Breaking World - Chapter 3

Breaking World

They sat side by side staring straight ahead.  The park was quiet today with no sign of anyone else around.  The awkward silence between them was driving Woohyun insane.  "About the other day-" he began.

"I'm sorry!" Sunggyu quickly cut him off before he could finish.  His face turning red with embarassment remembering what happened on that ferris wheel.  ""

"It was nice," Woohyun replied, making Sunggyu's face turn a deeper shade of red.  Woohyun had to admit that at first, he hated the idea of having to ride in that confined box but in the end, it worked out for the best.  "If you're not doing anything tonight...I heard there's going to be fireworks near the rides...if you want to go," suggested Woohyun.

"The weatherman said it might rain," replied Sunggyu.  "Don't you have work?"

"The weatherman is probably wrong," insisted Woohyun.  "And no work tonight."

Their conversation was interrupted when Woohyun noticed a group of rough looking men approaching their way.  They look like trouble, he thought.  He instinctively grabbed Sunggyu's hand and got up to walk away.

"Woohyun, what are you-" Sunggyu saw the men who had them surrounded.

"What have we got here?  Lovebirds, are we?" one of them spoke.  He smirked at Woohyun before glancing over at Sunggyu.

Woohyun immediately pulled Sunggyu to stand behind him and then glared at the man.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," said the man brandishing a knife.

"Your wallet, hand it over!" One of them grabbed Sunggyu's free arm.

Woohyun glared at the hand that was on Sunggyu's arm.  Quick as a flash, he landed a punch at the man's jaw.  This angered the rest of them as they turned their attention to him.

"Woohyun!" Sunggyu cried as he tried to intervene but two men held him back.

"Watch how we deal with fools who try to be heroes," one of them said to Sunggyu.

Woohyun clenched his fists ready for the onslaught of attacks util he caught sight of Sunggyu pleading him to stop as he was struggling to break free from the hold of two men.  Woohyun sighed and slowly released his fists as he waited for the impact.  

The men left with both their wallets and leaving behind a battered and bruised Woohyun.  Sunggyu frantically rushed to his side to help him up.  "Are you hurt?" Woohyun asked before Sunggyu could even utter a word.

Sunggyu shook his head.  "You're the one that's hurt, silly," Sunggyu said as tears welled in his eyes.  "I'll call an ambulance."

Sunggyu started dialing on his phone but Woohyun reached out his hand to stop him.  "No need for that," said Woohyun.  "I'm fine."  He suddenly caught sight of his phone which was smashed on the ground.

"There were six of them.  Why did you try to take them on?  What if-"  Sunggyu didn't get a chance to finish when Woohyun cut him off.

"I just couldn't stand them touching you,"  Woohyun replied.

Sunggyu was speechless with shock.  "I'm not some precious jewel."

"You are to me," Woohyun declared.  

He put his hand under Sunggyu's chin and gently raised his head so that their eyes met.  Woohyun slowly leaned forward tilting his head.  Sunggyu offered no sign of protest as their lips met.  So gentle was the touch that Sunggyu felt butterflies in his stomach and tingles down his spine.  When Sunggyu responded with parting lips, Woohyun claimed them passionately.  He had desired those soft, warm lips from the first moment he tasted them.

When Woohyun returned to his flat, he was met with the surprised look from his flat mate, Sungyeol.  "What happened to you?" Sungyeol asked, noticing the bruises on Woohyun's face.

"Nothing," replied Woohyun as he began rammaging through his closet.

Sungyeol raised his eyebrows when he saw Woohyun pull out a white shirt from the closet.  "Don't tell me you're planning to wear that to work tonight.  You know white shirts and our work don't go well together."

Woohyun immediately turned to face him.  "Work?" he questioned.  "I didn't get a message."

11.30pm.  Sunggyu looked up the dark grey skies.  Looks like it's going to rain, he thought.  Despite this, he still agreed to meet up with Woohyun to watch the fireworks.  He stood waiting at the entrance of the theme park as he watched many people gather, mostly couples.  Being held late at night, you wouldn't expect many children.  He waiting patiently expecting Woohyun to show up anytime soon.

12.00am.  The fireworks started.  Sunggyu heard the loud booms and saw the bright and colourful lights which lit up the night sky.  The crowd cheered as they watched in awe at the spectacular display.  Woohyun, you're late, he said to himself.

12.30am.  Sunggyu was disheartened.  The fireworks had ended and still no sign of Woohyun.  He had dialled Woohyun's number but all he got was a voice message.

1.00am.  The crowd had diminished as the heavens started to open.  Sunggyu ignored the first drops of rain as he continued to wait.

1.30am.  The rain poured as a lone figure stood waiting, drenched from head to toe.


Author's note:

OMG!  The kiss scene was so difficult to write.  The first time I've ever written a kiss scene so sorry if it sounds weird.  I'm no good with romantic scenes.  I'm moving this story along because I like writing violent scenes.

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yulianichang #1
Chapter 2: I love your story
Chapter 16: Your story is giving my brain an exercise
imsmlee86 #3
I like your story~~ please write again ^^
Chapter 15: Eventhou i was guess it wrong, but i enjoyed it.. Yes i am..

Yepz, Myungsoo isnt bad ~~~
Chapter 10: I am wrong darn it!
Chapter 9: Dont tell me, the Yong clan leader is.. ..
Chapter 7: Cleaners ahahaha
I mean, they are the killers who got payment. Maybe they kill bad people. The f^cking bad rich people..
Chapter 3: No~~~~pe the kiss scene was romantic >, <
Chapter 1: Ahahahaha /dry laugh/
Why i just got your old story now, author-nim?
But its okay, i will hook up with whatever your story is /grinned/

The journey, is begin /smirk/