Chapter 8

The Making of Me

SoRa looked down at the address Jiyong had sent her, along with an angry emoji for hanging up on him. She looked up at the club ahead of her. Was this seriously the place? jiyong had told her when she got there just to go to the front door, give her name, and she'd be escorted to their table. Looking at then line of womean in barely there dresses and men in designer suits. She looked down and her black over coat, covering her outfit and almost hailed a taxie home.

Nodding her head and shaking out her limbs. she lifted her head and crossed the street towards the main doors. Woman scoffed as she went by. Whispering mean things about her hair, her outfit,her thighs, just anything to put her down. But she kept walking with her head held high. When she got to the bouncer with a clip board she smiled.

"Name?" He questions as he gave her a skeptical once over.

"Jung SoRa." She answered and watched his eyes widen in surprise.

"Right this way Ms. Jung." He said as he opened the rope.

SoRa couldn't help but look over her shoulder and smile at the shock on the women who had been running their mouths moments ago. She gave them a small wave as she followed the bouncer into the club.

Entering the club a woman bowed to her and leaned in to be heard over the music. " This way Ms. Jung, Mr. Kwon is expecting you." And with that the woman grabbed her hand and held tight leading her through the packed club. Men and women dancing and drinking, two full size bars in operation and a stair case she guessed led to the VIP lounge. Passing thought the people she couldn't help feeling the beat pulsing through the air. It was exhilarating and a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time.

When they reached the stairs the man guarding the gate moved aside immediately and bowed to her. She smiled and gave a small bow back before the lady who had her hand started up the steps. As they reached the top level she noticed rooms down the length of the hall. The woman stopped before the one on the right of the stairs and before she could know the door swung open and there was Jiyong in his best attire grinning at her.

"Noona!" He yelled and pulled her into a hug. "what took you so long Jiyongie has been waiting forever!" Jiyong hugged her tighter and lifted her off her feet.

SoRa squealed in chock when he lifted her and automatically put her arms around him.

Jiyong grinned next to her ear and whispered. " I will never call you Noona again. and as my reward for embarrassing myself like this in front of my friends, I earned this hug." Laughing he pulled back.

After her initial shock, SoRa decided two could play at this game. Getting loose of his hold SoRa placed both her hands on Jiyong's cheeks and widened her eyes and used her best ageyo voice. Awww. Has little Jiyongie waited to long on his Noona. Mian, Jiyongie next time I'll be quicker." 

Jiyong froze with the feel of her hands on his face and how close she was to him. His mind fogged and he just started at her in shock.

A loud group of laughter broke her spell on him and Jiyong looked up into her smiling eyes.

"Hey Jiyongie I think your plan backfired." said the man with the spiky black hair and cute eye smile.

SoRa looked at Jiyong in question and saw that even his ears were red. Laughing she looked between the two and asked. "What plan Kwon Jiyong?"

"Hyung said he was going to embarrass you for making him do ageyo." Said the one with short dark brown hair closest to us.

"Ya! Maknae shut it can't you see Hyung is embarrassed enough." The one with straight black hair smacked the Maknae on the back of the head. Trying to hold hes laughter in.

"Why don't all of you shut up and let us meet the woman who can make even Kwon Jiyong speechless" Said  a beautiful woman seated on the sofa across the room. Standing up she called over and gave a slight bow. "Hello my name is Park Bom, but please call me Bom Unnie. I hope we become fast friends."

SoRa smiled at the woman and gave a bow. " My name is Jung SoRa, but please call me SoRa. I've never had a Unnie"

Bom grinned at the lovely girl and pulled her into a hug. "Well now you do so if any of these heathens mess with you just give me a call.

SoRa hugged her back and laughed. "Yes, Unnie. I'll be sure to tell you if i can't handle it.

Jiyong finally found his voice and introduced her to everyone. Spikes name was YoungBae. Maknae was Sungri, and dark brown hair was DaeSung.

SoRa took a seat next to Bom Unnie and Jiyong. Her comfort levels rising as she sat and talked with the group. Everyone was nice and polite and Jiyong took extra care to make sure she was okay. As they were talking the door slung open and in walked to more women.

"SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!"  They both began to chant and everyone stood up to grab their drink.

Jiyong leaned down and whispered that he would take her shot if she didn't want it.

SoRa smirked and looked back at the group. Bom held up her glass and said. " To new friends and old friends may we love until we die!"

A round of cheers went up and everyone clicked glassed and downed their shot. SoRa clinked her glass last with Jiyong and with a wink downed her shot in one go putting the shot glass upside down on the table.

Jiyong grinned at her cheekiness and downed his shot, too. Tonight was apparently going to be a bag of fun. SoRa was showing a side Jiyong knew nothing about. But he liked it and he wanted more.

Hello my lovely readers. Thanks for continuing to support my story! I know a few of you have asked me when our Seung Hyun will make his entrance and I'll tell you this.. If nothing goes wrong he will be in tomorrows chapter and in the main story line from then on. *THROWS CONFETTI!!! * Please do comment and subscribe I love hearing your thoughts on the story. *hugs and kisses*




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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 16: Awh man a cliff Hanger!! I hope you update sokn. Can't wait til the next chapter.. so intresting and what about jiying. She just left him at the gala..or w.e it is.
MyDarlingLove #2
Chapter 11: Im excited now!!!
dblaze #3
Chapter 11: its getting so good
BangtanCheesecake #4
Chapter 10: Wohooo finally seunghyun is here !!!
MyDarlingLove #5
Chapter 10: Yes! Seunghyun!!!
Popkorn17 #6
Chapter 10: Yay! Thank you for updating, I checked as soon as I saw, and am so excited for how she knows the knight/oppa in shining armour!
Popkorn17 #7
Chapter 6: New reader here, this sounds very interesting! Please keep it up!
May I ask when CSH will make an appearance?
MyDarlingLove #8
Chapter 4: I like where the story is headed! Keep it up. Wondering when seunghyun gets into the mix of things!!!
MyDarlingLove #9
Chapter 2: Im really liking it. Even though she is inexperienced SoRa doesnt sound like a ditsy. I like that!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!!!