Just Because
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-November 6, 2015-


It’s been 2 days since our last meeting. But that 2 days doesn’t seem so much considering Mr. G-Dragon never failed to call me in those 2 days. And in between the calls, he would text me, and we’d talk about almost everything there is to be talked about, but one thing that I’m sure was that we never went over the boundary of friends. Anything too personal were left out of the talks.


Although at first I was a bit sceptical to answer his phone calls, as I was still worried about how we left things the last time we saw each other. I don’t want to answer a phone call that would make me stressed out through the day as I am having enough on my shoulder to worry and stress out about, with the TaeTiSeo comeback practices, the concert preparations, and also SNSD’s performances on MAMA2015.


Heck, my schedule was so full that me and the members even slept at the company as we were too tired to go back home. And from time to time, I would also ignore Jiyong’s calls and text messages because of the practices.


Lucky for me, Mr. G-Dragon was being normal all throughout our calls and texts, and not making me feeling confused like he made me feel during our supposed date last time. But still everytime he talks, somehow I can feel that he cared for me, or maybe that was just me, but everytime I talked to him or read the texts he sent, I felt a gush of warmth spread across my body. And I loved it.


Mr. G-Dragon would casually ask me how my day is so far, have I eaten, did I have a good rest and many little things that made me felt treasured. Was he a hidden Taeyeon fan? Are you my fan, Mr. G?


And here comes another call from Mr. G-Dragon. Excuse me.


“Hello”. I answered as I sat down on the floor of our practice room. I was just packing my stuff to be bought over to YG as we have decided to meet there for our next meet-up session.


“Hey, Tae.” And there he goes, calling me by my nickname, making my heart fluttered way too much. Ever since we got friendly over the phone, he has been calling me Tae and I have been calling him Ji. Well, he kinda forced me to call him that, but I didn’t mind, I kinda like it too. It makes us more intimate. You are making me melt, Mr. G. “Are you on your way here yet?”


“I’m about to, just packing my stuff. I’ll be there in 20.” I said as I stood up, making my way to the elevator. “I have to go Ji, I’m entering the elevator.”


“Okay, just make sure to come around the back to the private entrance. I’ll wait for you there. Drive carefully. Just call me if something happen, okay Tae?” Nodding my head, as if he can see, I muttered a small ‘Hmm, okay’ before ending the call. It is normal right, for friends to be overprotective like that. I mean ‘drive carefully’? I’ve been driving further and for so long already, and he knew that, but still he was worried. I’ve driven under the influence of alcohol too – I know it was irresponsible, but I really needed to get out of t

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 14: Story is so simple yet I live reading it. So positively that relieved stress. Keep on writing GTae
Chapter 14: Nice story.. More gtae stories pls
fuchaoife #3
Chapter 14: Beautiful story. I loveeee it, just because. lol ;))) please make more gtae stories <333
eliando #4
Chapter 14: All I can do is say AMEN for the Taeyeon and Jiyeong wedding wkwkwk
eliando #5
Chapter 13: Oh how I wish i'm one of the small crowd there
eliando #6
Chapter 9: I love this chapterr
eliando #7
Chapter 7: Why did I feel pain in this chapter?? Hiks
eliando #8
Chapter 5: I got so confused, i'm in the placed that i'm envy with taeyeon, but i'm starting to like thus couple wkwk
eliando #9
Chapter 4: The story is crazy btw, love it
eliando #10
Chapter 3: Finally, a "word line" wkwkwk