Breaking World - Chapter 4

Breaking World

3.00 am.  The rain had long since stopped.  Woohyun arrived at the meeting place, breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath.  Of course he's not here, thought Woohyun as he slowly dropped to his knees.  A sudden pang of pain had him clutching his chest as he looked down and saw the blood seeping through his white shirt.  He couldn't decide which hurt more.  The pain from the deep gash across his chest or the one from his heart.

"How long are you going to stay there?"  A voice spoke nonchalantly.

Without even turning to look, Woohyun knew who it was.  "Myungsoo, what are you doing here?"

"I was told there was an idiot who left without treating his wound when he got back," replied Myungsoo.

"It's not like you to care," smirked Woohyun.

"I don't," assured Myungsoo.  "But having you like this is affecting the team.  All our jobs have been clean, but tonight your mind was elsewhere.  We can't have that."  His actions however, contradicted his words as he took off his jacket and threw it casually to woohyun.  "Wear that," he ordered.  "Your red and white shirt might attract attention."

Woohyun obliged as Myungsoo came over and helped him up.  He drapped Woohyun's right arm over his shoulder as Woohyun leaned on him for support, too exhausted to protest.

When Woohyun opened his eyes the next morning, he found himself in his own bed and his wound was dressed.  He got out of bed and quickly serached for a change of clothes.

"And where do we think we're going?" Sungyeol asked, leaning at his bedroom door with arms folded across his chest.

"We're not going anywhere.  Only I am," corrected Woohyun.

"I don't think so.  Myungsoo said you're grounded," stated Sungyeol.  "Well, he actually said 'watch him' and 'don't let him go anywhere' which is pretty much the same as being grounded, right?"

Woohyun had to laugh.  "What am I?  A kid?"  He quickly got dressed and headed out the front door.  "Oh, thanks for patching me up."

"Would love to take the credit, but actually, that was Myungsoo," said Sungyeol, much to Woohyun's surprise.

Woohyun quickly dialled Sunggyu's number on his newly purchased phone.  It rang and rang but there was no answer.  He continued to let it ring hoping to hear Sunggyu's voice before it switched over to voice message.

"Sunggyu," he began.  "I'm so sorry.  You must have waited, didn't you?  I'm so sorry for making you wait.  Sorry for not keeping my promise.  I'm sorry.  I'll be waiting for you.  Please...I need to see you."  

Every day Woohyun waited at their usual bench.  Each day he would call Sunggyu's phone, but every call he made was met with disappointment when Sunggyu did not answer.  He continued to wait.  Nothing mattered to him, not even the two figures hiding nearby.  Only Sunggyu.   

"How long is he going to wait for?" asked Sungyeol.  "Any normal person would have given up and left by now."

"He looks so sad.  I wanna go give him a hug," declared the younger one.

"Wait, Sungjong," said Sungyeol as he pulled the younger one back.  "What do you think you're doing?  He'll kill us both if he finds out we were following him."

Sungjong pouted but decided to listen to Sungyeol.  "Fine," declared Sungjong.  "But I'm hungry now.  Lunch was hours ago but I didn't get to eat yet."

"Me too," said Sungyeol.  "You go get us some lunch and I'll keep watch."

"Woohyun must be hungry too.  I'll get him something as well," said Sungjong.

"And what?  You're going to walk over there and give it to him?"  Sungyeol deadpanned.

Sungjong pouted again but he knew Sungyeol had a point.  "Poor Woohyun.  I wonder who this person is that can make him so lovesick."

On the fifth day, grey clouds covered the sky but Woohyun didn't care.  He took no notice of the tiny drops of rain that quickly covered the ground.  He did not even budge an inch when it started to pour.  He continued waiting and hoping.

The rain continued for the next two days and each day Woohyun was at that same bench waiting.  The wind was harsh and the rain was heavily.  His body temperature had risen and dizziness began to take affect.  Struggling with shaking fingers, he managed to dial Sunggyu's number.

"Sunggyu," he said between clenched teeth, trying to withstand the cold.  "Tonight...I will wait for you at the entrance of the theme park.  If you still hate me then you don't have to come.  If by midnight you still don't show up...then I...I will take that as your answer.  I will keep on loving you...but...I won't bother you ever again."


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yulianichang #1
Chapter 2: I love your story
Chapter 16: Your story is giving my brain an exercise
imsmlee86 #3
I like your story~~ please write again ^^
Chapter 15: Eventhou i was guess it wrong, but i enjoyed it.. Yes i am..

Yepz, Myungsoo isnt bad ~~~
Chapter 10: I am wrong darn it!
Chapter 9: Dont tell me, the Yong clan leader is.. ..
Chapter 7: Cleaners ahahaha
I mean, they are the killers who got payment. Maybe they kill bad people. The f^cking bad rich people..
Chapter 3: No~~~~pe the kiss scene was romantic >, <
Chapter 1: Ahahahaha /dry laugh/
Why i just got your old story now, author-nim?
But its okay, i will hook up with whatever your story is /grinned/

The journey, is begin /smirk/