
Coffee Break

Hey guys wassup? I'm dropping a one shot for you guys. Its been a while since I write so I'm very rusty right now sorry. Here is a little spin-off of Mystery Song, the first fic that I wrote. If you guys haven't read it please feel free to click the link below:

Happy reading!


Amber let a worried sigh as she approached her not-so-in-the-mood girlfriend who is annoyingly sitting at ‘their’ bench along the Han River.

“Princess...” Amber gently called her “I’ve got your tteukbokki.” But the girl didn’t even bulge. She was staring at the river like it will be splitting in half like Moses did if she continues. “I’ll just place it here beside you then? Or do you want me to feed you? Well if you are not answering then I’ll just give it to other peo--”

“YAH! DON’T YOU DARE GIVE MY FOOD!” Krystal said aloud that the birds flew away that was sitting nearby them. The glaring girl snatched the food on Amber’s hands and started digging it.  

Amber victoriously smiled as she got the attention of her girlfriend. They started to eat peacefully and admire the beauty of their view in front. Out of habit, Amber took off his jacket and gently draped it on Krystal’s shoulders.

The other girl muttered a simple ‘thank you’ and Amber just nodded. Krystal saw the visible red marks on Amber’s arm and that made her feel guilty. Amber noticed it and quickly covered her arm with her sleeves.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” Amber reassured her girlfriend.

Krystal pouted feeling guilty. “I’m sorry. I just don’t like it when a battalion of girls are fangirling over you.” She said as she murderously poked the rice cake. “You already got a fanclub for god’s sake! This is all because of your froggy friend Minho for uploading your video playing!”

Amber chuckled at her girlfriend’s ranting. “Krys, I only got my eyes on you. Whether you like it or not, you’re gonna be stuck with me for a long, long time.” Amber planted a quick kiss on Krystal’s cheeks causing the girl to blush and return a kiss on Amber’s lips



“Okay, who the hell signed me up for the talent show?” Amber came running to the cafeteria to her friends sitting at their usual table. She showed the poster that she ripped on the campus bulletin board.

Her friends looked at each other and laugh at the same time.

“Yah! Stop laughing. This so not funny.” Amber pouted and turned to her girlfriend, but Krystal only shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh come on guys!” Amber said feeling dejected.

“I’m sorry bro, it was a dare.” Jonghyun pleaded guilty. “Krystal already knew it so you don’t have to worry.” He flashed his apologetic smile.

Amber looked at Krystal asking for confirmation. Her girlfriend nodded and motioned for her to sit beside her.

“I thought you don’t want me to be noticed anymore?” Amber whispered to Krystal.

Krystal shoved a piece of bread inside her girfriend’s mouth before speaking. “Pabo! The whole university already knew before you knew it!”

Amber blinked multiple times, digesting what Krystal said. “Make sense.”

“Besides, I want to show the world how talented my llama is.” Krystal smiled and shoved another piece of bread inside Amber’s mouth.


Amber was busy preparing for the talent show. She uses the music room whenever her schedule will be vacant. Krystal is always with her ofcourse. She’s always there guarding the door from any fangirl who will wish to see or hear Amber playing. Being Amber’s girlfriend is no joke. Everyday Krystal will deal with fangirls, she will remove any sweets inside Amber’s drawer or locker from her fans. One glare from her and a swarm of girls will back out and Amber is thankful for that.


“Hey guys, I’m gonna head out first.” Amber said as she put the last piece of kimbap in . She placed a kiss on Krystal’s hair and went to the music room to practice.

“Soojung-ah, aren’t you gonna accompany Amber?” Jiyoung asked

Krystal shook her head. “Naaah. I’m hungry and I’m still not in the mood to catch some flirty minions.”

“Hey guys look at this!” Luna called her friends attention

“What is it Sunyoung?” Jonghyun asked.

“I saw this in a website and there is a story about our school.” Her friends come over and looked at her laptop.

“Is this the site that tells about scary stuff?” Jonghyun asked

“Yes it is! Well, it was said here that there is a ghost here in our school. The ghost was staying at our music room.”

Jiyoung snorted and said “I doubt, Amber is always staying there and I think she’s not feeling or experiencing anything weird. Right, Soojung?” Krystal nodded in response.

“Maybe the ghost is harmless.” Luna reasoned out. “It was written here that the ghost was a music student before and there is a girl that he likes so much. But the girl didn’t want him and was using him only to freeload. The guy learned about it and he was so depressed so he killed his own life together the song that he wrote for her. Some said that they can hear someone playing but nobody is inside the room.” Luna narrated.

“That’s sad man.” Jonghyun said and the other nodded.

