Chapter 1

The Making of Me

"Sophie sighed as his hands moved slowly up her legs. He splayed his fingers as he made his way towards her ..."

"Ugh... " SoRa exclaimed in frustration. This was at least the 12th time she'd tried to start this scene. How was she supposed to write what she didn't understand. Over the last few years SoRa Had gained quite a following with her novels, but as the years passed her readers had aged with her and they wanted, NO demanded that she spice things up. More romance. Not the bubble gum pop first love kind of romance, that she could handle. Quite successfully at that based on her sales and the number of times her books had hit the # 1 list as soon as they were released. No, her lovely readers wanted more. More drama, more gasps of our surprised heroin as her dashing, devastatingly good looking suitor or suitors stole kisses and dared to push the cute, lovely Sophie out of her school uniform and into..... well nothing but a smile. Her publisher Mrs. Yoo told her to explore and new side to her character and build her from school girl cutie into a charming vixen who held her own with the gentlemen who came to call.

SoRa ran her fingers roughly through her short black locks and laid her head back on her chair. Opening her unusual hazel green eyes she looked at herself. Reflected back from the vanity mirror, her Mother had insisted would turn her chunky, sporty daughter into a more feminine woman, she tilted her head to the side and wondered for the millionth time how she was supposed to write about something she knew nothing of. Sure she knew the words and anatomy of what was asked of her, but how could she put emotion into something she'd never had. After all, her other works were so popular because she knew what puppy love was. What a one sided crush on someone who never knew you existed felt like. She'd Lived those feelings and having lived them could breath every ounce of feeling into her words and touch her readers hearts.

She jumped when her phone went off and knocked most of the contents of her "proper woman making" vanity to the floor. Going on her knees under the vanity she pushed to answer just as she lifted up to soon and smacked the back of her head on the vanity.

"Ouch.... Hel... Hello?: SoRa said in a strained voice."

"Yo... What the hell are you doing, fighting a bear or something ?" said the amused voice of her caller.

"Watch your language Kim Jae-Joong. Do you kiss your lovely mother with that rotten mouth."

He chuckled low and full of mirth," Sure I do, but she's not the only one I've kissed with my rotten mouth."

"Ya!! Shut up. It was one time at graduation and I was emotionally distraught or I would never have let you near me." SoRa got up off the floor and rubbed the back of her sore head trying to ease the pain and sat down on her bed.

Laughing fully now Jae continued his game just to . " I don't know SoRa from my memory you fully participated in that kiss. I was actually surprised at your skill. Is there things, PEOPLE, you've failed to mention to your fest friend over the years." He said in a mock pout.

SoRa rolled her eyes and laid back onto her pillows and put an arm over her eyes. " I have no detailed memory of that night, it was so traumatic that I have blocked the whole thing from my memory. Hey, but I'm glad you liked it so much, that it has left an impression in your mind to this very day. What's wrong super player, have all the spoiled rich heiresses finally seen through you and decided you'll be a bachelor forever.?"

"Now SoRa I know you live in the world of your books, but what kind of fiction are you writing now. I am the # 1 sought after man by all of Seoul's women, younge and old. Just admit your part of the group already and we'll get married and you can be the envy of every woman in South Korean."

"If only they knew you they'd run for the hills." SoRa smiled knowing how her best friend since middle school would react.

'YAH! Jung SoRa! What's so bad about me? Do you seriously dislike me that much." He yelled into the phone.

She giggled when she got the reaction she wanted. " No, JaeJoong-shi, I don't hate you at all. Your my best friend in the whole world and anywoman who gets to see the real JaeJoong, like I have, will be very blessed with your love."

He chuckled again and she heard him moving over the line. Probably leaving work or some meeting to keep the Kim empire at it's place at number one.

"So to what do I owe this unexpected, slightly annoying, call from THE Kim heir?" She teased, knowing how busy he was, but still knowing he would take time when he could to call or hang out.

He sighed at her words. " You know I call when I can. You do know how to dial a phone you could call me too."

" And disturb whatever multi-national, million dollar deal your making that day. Well I would never." She laughed out loud and then groaned as she moved over the slowly swelling lump on the back of her head.

He chuckled again and then got serious. " Have you talked to Mrs. Yoo yet?"

"No, not today. Why?" , she asked puzzled by his question.

"Well next weekend is the Kim Corp. annual cocktails and small talk gala and I sent over a ticket to her upon her request. I informed Mrs. Yoo. that I had invited you every year since we met , and I was old enough to attend, and you had not once come. As arm candy, single, or other wise engaged. But she in turn informed me that this year would be different and that you, my lovely bestie, would be there with bells on." He grinned as he finished his explanation. 

SoRa's eyes got even wider, if possible and she wondered what exactly Mrs. Yoo was scheming...

Hello Dear Reader's! I hope you will like my story and interact with me through comments as this goes on. I've finally set my mind to write a multi-chapter story and do my very best to make you smile and laugh and maybe even cry. Comment. Like. Subscribe .....Any feed back is better than none *kisses and hugs*

Lacey :)


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Lilykwon88 #1
Chapter 16: Awh man a cliff Hanger!! I hope you update sokn. Can't wait til the next chapter.. so intresting and what about jiying. She just left him at the gala..or w.e it is.
MyDarlingLove #2
Chapter 11: Im excited now!!!
dblaze #3
Chapter 11: its getting so good
BangtanCheesecake #4
Chapter 10: Wohooo finally seunghyun is here !!!
MyDarlingLove #5
Chapter 10: Yes! Seunghyun!!!
Popkorn17 #6
Chapter 10: Yay! Thank you for updating, I checked as soon as I saw, and am so excited for how she knows the knight/oppa in shining armour!
Popkorn17 #7
Chapter 6: New reader here, this sounds very interesting! Please keep it up!
May I ask when CSH will make an appearance?
MyDarlingLove #8
Chapter 4: I like where the story is headed! Keep it up. Wondering when seunghyun gets into the mix of things!!!
MyDarlingLove #9
Chapter 2: Im really liking it. Even though she is inexperienced SoRa doesnt sound like a ditsy. I like that!!! Looking forward to the next chapter!!!