Unnie Is My Woman

Coffee Break

I have to keep her mine. Amber’s only mine. She thought to herself. Krystal was walking along the hallway towards the secret garden at the back of their school building. With her was a bucket of half-emptied orange paint that she snatched from the maintenance office, some ropes and a couple of mousetraps which she was keeping at the basement of their house in case of an “emergency use” and some fake insects that consists of bugs, spiders and cockroaches. With her eyes burning for desire, she was determined to make Amber only for her.

                It all started when she was four years old.

                “Give it back! I said give it back!” a four years old Krystal pleaded to a bunch of bullies in front of her. She was sitting at the end of the slide while hugging her knees. Her cat eyes are becoming red due to her crying. It was Krystal’s precious doll that her father gave on her birthday. But the bullies seemed strong and don’t want to give it back.

                “Yah. She said give it back. Aren’t you guys listening?!” All of the kids on the playground including Krystal tuned their heads towards where the voice is coming from. When Krystal thought that she will going to lose hope, it all changed when she looked at a certain short haired girl. Those dark brown eyes suddenly gave her comfort.

                “And if we don’t? What are you going to do?” One of the bullies walked in front and said.

                “Well, I will just tell your parents...” she said pointing at the group of mothers walking towards the playground, ready to pick up their children. “... so if you guys didn’t give it back, I’ll run to your—“

                “Here kid, keep your doll.” One of the kids throws the doll on the ground and run away from them, afraid that the kid that appeared will approach their mommies.

                Krystal eyed her so called “hero” from her head to toe. She wanted to say thank you but seemed dry from all the crying. The short haired girl walked towards her with the doll on her hand. “Here you go; I believe this belongs to you.” The girl said with a toothy grin which makes Krystal smile also. Krystal wiped her tears away and took the doll from the girl’s hands.

                “Thank you... thank you for rescuing her.” Krystal said and snuggled her doll.

                “No problem, I’m Amber by the way. We just moved in here.” Amber said giving her hand for Krystal to shake. Her family moved next door to Krystal’s house.

                Krystal eyed her hand and immediately took it. She finds it soft and somewhat their hands fit together. She gave her warmest smile and said “I’m Krystal.”

                Since then they become playmates, she also learned that Amber is three years older than her just like her older sister Jessica. Despite of their age, they became inseparable. Amber turned to be a reliable and protective unnie over Krystal, which the younger girl obviously likes. And through the years, Krystal’s feelings are getting deeper but she didn’t want the older girl to know... yet.

                 She purposely waited for Amber after her classes. Most of the times, she will turn down her sister’s offer to walk home together because she wanted someone to walk with her. Jessica didn’t know exactly what’s going on over Krystal, but when she figured out that her little dongsaeng runs out of excuses, that her eyes are always glued to her bestfriend, that she always shows her warmest smile to her despite of being tagged as the ice princess, and how she loved it when Amber is giving her tight hugs. That’s when she knew that her sister is finally growing up. Jessica kept it in herself; she will wait until Krystal is ready to talk about it.

                At times, she will ask Amber to buy her some ice cream while they are on the way home, or stay for a while at the park and have small talks about what happened today just to prolong their time together. And when Amber will have to sleepover to their house due to group projects with Jessica, she will always look at the busy girl at the distance. And when she’s sleeping, she will peek at Amber’s room and silently whisper her goodnight and kiss her forehead.

                Even though there are many things that Krystal likes about Amber, there are also things that she hates the most.

                She hates it when Amber is being friendly to other people. Why? Simple. Because Krystal is the possessive type. There will be less time with Amber when she is with her friends. Also, due to her androgynous looks, many people (especially the girls) are starting to have a huge crush on her in which Krystal doesn’t like. Obviously. Krystal believed that Amber has some sort of a charm that can attract people; she knew it because she is a victim of it.  

                She hates it when Amber is looking so down that she wanted to be alone. Krystal knew if Amber has a problem and it pains her to see her like that.

                “Are you okay? Is there something wrong?” Krystal asked her after handling a bottle of milktea which Amber likes. She gladly took the bottle and Krystal sat next to her waiting for her to respond.

                “Nope. I’m fine. Thanks.” Amber smiled but her eyes say the otherwise.

                “Yah don’t lie, I know there’s something going on. Tell me I wanna help you, unnie.” Krystal said after grabbing the older girl’s shoulder to turn to her.

                Amber chuckled at her little dongsaeng’s action. She thought that Krystal is growing up, being mature and sensitive to the feelings of other people. But then, she doesn’t want to bother Krystal about it, Amber wanted to keep it all by herself cause there might be some things that Krystal doesn’t understand yet. “I said I’m okay. Come on let’s go, I’ll get you some spicy rice cakes and ice cream.” She said and ruffled Krystal’s hair.

                Krystal puffed her cheeks and grab Amber’s arm when she’s about to get up. “What’s the matter?” the older girl asked.

                “Why you don’t want to tell me?” She crossed her arms in frustration.

                She again ruffles her hair and said “Aigoo my little princess is so cute. I’ll tell you one day when you’re old enough, okay?” The younger girl let out a sigh and nodded.

                And most of all, she hates it when Amber only see her as a dongsaeng and nothing more.

