Just Because
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-November 3, 2015-


The next day after the greatest news of all time – please notice my sarcasm thank you – I found myself in the car, with my manager oppa driving me to the end of my life. Sarcastic Taeyeon is back y’all.


This is the first time in a while since I’ve been nervous as hell going to the MNET building. The last time was probably for my solo debut stage. That wasn’t that far back, Kim Taeyeon. Get your act together!


Today, according to my lovely, soon to be murdered – hehehe, note my evil laugh and my evil eyes – manager, today will be the day that I meet the reason for my death in the near future, Mr. G-Dragon. You cannot see it but let me tell you something, here inside my mind, is a total chaos. I don’t even know what my mind is thinking or even doing at this moment, because ever since this morning, as soon as I entered the car, I’ve been so nervous that I feel like my heart is going to burst and that my mind is having some kind of war between its own neurons. I is smart.


And since early this morning, I’ve been ransacking my wardrobe, trying to find the best clothing for today, because I am meeting Mr. G-Dragon, the fashion icon according to the industry. Though sometimes his fashion seems too much if you ask me. I mean come on, that skirt, the seaweed hair. But putting that aside, I needn’t give him any reason to look down on me and my fashion. Not that I am saying that he is a bad girl. Ooops, blame the skirt.  But he must be devastated too when he received the news of the collaboration. The least I can do is to look decent enough so that his eyes won’t be sore just by looking at me. So, a safe white button-up shirt with the front tucked into my baby blue jeans, and a dark blue jacket to shield me from the cold weather, paired with white tennis shoes and a black clutch will have to do. Because that was what I wore, duh. Simple, and comfortable, and presentable. We are just supposed to discuss the songs and maybe choreography anyway.


As I watched my manager maneuver the car into the parking lot of MNET building, I found myself hypnotizing my mind so that I’ll be calm and collected. I can practically hear my manager scoffed at me. What’s wrong with taking preventive measures, right? You have no right to scoff at me, my lovely-soon-to-be-murdered manager. I is evil. Pray for your safety my dear manager.


As the elevator dinged, my manager practically dragged me into one of the meeting rooms in the building. Hehehe, I mean I could walk normally, but where’s the fun in that. You suffer with me, my dear manager. Didn’t I tell you, sarcastic Taeyeon is the best.


This is it. As soon as the both of us entered the room, my eyes directly went towards Mr. G-Dragon. He was standing by the table that was in the middle of the room. Why you no wear skirt today? Hehehe sorry, can’t help it. The man next to him must be his manager and the third person in the room that was standing at the head side of the table must be the PD in charge. You are the reason for my soon-to-be-death. I shall take you with me. I is fair. Or not.


 After the five of us greeted each other, we quickly went down to business. Throughout the whole meeting Mr. G-Dragon has been very polite and responsive, and I, Miss Kim Taeyeon has been polite and unresponsive. I mean they practically have to force out an answer from me everytime that asked me a question. It’s not like the questions were rocket science, but I somehow found that this is the time to look stupid. Notice the sarcasm. Please.


Joking aside, I was just surprised at how professional Mr. G-Dragon was h

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tyeam0309 #1
Chapter 14: Story is so simple yet I live reading it. So positively that relieved stress. Keep on writing GTae
Chapter 14: Nice story.. More gtae stories pls
fuchaoife #3
Chapter 14: Beautiful story. I loveeee it, just because. lol ;))) please make more gtae stories <333
eliando #4
Chapter 14: All I can do is say AMEN for the Taeyeon and Jiyeong wedding wkwkwk
eliando #5
Chapter 13: Oh how I wish i'm one of the small crowd there
eliando #6
Chapter 9: I love this chapterr
eliando #7
Chapter 7: Why did I feel pain in this chapter?? Hiks
eliando #8
Chapter 5: I got so confused, i'm in the placed that i'm envy with taeyeon, but i'm starting to like thus couple wkwk
eliando #9
Chapter 4: The story is crazy btw, love it
eliando #10
Chapter 3: Finally, a "word line" wkwkwk