand which held tightly onto his own.  He had wanted to be able to touch those soft hands again but couldn't find the right excuse to do so.  He gently squeezed his hand and Sunggyu turned to look at him.  This time his hand reacted before his brain had a say in it.  !  Why did I do that?  He's going to think I'm a weirdo, thought Woohyun.

To his surprise, he felt Sunggyu squeezed his hand back and smiled.  Woohyun was overjoyed until he saw where they had arrived at. 

Woohyun raised his head and looked up at the giant ferris wheel.  I'm doomed.

"Look Woohyun, you can see the park from up here!"  Sunggyu pointed out the glass window as the wheel came to a halt.  "Come lo-"  Sunggyu turned to look back at Woohyun but didn't expect Woohyun to already be looking his way at such a close proximity.  Their faces were only inches apart.  There was silence.  Neither dared to move as they stared into each others eyes.

A sudden jerk of the wheel as it resumed to move again caused Sunggyu to lean forward with his lips rested on Woohyun's lips.

"Hey, heard from Kenya you were on a date.  How was it?"

"Kenya, did you tell everyone?"

"No, not everyone...oh okay, everyone except L.  That guy's too uptight."

"Mmmm, we'd better not let L-sama know.  He might start reciting from the code book again."

"What would you really do if they found out, Namstar?  Would you kill or be killed?"

Before he could reply, L arrived at the scene.  "It's time."

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 2: I love your story
Chapter 16: Your story is giving my brain an exercise
imsmlee86 #3
I like your story~~ please write again ^^
Chapter 15: Eventhou i was guess it wrong, but i enjoyed it.. Yes i am..

Yepz, Myungsoo isnt bad ~~~
Chapter 10: I am wrong darn it!
Chapter 9: Dont tell me, the Yong clan leader is.. ..
Chapter 7: Cleaners ahahaha
I mean, they are the killers who got payment. Maybe they kill bad people. The f^cking bad rich people..
Chapter 3: No~~~~pe the kiss scene was romantic >, <
Chapter 1: Ahahahaha /dry laugh/
Why i just got your old story now, author-nim?
But its okay, i will hook up with whatever your story is /grinned/

The journey, is begin /smirk/