Yours, Faithfully

Flatters and Flutters || A Review Portfolio [Currently Editing]
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CHARACTERS: Lee Donghae (SuJu), Im Yoona (SNSD)
GENRES: Angst, Romance
Shop Requested: ✰ Animatic ✰ The Review Shop

It was all just an act
It was all just a lie
It was all just a play 
To make her die.

Donghae promised the woman he thought was the love of his life to crush the fragile Im Yoona to pieces. He will make her cry. He will make her suffer. He will make sure she dreads the day she was born.

A mysterious man
A beautiful wolfish grin
A dark background
A mark that will tarnish her purity

That was all she could think about him. She had fallen deep for him from their first encounter. And when this stranger she barely knew popped out a ring and ask for her hand in marriage, she immediately said yes.

She didn’t realize she was digging her own grave… review

TITLE: [3/5]
  The title isn't really an eyecandy. I doubt that it could stand on its own.However, I like how you entitled your story like that. We can't be really sure what will happen as we don't know who was saying it and to whom he or she is saying it to. It could be Donghae saying it to either Yoona or Min Hee, or it could be Yoona saying it to either Taecyeon or Donghae. It's quirky, short and witty- just the way I like it. 

  Great poster and background! I love how it set my 'feels' on the story.
  The format of your story is good and simple, but I think it would be better to make some of the quotes have darker colors instead of vibrant or bright ones since it's kinda a sore to eyes (especially if you're wearing glasses) and you kinda have to highlight the whole thing sometimes to read it.
  Overall, I didn't have to squint an eye to read your fiction, which was certainly a delight! 

  The description was kind of confusing, I had to read it twice to get the entire context (nope, I still didn't get it). I mean, I got the slight taste of it but not really the overall taste.
  Kudos for you for your foreword! It wasn't me

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Chapter 6: Oh hi! Im sorry Ive been away too long from this site and I only read this review just now. Thank u very much for your kind words. It wasnt harsh at all. In fact, I didnt expect to receive such score considering that this isny my exact style of writing. Haha. I prefer writing dark stuffs, but somehow I wanted to see how I can do romcom stories. Thank u very much again and I really agree with everything that you've said. The reason why there seems to be missing info about Sehun and Yoona is that their story will revolve in the short sequel which Ive thought of making a long time ago. Haha it's just that work's been making me too busy.
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