Breaking World - Chapter 11

Breaking World

Namstar gritted his teeth but did not utter a sound as Sunggyu pulled the blade out.  Blood splattered onto his white shirt but Sunggyu took no notice of it.  He watched as Namstar stumbled back and collapsed to the ground.  

Hoya and Kenya tried desperately to help but their path was blocked as the men attacked them.

Sunggyu looked at the blood stained sword in his hand.  He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the blade.  He saw the burning hatred in his own eyes.  As if waking from a trance, he quickly cast the sword aside and walked back to his car.

As the car drove off, Sunggyu pulled out a metal briefcase from under his seat.  He turned to the person dressed in a black suit, sitting next to him.

"As promised," said Sunggyu, handing over to the briefcase.  "Your information is very reliable."

The man smirked as he opened the briefcase filled with money.  He smiled with delight.  "Just doing my part of the deal."

Hoya managed to fight his way over to Namstar whilst Kenya defended them.  He pulled off Namstar's mask to find blood pouring out of his mouth.  He checked his pulse.  Still breathing.

"Woohyun!" Hoya tried to stop the blood flowing from the wound in his stomach.

Woohyun's eyelids fluttered as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Woohyun!"  Hoya almost cried out with joy.

"I meet him...have to go."  Woohyun struggled to get up but Hoya stopped him.

"Don't move!  You'll only make it worse."  Hoya firmly held him down.

"Please...I have to...can't let him wait..." Woohyun pleaded in protest ignoring the streams of blood gushing out from his wound.

"You idiot!  He did this to you!" Hoya shouted angrily.

"No...I killed his father...I deserve this."  Woohyun gripped Hoya's arm.  "Please Howon."

"Why are you so stubborn?"  Hoya said as Woohyun managed a weak smile.

Despite knowing how bad Woohyun's injury was, Hoya still helped him onto his bike.

"Thanks." Woohyun gripped the handlebars and started the engine.

"I expect you to pay me back so don't you dare die!" Hoya warned.

Woohyun managed a weak thumbs up.

Hoya watched as Woohyun took off.  He then turned back to the scene of Kenya fighting the few remaining men left standing.

"Let's end this!" he yelled and rushed in to attack.

The black car pulled up in front of the airport.  He got out and watched as the car drove off.  A wide smile spread across his face as as he looked at the briefcase in his hand.  He straightened his suit and started towards the entrance of the airport.  At that moment, the smile disappeared from his face.   

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 2: I love your story
Chapter 16: Your story is giving my brain an exercise
imsmlee86 #3
I like your story~~ please write again ^^
Chapter 15: Eventhou i was guess it wrong, but i enjoyed it.. Yes i am..

Yepz, Myungsoo isnt bad ~~~
Chapter 10: I am wrong darn it!
Chapter 9: Dont tell me, the Yong clan leader is.. ..
Chapter 7: Cleaners ahahaha
I mean, they are the killers who got payment. Maybe they kill bad people. The f^cking bad rich people..
Chapter 3: No~~~~pe the kiss scene was romantic >, <
Chapter 1: Ahahahaha /dry laugh/
Why i just got your old story now, author-nim?
But its okay, i will hook up with whatever your story is /grinned/

The journey, is begin /smirk/