Chapter 14

The Making of Me

SoRa reached for Jiyong's hand as she stepped out of the limo. The minute she was out flash blubs went off in every direction. Reporters shouted out questions from the sides of a very long red carpet. SoRa put on a smile and waved as they made their way down to the main doors.

Jiyong leaned down to whisper, " You okay? " He'd felt her hand tighten on his arm where she held it and wanted to check on her.

She continued to smile as she nodded her head.

Once inside the main doors Sora took her first true full breath. Letting go of the tension she'd held until now she let go of Jiyong's arm to shake out her limbs a bit.

" Well first parts over. Now we mingle and leave when ever you want. " Jiyong smiled as he too loosed up after their entrance.

Sora gave a sigh, " Which will be as soon as possible. We need to greet Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Say hi to Jae Oppa and then for all I care we make a run for it. "

Jiyong presented his arm for her to wrap her hand around and they took their steps into the main room of the gala. Her eye's widened as she saw a lovely ivory staircase that lead down to the party. Inside Sora cringed. Everyone in the room would know who was there this way. Putting back on her public smile, Sora moved down the stairs with Jiyong. As they made their way down Sora made sure to note where Mr. and Mrs Kim were located and tried to find Jae Oppa.

At the bottom of the stairs she slightly pulled Jiyong in the direction of Mr and Mrs Kim. As they made their way through the crowd Sora bowed to those who acknowledged her, but kept a steady pace towards her goal.

Mrs. Kim was the first to notice her and excused herself from the group she was talking with. " I believe I owe my dear son a dollar." Laughed Mrs. Kim. " Once he told me you would be here I was positive it was a lie. How are you my beautiful girl? " Mrs Kim pulled Sora into a hug as soon as she got to her.

Sora smiled her first genuine smile of the night and hugged her back. " I'm sorry you had to loose a bet to Oppa, Mrs Kim. We both know his head is big enough without winning over you."

Mrs Kim gave a chuckle. " I've missed you so much, Sora-ya.  No one helps me when JaeJoong-ah teases me."

" I do believe you hold your own quite will, Yoebo. " Mr. Kim said as he stepped up to his wife.

Mrs. Kim giggled like a school girl at her husbands words. They had been married almost 35 years and still their love was as vibrant and enviable as ever.

Sora grinned up at Mr Kim . " Mr Kim Thank you for allowing us to come to your beautiful event. I hope the year and many more to come, you will be prosperous and healthy. "

Mr. Kim moved by his wife and embraced Sora. " You are always welcome where I am SoRa-yah. You are the daughter of our heart and we are so glad to see you here. " 

" Appa, I thought I was always your favorite. You never hug me like that. " said Jae Oppa as he moved towards their group.

" Brat, we all know Sora is my second favorite. Your lovely mother is of course first. " Mr Kim said as he hugged his wife to his side.

They all laughed and Sora pulled Jiyong forward. " Mr. and Mrs. Kim, I'd like to introduce you to my for the evening, Kwon Jiyong. Jiyong-shi this is Mr and Mrs. Kim and their son Kim JaeJoong."

Jiyong bowed and excepted a hand shake from JaeJoong. Noting the look in the other mans eyes. So, Sora had an Oppa. and by the look of it he didn't like that she was with him one bit.

Sora noticed the tension and reached over to pinch JaeJoong.

" Ouch! What was that for?" Jae asked pulling a pout.

" Because you deserved it Kim JaeJoong. Stop looking at Jiyong-shi like your about to hurt him. Be nice. Jiyong has been kind to me. So behave. " Sora said as she glared at Jae.

Jae opened his eyes wide trying to look innocent. " I don't know what your talking about." 

Mrs. Kim gave a laugh and looped her arm with Sora. " Shall we have some girl talk and leave these "BOYS" to growl at each other?"