“But I still think that it’s not true. There are no hearsays regarding that ghost guy here in school.” Jiyoung said

“Yeah maybe someone made that up.” Krystal said agreeing to Jiyoung.

Luna just shrugged her shoulders. “Well to see is to believe right? I’ll believe if Amber will see something.”

“Speaking of Amber, where the hell is she? Break is almost over.” Krystal said as she typed a text to Amber.

They waited for a couple of minutes but there are no signs of Amber around the cafeteria. Amber is usually going back to the cafeteria to fetch Krystal so that they can go to the room together. Krystal is starting to panic. She thought Amber is being held by her fangirls but that thought disappeared when she saw Byul, the head of Amber’s fanclub. Byul is a cheerful girl that adores Amber so much but she’s scared as hell when it comes to Krystal.


Byul stopped her tracks and carefully turned her heel towards the owner of the voice. “Y-yes Krystal-shi?”

“Have you seen Amber?” Krystal narrowed her eyes making Byul gulp.

“N-no! I don’t know where she went. Right, girls?” Her group nodded and Krystal sighed. “I-is she missing? Want us to look for her?!” Byul suggested with a bright smile on her face making Krystal turn her death glare mode on. “W-w-we promise not to do anything with her! P-pr-promise! We will call you if we found her.”

“Arraseo. Now go!” Krystal commanded

“Yes ma’am!” the girls saluted and left.

“She’s not even answering her phone. I’ll go find her.” Krystal said to her friends.

“We’ll help! Let’s split up guys.” Jonghyun said and they left.

Krystal on the other hand pondered where the hell her girlfriend went. She was sure that her girlfriend went to the music room but she was just too tired to go to the other building to meet her. And the fangirls will surely be going there so she waited for Byul’s message. But then her mind went to something else. She got her things and went upstairs.


Krystal carefully pushed the door of the rooftop not wanting to disturb the beautiful sleeping girlfriend infront of her. Amber made a makeshift bed and a shade at the rooftop. It has been their place if they wanted to have some alone time.

Krystal carefully sat beside her and caresses her sleeping face. She began to plant feathery kisses on Amber’s forehead, down to her nose and lastly on her lips. She started to nibble it until the girl noticed her presence and responded to the kiss.

“Krystal...” Amber stirred and tried to get up.

But Krystal pushes her back and started to Amber’s uniform. “We still got time, lets make the most out of it.” Amber smirked and motioned Krystal to lie down also.

“Naughty Jung tsk tsk.” Krystal smiled and initiated the kiss. She puts her phone to alarm and placed it beside them. “Okay 15 minutes, can you do it baby?” She said in a y inviting voice.

“You challenging me, Jung? I can make you scream before 15 minutes.”



After that exercise, Krystal and Amber went back hand in hand with blushing and grinning faces plastered on their faces. As they passed the hallway, they saw Jonghyun, Jiyoung, Luna, Byul and the other fangirls waiting outside the music room.

“What are you guys doing here?” Krystal asked

“We are waiting for Amber to go out, Byul said that we should wait here coz you’re guarding the door whenever Amber is practicing... oh wait you are with her.” Jonghyun said and looks at Amber beside her.

“We were calling you guys but you guys don’t pick up.” Luna said holding her phone up

“Sorry guys, my phone died and Krystal’s phone too.” Amber scratches her head.

“Okay so you guys are here, so lets go back to class.” Jiyoung clasps her hands and motion the others to go back.

“Wait!” Byul shouted. “If Amber is here, then who is playing the piano inside?”

“Huh? No one should be inside coz I got the keys. It should be locked.” Amber showed the keys inside her pocket.

Byul went to the doorknob and tried to open it. “You’re right, it is locked.”

The music playing in the background stopped as well as their breaths. There was a silent atmosphere surrounding them as they digest where the song came from. Cold sweats are forming on their forehead and hands.

“Uhm guys....” Luna said waking her friends from trance. “I think we better...”



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Ryaen_762 #1
Chapter 11: this oneshot is good but please author update a friend of mine
Chapter 11: It been so long author nim.... I be happy if you update the story friend of mine...

Bluekkkmt #3
Chapter 6: Romantic Amber is the best.
Bluekkkmt #4
Chapter 5: Oh...weak Amber. I love that Krystal pampered and took care of Amber.
Bluekkkmt #5
Chapter 1: Aww... Kryber are so cute.
Limario_Jendukie #6
Chapter 10: This was so cute. Dang. Just...dang
Feichin #7
Chapter 4: ?
Feichin #8
Chapter 1: Like it thx
binguyen1215 #10
Chapter 10: Leo is Lisa’s wingcat