Chapter 7

The Making of Me

After her lunch with Jae Oppa. SoRa's mood took a down turn. She knew Jae only wanted what was best for her, but she couldn't help feel hurt by his words. Just being reminded of her former boyfriend was enough to send her into depression.

SoRa placed her palms over her eyes and willed herself to physically push back the tears. How after so many years that one incident could still affect her, pissed her off. She hated that she couldn't control this aspect of her life. She had dated other men over the years, but she never let them to close. She'd always find a "flaw" with them to push them away before things could get serious.

Moving over to her living room she plopped down on her couch. Closing her eyes she reflected on her coffee date with Jiyong. After they made it to the cafe and made their orders Jiyong had asked her to find a spot next to the window so they could sit down. SoRa found a small table for two at the back corner next to the back window, that faced a beautiful garden.Sitting with her back to the wall she took a look at her surroundings. The cafe was lit with low hanging lights, that were dimmed to make the areas more cozy. The tables and chairs had been spaced to give a since of privacy and ranged from simple tables with plush chairs, to sofa's with larger coffee tables in front of them. There was even a second level that looked like it lead to an outdoor patio area.

As SoRa's eyes continued to travel around the lovely cafe she say Jiyong heading her way with their orders. No doubt he was handsome and so far polite and kind. He intrigued her, which wasn't the first time a man had caught her attention, but would he be the one to climb the walls she'd built to protect herself. Beside's as far as SoRa's mind was concerned this could simply be her way to go to the party escorted and not have to deal with any of a man's expectations.

Jiyong gave a smile as he laid down their order. " Nice choice. I always try to score this corner when i come here. Great minds think alike, huh?"

SoRa smirked over her coffee cup as she blew to cool it down. " I totally picked this spot so you wouldn't have to be seen with me dressed like this." She gave a self deprecating smile and took a sip of her drink. She had seen the way the cashier had looked at her. She didn't care to repeat it again or she might loose her temper.

He tilted his head and waved his hand in front of her face. " Hey, the only person at this moment I'm interested in is you, and I hope I'm entertaining enough that you'll he focused on me, me alone and no one else."

SoRa gave him a smile, " I'm focused Jiyong-shi. Let's see what this coffee meeting will amount to shall we." She lifted her mug and saluted him.

Jiyong grinned and saluted her back. " I hope it works out the way I plan."

"Oh, and hows that." SoRa asked.

"With a date to the gala and maybe more." He winked as he .

They spent the rest of their time finding out all those seemingly small details that make up a person. Laughing when SoRa found out she was old. She had immediately told Jiyong to call her Noona. To which he had adamantly refused say, " I see you as a woman, and I want you to see me as a man, not a younger brother."

SoRa blushed and hugged her couch cushion as she remember the look on his face when he said those words. He'd been as serious as he'd ever been with her. It took her by surprise that he could be so cute and almost innocent one minute, and then in the next second he'd pull out his very masculine side. She found herself wanting to know more.

Moving off the comfort of her couch she moved towards her bathroom. SoRa wanted a nice long soak in very warm water to rid herself of the days stress and anxiety. Hoping that the nice soothing bath would give her good nights sleep. Just as she was filling the tub her phone went off. Figuring it was just Jae Oppa calling to make sure she was ok. SoRa grabbed up her phone and answered without looking. "Oppa I'm fine just forget what happened today. I'm going to take a hot bath and head to bed. So don't worry about me. I'm ok. Alright?"

The person on the other line cleared his throat and replied. " Well I was calling to check on you, but it seems this "Oppa" of yours may have it all covered."

"Ji...Jiyong-shi?" SoRa almost slipped off the side of the tub when she heard his voice and not Jae's.

Jiyong had to smile at her shock. " Ya, have you already replaced me without even giving me a fair shot. Is it just because I can't be an Oppa?" He said in mock anger.

SoRa smiled at his voice. "Exactly, because you won't call me Nonna, I'm thinking its quite disrespectful."

"Wh...What?? Jung SoRa that's not even fair! I already told you why I didn't want to call you Noona." Jiyong sputter in surprise.

She couldn't help but keep teasing him. " But what if I want a handsome dongsang. One who show's me his charms to win me over?"

Jiyong's eyes widened at her teasing. He was glad that they had grown close enough that she could . "Is that what you really want?"

"Yes. I want to see cute Jiyongie call for his Noona." SoRa had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud.

"Fine I'll make you a deal. If you come meet me for a couple drinks I'll show you the best ageyo, by THE Kwon Jiyong. Only those very important to me get this prize so consider yourself lucky." Jiyong growled into the phone acting angry.

SoRa stood up next to the bath tub and weighed her options. How long had it been since she'd gone out for drinks with someone other than Jae Oppa? She couldn't even remember.. So She decided why not.

"Your on Jiyong-shi text me the address. I'll be there in 30 minutes." she said and hung up the phone.

Here's another chapter! I hope you enjoy it.

Welcome Elliphant21 and Sema07 and thank you both for subscribing to my story. I hope you enjoy it and comment along the way. :) 

And to those who have been with me since the beginning thank you for your continued support! * hugs and kisses*



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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 16: Awh man a cliff Hanger!! I hope you update sokn. Can't wait til the next chapter.. so intresting and what about jiying. She just left him at the gala..or w.e it is.
MyDarlingLove #2
Chapter 11: Im excited now!!!
dblaze #3
Chapter 11: its getting so good
BangtanCheesecake #4
Chapter 10: Wohooo finally seunghyun is here !!!
MyDarlingLove #5
Chapter 10: Yes! Seunghyun!!!
Popkorn17 #6
Chapter 10: Yay! Thank you for updating, I checked as soon as I saw, and am so excited for how she knows the knight/oppa in shining armour!
Popkorn17 #7
Chapter 6: New reader here, this sounds very interesting! Please keep it up!
May I ask when CSH will make an appearance?
MyDarlingLove #8
Chapter 4: I like where the story is headed! Keep it up. Wondering when seunghyun gets into the mix of things!!!
MyDarlingLove #9
Chapter 2: Im really liking it. Even though she is inexperienced SoRa doesnt sound like a ditsy. I like that!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!!!