Chapter 6.2

The Making of Me

When she had run until her legs gave out, she fell to the pavement. She crawled over to the stoop of a closed stationary store that had a small awning over the door way. Shaking she searched for her phone and thanked God that she hadn't left it behind. Calling the only person she had, she dialed.

"Hello my lovely bff. I thought tonight was your 100 th wirh lover boy. Why you calling me, decided I'm way better?" His voice broke the dam of her emotions and she cried like her insides were tring to leave her body. A rush of air flew from her lips as sobs rocked her body.

Jae immediately axked where she was. All SoRa could do was cry. Nothing coherent came from her lips.

"Stay where you are SoRa-yah. Oppa is coming right now. Just wait for me sweetheat." Jae hung up the phone and grabbed his keys and called some of his men to help in the search. 

To this day SoRa didn't kmow how he had found her. He just did. All the kidding and teasing aside, when Kim JaeJoong set his mind to something he always came through.

He found her on the small stoop at the small stationary store and his heart broke at the sight before him. Huddled in on herself, barefooted, and crying so hard he could hear her through the rain. stooping down in front of SoRa he whispered her name, but she couldn't hear him over the breaking if her heart. Jae laid a tentative hand on her shoulder and said her name again. SoRa's eyes flew open and up to his, but it was like she couldn't see him at first. Jae moved closer to her face and moved her wet hair off of her face and said her name again. She blinked the tears from her vision and finally saw Jae in front of her. SoRa launched herself into his arms, causing Jae to stumble buthe still caught her. 

"It's ok SoRa-yah, Oppa has you. Your safe." He gained his feet and lifted her into his arms, and brought her over to his car. He told her he was going to put her in the seat. SoRa immediately  tightened  her arms around Jae and refused to leave him. He sighed and climbed into the back seat and had one of his men from the other cars there drive them to his apartment.

Jae took her into the building bridal style. She was breathing to heavily and he was getting worried. No matter how he shook her slightly or said her name she stayed asleep in his arms. When he entered his apartment he called his families doctor tocome check her out. He laid her on his sofa gently and tried to back away to get dry towles to get her dry. But as he moved away from her, her hand shot out and caught his. 

"Please don't leave me." SoRa whimpered. 

Jae didn't even know if she was talking to him or someone in her fevered dream, but he knelt down next to her and her hair. "It's ok SoRa-yah, Oppa is here and no one else will hurt you. I've got to go get something to warm you until the doctor gets here and then I'll be back." Slipping his hand out of hers he went to grab towels and his thick robe out of the bathroom. Moving quickly back to the living room he looked down at her. She laid with her body curled in on its self. Jae had a moment of contious as he knew he'd have to get these clothes off of her. With shaky hands he turned hus head as he pulled the wet dress off of her. Placing a towel over her body he lifted her up and undid her bra. Gently laying her back down he pulled the bra off a strap at a time trying to give her the modesty she deserved. After her had thrown the bra down with the dress he stood back. No matter what he was still a red blooded man, and taking the clothes off of a beautiful woman was having its affects on him. Taking a deep breath he slid his hands under the towel and grabbed her at her hips. His breathing labored he quickly pulled them off her shapely legs and wrapped her in the cover on the sofa. 

Jae took a step away from her and then 4 more all the way to his liquor cabinet. He tooktwo big gulps of a very fine brandy and felt the burn run through him. The sound of the door bell bringing him more into reality he moved to let Dr. Han in. Dr. Han immediately  took over the situation having Jae and the nurse move her to the guest bedroom and wrap her wet hair into a towel. After examining her and giving her a bag of I.V. fluids with vitamines he stepped out of the room where Jae was pacing in front of the door. 

Dr. Han smiled at Jae and patted his shoulder. "She's been through a lot JaeJoong-shi, but its only a slight cold from sitting out in this weather so long. Make sure she takes her medicine and has plenty of fluids. When shes up to it let her eat something light at first. She should be just fine in a few days. The older man had to grin again at the look of relief on his face.

Bowing a full 90 degrees Jae gave his thanks. Dr. Han laughed and patted Jae on the back. "It's my job, just call if you notice anything amiss" and with that the dr took his leave. Jae fell onto the sofa with a sigh of relief. Leaning his head over on the pillows his eyes closed on their own. The exaustion of what just happened catching up to him and he succumb to sleep instantly.

The next thing SoRa remember  was waking up in a huge room, warm but very achy. She blinked and tried to move but there was something holding her. Rolling to her side she saw Jae Oppa asleep holding her so tight it almost hurt. Freash tears sprang to her eyes as she reached out to move the fringe from his eyes. At the contact Jae stured and his lovely eyes fluttered open. When he saw SoRa awake with tears in her eyes he pulled her straight into his chest. 

"I'm so glad your okay, SoRa-yah. I thought you where never going to wake up." Jae whispered into her hair. 

SoRa  sighed as the tears began to flow. She had always been able tocount on Jae. Since day one they had just clicked. And now when she felt like her whole world was crashing he was once again saving her.

"I'm sorry i scared you Oppa. Thank you for saving me." SoRa said into his chest.

Jae pulled back to take a look at her. She was pale and still sweaty , but she was talking and thats all that mattered right now.

SoRa once again focused on the man before her and pushed away the memories she hzted to bring up. She gave the best smile she could muster. "Oppa I'll be fine.I've  learned my lesson from my mistakes and am old enough now to have a better judge of people. Besides its just publisity and one party. You'll  even be there."

Jae knew he shouldn't  have said those words but he'd  let his temper get the best of him. He moved his hand back to hers on the table."SoRa-yah,  im sorry for what i said i didn't mean it. I just worry for you and want what's  best for you. If you say you've got thisI believe you 100%." 

"I've got this Oppa. Besides with you at my back how can i fail. She squeezed his hand and smiled.

Jae smiled and nodded. He would be there no matter what. He would also be finding out more about this Kwon Jiyong. He had sworn to never let anyone else hurt her like that again. No matter what it took. 

Another chapter for my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed it!

Welcome to my story Popkorn17 and thank you for subscribing. As for when LSH will make his entrance it's coming! Just a few more chapters and he'll be in the mix maybe even for our heroins heart . 

Please comment my silent readers feed back is a welcome thing and i thank you for reading my story! *hugs and kisses* 


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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 16: Awh man a cliff Hanger!! I hope you update sokn. Can't wait til the next chapter.. so intresting and what about jiying. She just left him at the gala..or w.e it is.
MyDarlingLove #2
Chapter 11: Im excited now!!!
dblaze #3
Chapter 11: its getting so good
BangtanCheesecake #4
Chapter 10: Wohooo finally seunghyun is here !!!
MyDarlingLove #5
Chapter 10: Yes! Seunghyun!!!
Popkorn17 #6
Chapter 10: Yay! Thank you for updating, I checked as soon as I saw, and am so excited for how she knows the knight/oppa in shining armour!
Popkorn17 #7
Chapter 6: New reader here, this sounds very interesting! Please keep it up!
May I ask when CSH will make an appearance?
MyDarlingLove #8
Chapter 4: I like where the story is headed! Keep it up. Wondering when seunghyun gets into the mix of things!!!
MyDarlingLove #9
Chapter 2: Im really liking it. Even though she is inexperienced SoRa doesnt sound like a ditsy. I like that!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!!!