Just Because
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-November 27, 2015-


This time around, even though we are still going to practice at YG, Jiyong has decided to pick me up instead at the SM building. Since I have practice sessions with my members, Jiyong is being his gentleman self, decided that making me drive to him after my intense practice session was too cruel. Eventhough I’ve doing that before this though. But I wasn’t complaining though. It was nice for once that a person cared for you enough to go out of his way just to pick you up and bring you back to where he initially was. Way to go, Mr. G. I like you like this.


Tiffany was sitting beside me, in fact all of my members were nearby, all waiting for Jiyong to come and pick me up. I told them this morning, about Jiyong and me starting. At first, I thought of not telling them yet, I mean we were just starting. But I learned the hard way that keeping secrets from these girls will only cause problems later. So I decided to tell them as detailed as I can because, in case you don’t know, these girls have the eyes of a hawk, and very sharp ears. They see and listen well, and because of that, I concluded that they better see and listen to everything from me instead of from someone else.


But of course, before telling the girls, I asked Jiyong’s opinion first. I just wanted to be considerate. Plus, I was scared that if I told the girls first and then they started interrogating him, he might pick himself up and ran away, forever scared of the girls. Because these girls can be vicious when needed be. Especially when it is about one of us. So, I just wanted to give him a heads up.


And truthfully, I was very thankful to him. Jiyong confidently told me to go ahead and inform the girls. I joked with him though asking him whether he was sure, and even made a light joke about him racking up and leaving me because of the scary girls. But his words though, “Tell them Tae, that I won’t go anywhere. I’ve waited for this for so long already. I won’t bow down that easy. You have my words, Kim Taeyeon.” Genuinely his words caused a warm sensation spread across me, bathing me in giddiness. Oh, you make me feel like a lovesick puppy, Mr. G. Not that I’m complaining, though.


5 minutes, and I saw his car entering the private compound of SM. And suddenly, I found myself smiling like a kid. I heard the girls saying something to me, but I was too excited to see him that I blocked out everyone else.


Jiyong exited the car and made his way towards us. On his façade was a similar smile as mine. And his eyes were only on me. Sorry girls, he has his eyes on me and me only. Good going, Mr. G.


The situation is funny though. Usually, whenever SNSD met Big Bang, it was always us who had been looking a bit timidly, clouded by the powerful aura of Big Bang sunbaenim. Today however, the girls have nothing of that, He did not came today as their sunbaenim, and they are not his hoobaenim. He is coming to pick me up, and I am part of them. This made them suddenly became the powerful aura, and Jiyong suddenly

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 14: Story is so simple yet I live reading it. So positively that relieved stress. Keep on writing GTae
Chapter 14: Nice story.. More gtae stories pls
fuchaoife #3
Chapter 14: Beautiful story. I loveeee it, just because. lol ;))) please make more gtae stories <333
eliando #4
Chapter 14: All I can do is say AMEN for the Taeyeon and Jiyeong wedding wkwkwk
eliando #5
Chapter 13: Oh how I wish i'm one of the small crowd there
eliando #6
Chapter 9: I love this chapterr
eliando #7
Chapter 7: Why did I feel pain in this chapter?? Hiks
eliando #8
Chapter 5: I got so confused, i'm in the placed that i'm envy with taeyeon, but i'm starting to like thus couple wkwk
eliando #9
Chapter 4: The story is crazy btw, love it
eliando #10
Chapter 3: Finally, a "word line" wkwkwk