                Krystal was about to go out of the cubicle when she heard someone enter the girl’s bathroom. “So finally, this is the day that I’m going to confess to my love Amber.” Upon hearing Amber’s name, she immediately lean her head on the cubicle door.

                “Hyuna, are you sure your plan will work?” One of the girls said. Krystal balled up her fists after hearing Hyuna’s name. She’s Krystal’s biggest rival. Heck, the whole school knew that Hyuna is having a huge crush on Amber. It was almost every day that the girl will send her love notes inside her locker, leave some chocolates inside Amber’s drawer, and sometimes she even tries to have skinship to Amber but luckily Krystal is there to stop her by her glares in which the older girl is thankful for. Krystal knew that Amber doesn’t like Hyuna but she didn’t do anything about it. Amber is way too kind to people, Krystal thought.

                She immediately thinks of a plan after hearing Hyuna’s surprise for Amber. That’s why she is now setting some traps and pranks for the girl. Satisfied with her work, she hides herself at the back of the bush not far away. Not long after, she heard footsteps coming in.

                “AHHHHH!” Hyuna screamed at the top of her lungs after being covered by orange paint with little fake bugs dangling on her hair. Krystal is holding onto her stomach as she snapped a picture of an orange Hyuna. Amber bit back a laugh and immediately composed herself. “Are you okay?” Amber asked.

                “Do I look okay to you?!” Hyuna spat back. Amber rubbed the back of her neck after saying that stupid question. Hyuna’s friends came to the rescue and Amber slowly backs out of the situation.

                Krystal walked towards the park near their school and sat on the bench beside the big tree. She was too exhausted from laughing earlier. “It was you, isn’t it?” she turned around to see Amber looking at her. “What you did there is inappropriate princess.” She sat down beside her and somewhat it makes the younger girl guilty for putting up a prank for Hyuna. “But it’s so funny, seeing her all orange. Man it’s hard to suppress a laugh.” Seeing Amber laughing makes Krystal relieved. She thought that she will get scolding from Amber, but fortunately she isn’t.

                “I did a good job, am I?” she nudged Amber.

                “Yes little dongsaeng, you’re the best prankster I know. Thank you.” She said as she ruffled her hair. “Now, should we eat ice cream?”


                Amber turned her head towards Krystal, surprised because she knew Krystal never said no in terms of ice cream, especially her favourite mango flavour. “No? Then should we go for some spicy rice cakes or some beef?”

                “No.” Krystal said not looking at her.

                “Then what do you want? Tell me.” Amber sat in front of her putting her hands on the bench beside her knees.

                Krystal slowly shift her gaze in front, she met Amber’s face that is waiting for an answer. Her eyes traced her face; her brown eyes, rounded nose, light pink cheeks and lastly her plump lips that she’s been wanting to taste.

                She didn’t want to waste another day. If she will wait until she’s ready, then she might not be able to say her true feelings towards her. Of course she’s aware of the consequences and she’s prepared for it. She just wanted to lift the burden off her chest.

                “I... I don’t want to eat ice cream, rice cakes or beef. Because there is something I want to say to you, Amber.”

                “Okay, what is it?”

                “I hate you.”

                “W-why?!” Amber said surprised by what she heard.

                “I hate you being so friendly to others. I hate you being so popular to all girls and boys. I hate it when another girl is hitting on you and you’re so oblivious about it. I hate it when you didn’t want me to help you whenever you have problems, saying that I can’t understand it because I’m still young, when all I wanted to do is help you in the best way I can... I hate it when you smile at me because it gives me a funny feeling inside. When you give me hugs or hold my hand, I hate it. I hate it because I’ll just miss it right after you let go. And what I hate the most is that, you only see me as your little dongsaeng and nothing else. I want you to look at me like the way I look at you all these years...”

Without a second thought, she cupped her face and pulls it towards her leaving a few centimetres apart.

 “... because for me Amber, you’re my woman.”

Krystal leans in capturing the lips that she’s been longing for. Deep inside her, she knew that she doesn’t have a chance towards Amber but she was surprised when Amber responded to the kiss. She withdraws herself in shock but she immediately regrets it after doing that.

“I hate you too.” Amber broke the silence making the younger lift her head up.  “I hate you for confessing first. I was waiting for you to get a little older for me to court you. And you’re also the reason why I don’t date anyone, because I want you to be the first. You’re not just my dongsaeng, you’re my woman.”



Meh. My first one shot. Hope you guys like it. 

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Ryaen_762 #1
Chapter 11: this oneshot is good but please author update a friend of mine
Chapter 11: It been so long author nim.... I be happy if you update the story friend of mine...

Bluekkkmt #3
Chapter 6: Romantic Amber is the best.
Bluekkkmt #4
Chapter 5: Oh...weak Amber. I love that Krystal pampered and took care of Amber.
Bluekkkmt #5
Chapter 1: Aww... Kryber are so cute.
Limario_Jendukie #6
Chapter 10: This was so cute. Dang. Just...dang
Feichin #7
Chapter 4: ?
Feichin #8
Chapter 1: Like it thx
binguyen1215 #10
Chapter 10: Leo is Lisa’s wingcat