Breaking World - Chapter 5

Breaking World

Standing under the pouring rain, Woohyun felt his conciousness slipping away.  He gritted his teeth and struggled to stay focus.  His vision was blurry and his head was spinning.

"Woohyun!"  A desperate voice suddenly jolted him back to reality as his eyes flew open to the sight of the familiar figure standing before him.  Sunggyu rushed over and embraced him tightly as he cried into his shoulder.

Woohyun managed a weak smile.  " finally came..." he said as darkness took over.

When he awoke, Woohyun found himself in an unfamiliar room.  It didn't take him long to realise that he was in a hospital.  Panicking, he quickly tossed the blankets aside about to make a quick escape, when he noticed the sleeping figure beside his bed.  Sunggyu rested his head on his arms as he leaned on the side of the bed.  Woohyun tilted his head as he smiled in admiration at Sunggyu's sleeping form.  Woohyun slowly reached out a hand to his soft cheek, careful not to wake him.

Sunggyu stirred a little as his eyes slowly opened.  He quickly got up when he noticed Woohyun half way out of bed.  "You've got a high fever, you need to rest," said Sunggyu tucking him back in bed.

"But I can't stay here...I mean, I- I just don't like hospitals," explained Woohyun.  "And I don't have any ID-"

"There's nothing to worry about," assured Sunggyu.  "I've already explained to the doctor that we were robbed."  He pulled the blanket up to Woohyun's shoulders.  "Is there anyone you want me to call?"

"The person I want is already here," replied Woohyun as he reached for Sunggyu's hand and squeezed it tight.  "Don't leave me, please."

Sunggyu smiled.  "Silly, I'll always be here," he assured.  "Now, be a good boy and rest and the doctor might let you go home tomorrow."

Woohyun seemed to be in good spirits when his fever went down the next day.  He breathed the fresh air as they exited the hospital.  Walking side by side with Sunggyu, he couldn't be happier.  The smile never left his face.

"We should grab some real lunch," suggested Woohyun.  "Hospital food just doesn't do it for me."

They arrived at Dongwoo's restaurant, surprised to find him with a customer, sitting at the counter, with a cup of coffee.  "Howon, you're here too?" said Woohyun, recognising the man at the counter.  He introduced the two.

"Ah, I've heard about you from Dongwoo," commented Howon.

"That's because Dongwoo has a big mouth," added Woohyun.

Before Dongwoo could respond, an alert sound was heard from each of their phones simultaneously.  Dongwoo glanced at his phone under the counter.  Howon looked at his phone on the counter.  Woohyun kept his in his jacket pocket and didn't bother to look.

"It's probably work," he explained to Sunggyu.

"That was freaky," said Dongwoo, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"I'm really sorry," apologised Woohyun as the two were walking out of the restarant.

"Why do you keep apologising?" Sunggyu asked.

Woohyun halted in his steps which made Sunggyu stop and turned to look at him.  "It's just," Woohyun began.  "I really thought you were mad at me."

Sunggyu smiled.  "I wasn't mad at you..." he replied.  "Well, I was at first when you didn't show up, but then I figured you probably had work and couldn't call me because your phone was broken."

Woohyun was relief to hear those words but something still made him unsure.  "But then, why didn't you answer any of my calls?" he questioned.

Sunggyu looked into his eyes.  "I'm sorry I made you worry," he said.  "It was just that..."  He lowered his head and looked to the ground.  Woohyun noticed the dejected look in his eyes.  " father passed away..." he said as silent tears strolled down his cheeks.

Woohyun felt his heart sink.  He wrapped both arms around Sunggyu and pulled him into his embrace.  "I'm sorry," Woohyun whispered.

"He was old and his health wasn't good," cried Sunggyu.  "I've told him to look after himself but..."

Woohyun felt Sunggyu's tears on his shoulders and he tightened his embrace.

The five figures gathered outside a large mansion with iron gates.

"What's going on?" asked Choding.  "I thought the last job we did was it?"

"Apparently not," shrugged Kenya.

"Hey Namstar, what type of work did you tell him you were doing?" asked Hoya.

"Cleaners, aren't we?" replied Namstar.

"I suppose that's a nice way of putting it," said Hoya.  "He seems like a nice guy, but if he found out what you actually do, what will you do?"

"I won't let him know," replied Namstar, shaking his head.  "I don't want to hurt him."

"What if they found out?" asked Hoya.  "What if they sent us after him?"

Namstar looked at his team.  "I won't let you hurt him," he replied sternly.

"You would rebel to protect him?" asked Hoya.

"I would die for him," declared Namstar.

"No," protested Diva.  "I don't want any of us to turn on each other."

"Then what we are must remain secret," spoke L as he arrived at the scene.  He glanced at Namstar.  "After all, we don't exist."

"Ah L, what's going on here?  I thought our job was done," said Kenya.

"A new situation has occured," L replied.  "Lets go."

The rest of them followed L towards the mansion.

"Whose place is this anyway?" asked Kenya.

"I heard it belongs to the Chief Commissioner," whispered Diva.

"Lucky bastard," commented Kenya.


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yulianichang #1
Chapter 2: I love your story
Chapter 16: Your story is giving my brain an exercise
imsmlee86 #3
I like your story~~ please write again ^^
Chapter 15: Eventhou i was guess it wrong, but i enjoyed it.. Yes i am..

Yepz, Myungsoo isnt bad ~~~
Chapter 10: I am wrong darn it!
Chapter 9: Dont tell me, the Yong clan leader is.. ..
Chapter 7: Cleaners ahahaha
I mean, they are the killers who got payment. Maybe they kill bad people. The f^cking bad rich people..
Chapter 3: No~~~~pe the kiss scene was romantic >, <
Chapter 1: Ahahahaha /dry laugh/
Why i just got your old story now, author-nim?
But its okay, i will hook up with whatever your story is /grinned/

The journey, is begin /smirk/