Chapter VII



“Heir to dukedom?” Lu Han whispered.


“Hush, servant”


Lu Han smiled smugly “That only means I am the servant of Lord Wellesley, heir to the throne of house Wellington. How rewarding.”


Lu Han was pestering Kris nonstop that the latter halted his tracks which startled the four officers who were still in daze. His hand gloved with fine leather caressed Lu Han’s cheek as he leaned closer, whispering to the smaller “I will see to it that I will personally lecture you in my private chamber tonight” before straightening himself while smirking at the foursome behind and leaving Lu Han in reverie.




“My Lord, please forgive our companion for his immoderate gesture” as Duncan gestured for Theo to bow, which the younger immediately did.


“No worries, I get that a lot” and turned to Lu Han “my valet is just being protective of his master”


“Then, Lord Wellesley” Harrison intervened “will you be able to help us?”


Kris smiled “I most certainly will”


“May we ask why?” asked Moran.


“I am simply looking for entertainment” smirking as a thought came to mind but it was long gone as soon as his smile became sinister “but the game is becoming a bore. I just hate being bored.”




The trip to Wellesley manor was ghastly, especially for Theo Gregory. He had just pointed a finger to one of the men who controls England.


A future duke for ’s sake! He thought.


“He’s just a few years older than you” whispered Moran.


They rode on a carriage provided by Lord Wellesley. Two carriages were brought as Lu Han insisted they’d better be separated and a carriage can only carry four people at most.


“How old is he again?” questioned Harrison.


“If my numbers are correct, I believe he’s around 23” Duncan replied. Which Harrison responded ‘So young’.


“Did you see his valet?” Theo grilled “He was Asian. He was small but if looks could kill, I would’ve died. Are all Asians like that? I mean, Yi Xing sometimes looks at me like he wants to murder me too.”


“I’m afraid the reason is quite obvious” Harrison sighed.


Duncan put a hand on the younger’s shoulder while giving him a benevolent smile “Tis better if you shut your bloody mouth while we’re here, lad”




“Welcome to my humble home” as Kris gestured his guests to come in.


The look of astonishment in everyone’s eyes were unexplainable; Lu Han had to stifle his laugh because he knows the feeling very well the very first time he step foot in the mansion.


“Lu Han, would you mind bringing our honoured guests some of our fine tea?”


“We deeply apologize, my lord. Although we would fancy to but our time is running out” explained Duncan.


“Oh yes, yes. Pardon me for my rudeness” Kris chuckled “Come, I’ll show you”


Kris and Lu Han lead the foursome down the darkened corridors. Harrison examined the alleyway carefully. It was dark and only lit by torches, a typical entryway for a dungeon. Thinking about it made him shiver.


Soon, the group halted in front of a door and Lu Han opened it for them. There, revealed several scientific apparatus, scattered papers, and a covered object big enough to cover a six-seat dining table.


“Forgive the clutter, we were in a hurry” Kris smiled apologetically as the group located themselves around the covered object.


“I smell a faint scent of formalin” Harrison stated.


Kris sneered “Indeed, you do. Now why is that? This is to explain the procedure from this cadaver” as he uncovered a corpse of a young lady.


Upon realizing he was looking at a dead body, Theo could not help but immediately barf. There was displeasure in Lu Han and Kris’ eyes as they stared at the vomiting man who cannot stomach seeing a corpse.


“Excuse me, sir but” Harrison intervened “how did you obtain this body? I believe that is against the law”


Kris raised a brow “I own almost half of England and I am the law myself. If you still want proof I have the legal papers in the drawer permitting me to do whatever I want with this corpse.” He smirked and Lu Han can’t help but grin “Now where were we?”


Harrison and Duncan were both speechless.


“Kri—“Lu Han was about to speak when Kris suddenly glared at him “My lord, here’s what you asked for”


“Pardon me but what is that body for?” questioned Theo who was still feeling blue.


Lu Han rolled his eyes “It’s best if you sit quietly there, you might not want to see this.”


“What is the purpose of this?” it was Duncan.


“To prove A.W. is what killed Lady Lowell” Kris explained before turning to Lu Han “Please proceed”


“This Lady has been dead for 24 hours due to heart attack so she is the best example for this experiment” Lu Han elucidated before tearing open the Lady’s stomach.


It was now Harrison’s turn to feel sick, it was his first time seeing and actual body being torn open. The corpse’s inside were still fresh and the formalin was doing a good job preserving it.


