Chapter 9

The Making of Me

After the introduction's to the girls who came in with the shots. SoRa met Minzy and Dara. Mitzy seemed more shy of metting her at first, but wuth Bom Unnie's help everyone became fast friends. Dara moved to sit between Jiyong and SoRa immediately making it one side boys and one side girls, much to Jiyong's annoyance.

"So SoRa Unni what do you think of Jiyong Oppa? asked Minzy

SoRa sat back and took a look over in his direction. He was staring straight at her. She grinned at him and lifted her glass to acknowledge him. Turning back to the girls she whispered. "I'm not quite sure what to think of him to be honest, but I'm enjoying what time we've spent together."

Dara placed her hand over the eyes in a fake faint.

While Bom gagged and picked up another tray of shots. " Well on that note shots and then shall we dance, ladies?" Bom questioned with her shot in her hand.

Everyone looked at SoRa in question and challenge. SoRa picked up her shot and laughed. " Ladies, lets dance."

At the girls cheer the boys looked over in question. They watched the girls take their shot and start to move from their seats. 

" Where are you guys going?" asked Sungri.

" To dance." Yelled all the girls at once.

Jiyong looked at SoRa and saw her moving towards the door ,too. "Sora-shi, your going too? "

You bet I haven't danced in ages." SoRa took off her outer coat, leaving her in tight black jeans and a low cut lacy top.

" We want to come to. " Whined Sungri.

" You know dancing with out me isn't fun. " said YoungBae with a cocky grin.

" Nope this is a girls only dance party. Watch from the window and dream boys. " Bom said as she ushered everyone out the door.

Once the door had shut the boys all looked at each other and jumped up trying to get the best view from the window. over looking  the dance floor.

"Jiyong Hyung, stop pushing. I'll just move" begged Daesung. Who had made it to the window first and gained the best spot.

YoungBae laughed, " Don't mind him Daesung-ah he's love blind."

" Shut it, YoungBae. I just want to make sure SoRa is okay.' Jiyong tried to defend himself.

"Right... It's got nothing to do with seeing if she can dance. and if she can, how many men try to get a dance with her. " Sungri said.

" Besides she's with Bom Noona she's as safe as she can be. " Chorused Daesung as he watched the sea of people part as the girls made their way to the center of the floor.

" Who wants to make a bet?" asked Sungri with mischief in his eyes.

" I've got $500 she's got hella good moves." said Young Bae.

" I think she'll just say and move awkwardly with the other girls leading her. $500." said Sungri.

"How can you guys bet over something like this? " Yelled Jiyong.  " Besides's I've got $500 she moves hot as fire. "

All the boys laughed and laid down their money on the table.

YoungBae leaned over to the other two and whispered. " Another $200 says Jiyong won't stay up here through one song."

The two youngest laughed and looked over at their Hyung. He was only a few centimeters from having his whole face plastered to the window.

" Honestly Hyung I don't know what you think of us but that's a ers bet. " DaeSung giggled.

YoungBae laughed catching Jiyong's attention.

" Ya! What are you three whispering about? " Jiyong asked with with a scowl on his face.

" Nothing Hyung! " They all three said at the same time.

Moving back to sit at the window the boys waited for the show to start. They didn't know what was more entertaining. Anticipating the girls dance of Jiyong clinging to the edge of his seat. Either way there was going to be a show to see tonight.

SoRa held Bom Unnies hand as she dragged all the girls through the crowd. Some how she made a path through the body to body throng of people until they where all in the center of the floor.

Bom pulled SoRa towards her and said " Show us what you've got newbie. " Laughing Bom started to move to the music. Behind her, SoRa felt Minzy going full force with Dara. Grinning as the thump of the bass and the shots started to combine, SoRa let loose. She swayed and moved with fluid and technique. The girls all cheered her on as she moved to dance with each woman in turn.

SoRa felt exhilarated and free. She became one with the music and the moment. Then she felt a hand slide around her waist from behind. Startled out of her trance she froze and looked back to find a very drunk man she didn't know pulling her towards him. Shaking her head no at him, she tried to pull away, but the guy wouldn't let go. SoRa looked around for the girls and noticed that in her trance she had moved farther away from them than she expected. SoRa was turned in the drunk man's arms and he tried to lean down to kiss her. Just as the man was about to make contact. She felt the man pulled forcefully away from her and watched as her savior knocked the guy on his . A circle had formed around her and the two men. SORa shook her head and flet someone grab her wrist and start to pull her through the crowd. In her daze she didn't pay attention to who was pulling her.

As they passed through a set of double doors. SoRa finally felt her mind catch up with her body. Pulling on her wrist trying to halt the forward motion they where heading. She planted her feet and tugged. Catching the guy off guard the momentum of their bodies pulled SoRa into his arms.

SoRa's eyes widened in confusion and shock at who held her. " What the hell do you think your doing Choi SeungHyun!"

FINALLY!!! The appereance of Choi SeungHyun! lol

I hope you guys are still enjoying my story! Please subscribe and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT lol i would love to hear from you guys.

Welcome Baes_Girl and thank your for subscribing to my story! And to all those reading quietly thank you as well *hugs and Kisses*


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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 16: Awh man a cliff Hanger!! I hope you update sokn. Can't wait til the next chapter.. so intresting and what about jiying. She just left him at the gala..or w.e it is.
MyDarlingLove #2
Chapter 11: Im excited now!!!
dblaze #3
Chapter 11: its getting so good
BangtanCheesecake #4
Chapter 10: Wohooo finally seunghyun is here !!!
MyDarlingLove #5
Chapter 10: Yes! Seunghyun!!!
Popkorn17 #6
Chapter 10: Yay! Thank you for updating, I checked as soon as I saw, and am so excited for how she knows the knight/oppa in shining armour!
Popkorn17 #7
Chapter 6: New reader here, this sounds very interesting! Please keep it up!
May I ask when CSH will make an appearance?
MyDarlingLove #8
Chapter 4: I like where the story is headed! Keep it up. Wondering when seunghyun gets into the mix of things!!!
MyDarlingLove #9
Chapter 2: Im really liking it. Even though she is inexperienced SoRa doesnt sound like a ditsy. I like that!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!!!