Breaking World - Chapter 7

Breaking World

Woohyun arrived at the scene to find a crowd gathered outside the mansion with the iron gates.  The police had cordoned off the area, preventing the media from getting any closer.  The cameras flashed blindingly as a body covered with a white sheet was carried out on a stretcher.  Woohyun glanced away and caught sight of Myungsoo watching from afar.  When their eyes met, Myungsoo turned and walked away.  Woohyun was about to follow when his phone rang.  He glanced at the name before answering it.

"It's true," confirmed Woohyun, without waiting for the caller to speak.

"What do we do now?" asked Sungyeol.

"Find out who did this," replied Woohyun.

Sunggyu smiled as he carefully placed the litle giftbox in his pocket.  Woohyun will love this, he thought.  Just then an alert sound beeped from his phone.  He read the message and smiled with satisfaction.  Suddenly his phone rang.  He saw Woohyun's name flashed onscreen and he quickly answered it.

"Woohyun, I was just about to call you," said Sunggyu.

"Sunggyu, where are you?" asked Woohyun.

"I'm just on my way home," Sunggyu replied as he glanced at his watch.  "Did you want to meet for dinner or do you have work?"

"I...I have work tonight," Woohyun replied hesitantly.

"That's okay."  Sunggyu was a little disappointed but didn't want to make Woohyun feel bad.  "But you must tell your boss to let you have tomorrow night off.  I want us to celebrate your birthday together."

Woohyun had almost forgotten about his birthday.  He smiled to himself, glad that Sunggyu had remembered.  "I'll see you tomorrow then."

Sunggyu was just about to hang up when he heard Woohyun speak again.  "Sunggyu, be careful."

Sunggyu smiled.  "Don't work too hard."

In the dead of night, five figures stood as they looked at the luxurious mansion hidden in the secluded hills.

"I can't believe this!" exclaimed Kenya.  "We risk our lives while they get to live in this kind of place!"

"I believe he calls this his holiday house," Diva piped, eagerly awaiting Kenya's reaction.

Kenya's mouth opened in shock.  "Lucky bastards!"

"The Chief Commissioner wasn't so lucky," reminded Hoya sternly.

"Someone must know," said Choding.  The others looked at him.  They couldn't help but agree.

"But our records have been perfect - ah!"  Diva seemed to remember something.  He glanced at Namstar.

"Except for that time my sword failed to give instant death," announced Namstar as he realised what Diva was thinking.  It was the time he couldn't focus knowing Sunggyu was waiting for him in the rain.

"But L-sama took care of that," said Diva.

"Speaking of L, where is he?" asked Kenya.

Their conversation was cut short when they saw the headlights of a car approaching.  They stood ready as the black car pulled up beside them.  A middle aged man dressed in a suit got out of the driver's side and walked up to face the group.

"Sir!" They saluted him. 



Author's note:

Do we all know what Woohyun and crew are?

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 2: I love your story
Chapter 16: Your story is giving my brain an exercise
imsmlee86 #3
I like your story~~ please write again ^^
Chapter 15: Eventhou i was guess it wrong, but i enjoyed it.. Yes i am..

Yepz, Myungsoo isnt bad ~~~
Chapter 10: I am wrong darn it!
Chapter 9: Dont tell me, the Yong clan leader is.. ..
Chapter 7: Cleaners ahahaha
I mean, they are the killers who got payment. Maybe they kill bad people. The f^cking bad rich people..
Chapter 3: No~~~~pe the kiss scene was romantic >, <
Chapter 1: Ahahahaha /dry laugh/
Why i just got your old story now, author-nim?
But its okay, i will hook up with whatever your story is /grinned/

The journey, is begin /smirk/