“As you can see” Lu Han continued to slice open some of the corpse’s insides “The corpse is still fresh and in a good condition. Heart attacks do not cause any damage to the vital parts especially on the stomach unlike other corpses infected with viruses which may damage the insides”


Theo was too scared to watch so he remained sitting on the corner as he watches his superiors given lecture about corpses.


“Now” Lu Han continued as he sliced a part on the stomach like butchering a meat “If I put this chunk of muscles in here” he dipped the slice into a flask filled with boiling liquid “we get a chemical reaction”


Duncan, Harrison and Moran watched in amusement as Lu Han continuously demonstrated the process “This tells us the rate of tryptophan in our body. Tryptophan is an amino acid, a nutrient in our body in which we can achieve daily through eating. It is a harmless chemical but if we add a certain chemical, it reacts badly to the point that it causes Serotonin Syndrome”


“And what does it have to do with Lady Lowell’s case?” Moran questioned.


Lu Han beamed as he pulled a box from the cooler “This is a piece of meat from Lady Lowell’s stomach”


Harrison’s eyes widened “You sick bastard!”


“We need an explanation for this.” Duncan intervened “The body was to be taken in proper precaution, why do you have this?”


“Please” Lu Han rolled his eyes “the body was supposed to be incinerated anyway. Now, before we could chit chat and dilly dally, let me finish my work and we could talk all day”


Harrison eyed Kris which the latter only replied with a raised brow.


“Look” Lu Han dipped Lady Lowell’s chunk in to a flask with liquid similar to the first one and the chemical reaction was overwhelming, it was too high compared to the first. “See the difference?”


“What are we supposed to look at here? Chemical reactions by comparing bodies? I apologize but we came here for clues about A.W.” Duncan stated irritably “No worries, I shall see to it your- your unexplainable deed will not tarnish your name, my lord”


“Inspector Duncan, do you happen to know the letter of abbreviation for Tryptophan?” Kris finally spoke.


“No, is that necessary?”


“It’s W. Tryptophan is labelled W. The remaining question is, what is A?”


Duncan remained speechless, he was considering the idea.


But it was too shady.


Why would a Marquis go to such lengths as to butcher a corpse?


“The reason why the chemical reaction was so bad is because there was another chemical mixed with tryptophan. Clearly, she suffered from Serotonin Syndrome.” Lu Han expounded “Serotonin Syndrome is what we call life threatening because of the continuous usage of drugs, overdose, or combination of drugs. Well, will you take a guess what the other thing is that which caused the syndrome?”


“Antidepressants” Harrison spoke, turning to Duncan “You said the lady was taking antidepressants after the loss of her fiancé. That why she hung herself too”


“Precisely. After I examined the lady’s body I found—“


“You examined Lady Lowell’s body?” Theo’s eyed widened.


“I have permission from the higher ups to do so, thank you” Lu Han mocked “Anyway, I found traces of amoxapine in it suggesting she was taking the drugs more than required. So now we have it, the murder weapon: Amoxapine and Tryptophan are A.W." he smiled "And just a bonus, she was already dead before she was hung. Why is that?”


“Wow” Moran was astonished.


Kris walked towards the butchered corpse and covered it back with the cloth “Our job of intervening is done, the game is all yours now”



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ChanGwanchingCassie #1
Chapter 30: I’ve been retreading this wonderful story for at least 3 times and I still can’t get over how amazing the plot is!!!
Its so nice to know you haven’t given up on this story and author-nim, FIGHTING!!!!
JiYuKuo #2
Chapter 30: Its enough for me to know that you’re going to continue, ill be waiting
Chapter 30: Yeayyyyy finally you'll comeback to finished this's really great news.

Thank youuuu
Chapter 29: why didn't i find this masterpiece earlier like how??? god i just finished it in one go w/o taking a's just too good. im an avid fan of crime/thriller and all that and also have a thing for crossdress luhan. so that's like ++ points...
Thank you so much for writing this. Can't wait for your next update ♡♡
lovelyhana #6
I never thought I need a detective Krishan in my life. This story is amazing. You are really a good writer, author-nim.^^ can't wait to see more. Fighting
astridjulia #7
Chapter 29: Wow! I can't wait for what happens next. :)
indaarintina #8
Chapter 29: Oh my god, thank you so much for your story. It worth waiting ?
joanna20 #9
Chapter 29: The coat was touched by someone not you, thats y it need to be burn.
foyezza91 #10
Chapter 29: Ah can't wait for lady hanna ><