" Omma! That's unfair. I'm not growling. Why do I need to stay here. " Jae exclaimed

" The fact that you don't know what she means is the main reason you need to stay here." Mr Kim said as he slapped a hand on Jae's shoulder. " If you don't mind Jiyong-shi, would you care to come grab a drink with me and my thick headed son?"

Jiyong bowed. " Please speak comfortably with me, Mr Kim. I'd love to get a drink." Jiyong grabbed Sora's hand before she stepped away. " Would you like a drink?"

Sora glanced at Jiyong in surprise but nodded yes. " Water, please."

With that Jiyong squeezed her hand and went off with the other men.

" He seems like a nice young man." Mrs Kim said with a smile.

Sora smiled back as she watched him walk away. " He is nice. It's been fun getting to know him for this event."

" Ah, yes I remember JaeJoong-ah was quite put out by the news. " Mrs Kim grinned.

Sora laughed, " Yes, Oppa gave me an earful. I still don't understand why."

Mrs. Kim sighed, " I'm not sure that thick headed son of mine knows why either."

Sora looked at Mrs Kim wondering what she meant.

"Don't look now dearest, but I believe here comes trouble. " Mrs Kim said looking ahead at who was coming towrds them.

" Hello Mrs. Kim. It's a pleasure to see you again. Thank you for the invite. " said a voice Sora had been avoiding for years.

" Hello Kang MinYoung-shi. I assure you I have no control over the guest list, but welcome none the less." Mrs Kim said.

" Aren't you even going to acknowledge your Mother, Sora. It has been so long since we last met. "

Not wanting to cause a scene Sora looked up at the woman who had given birth to her. " Hello Mother, I hope you are well."

" As well as one can be with the past I've had. I hear your little books have made it. At least something went right with you. I guess at least you are of little or no embarrassment to you Step-Father and I. " Mrs Kang's voice dripped with disdain.

Sora felt the old pain rise up within her. The feeling of joy and happiness from moments ago, gone. To be replaced by her feelings of inadequateness. Clenching her hands she dug her nails into her palm to keep from snapping. She felt the tears she hated floating in her eyes. But before she had a chance to say anything a tall figure stepped in front of her.

"Ah, my dearest Step-Mother, I see your temperament and continued jealousy of Sora-yah has not changed. " said the deep voice in front of her. Blocking her view completely of her Mother.  " You really should come to terms with all that baggage you carry and stop laying it down on top of those who don't deserve it."

Sora's eyes widened when she heard a slap, and saw SeungHyun's head turn with the impact. His chuckle was anything but joyful. It held a deadliness to it that made Sora shiver. " As I said you haven't changed." Turning he adressed Mrs Kim with a bow. " Mrs Kim I'm pleased to see you again, but I must barrow Sora for a moment." and without further explanation he grabbed Sora's arm and headed for the exit.

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN lol .....  So SeungHyun is SoRa's step brother. I'll be filling you in asap

hope you all love it as much as i love you!!! *kisses and hugs*


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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 16: Awh man a cliff Hanger!! I hope you update sokn. Can't wait til the next chapter.. so intresting and what about jiying. She just left him at the gala..or w.e it is.
MyDarlingLove #2
Chapter 11: Im excited now!!!
dblaze #3
Chapter 11: its getting so good
BangtanCheesecake #4
Chapter 10: Wohooo finally seunghyun is here !!!
MyDarlingLove #5
Chapter 10: Yes! Seunghyun!!!
Popkorn17 #6
Chapter 10: Yay! Thank you for updating, I checked as soon as I saw, and am so excited for how she knows the knight/oppa in shining armour!
Popkorn17 #7
Chapter 6: New reader here, this sounds very interesting! Please keep it up!
May I ask when CSH will make an appearance?
MyDarlingLove #8
Chapter 4: I like where the story is headed! Keep it up. Wondering when seunghyun gets into the mix of things!!!
MyDarlingLove #9
Chapter 2: Im really liking it. Even though she is inexperienced SoRa doesnt sound like a ditsy. I like that!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!!!