Stranded II

Coffee Break

I just finished editing a video for an upcoming event in our school, our organization is one of the media partners so we became so busy these days. I was about to take a nap when I heard the door opened.

“Amber?!” I turned my attention to the person standing by the door.

“Oh Seohyun, what’s up?”

“Uhm, I have a favour to ask. But I think you’re busy so...” she said as she looks at the pile of papers scattered at the table.

“N-no... I just finished my work so I’m free now.” I quickly arrange the papers and set them aside quickly.

“Ah great! You can play instruments right? Can you be our guitarist for today’s practice? Jonghyun is busy today and I don’t know anyone to call.”

“Sure thing!” I said and she immediately gives me a hug. I pack my things and get my bag and not forgetting to bid goodbye to my orgmates. We head down the stairs to their own office at the third floor. Seohyun introduced me to some of their members but most of them knew me already. I’m Miss congeniality, they say.

Seohyun handed me the song list with guitar chords in it. I went over to get the guitar and tune it first before starting. Seohyun will play the piano while I accompany her with the guitar. I was so immersed in playing that I didn’t hear the door was opened and someone walked in.

“Oh Krystal you’re here!” We just finished singing the third song when she came in. I took a deep breath and slowly turn my head to look at her. Damn. She’s so beautiful. “Oh before I forgot, Krystal this is Amber, Amber this is Krystal.” Seohyun introduced me to her. Krystal extended her hand for me to shake “Hi Amber!” and smiled. I quickly wiped my sweaty hand on my pants and hold her hand “Hi Krystal. Sorry my hands kinda sweaty cause of the guitar” I lied. It was sweaty because of you. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” Then she let go of her hand. She moved her seat closer to us so she could hear my strumming. We resumed our practice and my crush on her grows more when I heard her sing. Her voice became music to my ears.

It seems that time fly so fast that it was almost 7pm; it’s time for us to leave coz the center will be closed in just 30 minutes. I want to hang out with them for a while but my mom texted me saying that I have to go home now. The rest of the guys already left and I waited for Seohyun and Krystal to lock the office. “Hey guys, I have to go now. I’m sorry I can’t have dinner with you guys.” I apologetically said. I looked at Krystal and she seems kinda sad about it but I shrugged it off. “Oh that’s okay, Am. Thanks for today.” Seohyun said. “No problem, I really enjoyed our jamming today. If you need me, just call me... So uhm. You guys take care!” I said and waved at them. I look Krystal for a bit longer before heading downstairs. “Bye Amber!” I heard her say.

I can’t take my smile out of my face as I walk home. Krystal held my hand and she knows my name. Good thing Seohyun called me a while ago, if not, this day won’t happen.


Despite of a very bad weather, I still drag myself to school afraid that I would miss a quiz today and will get a zero. My class ended at 4pm but instead of going home, I prefer to stay in school. The nearby streets are already flooded so it’s hard to pass by. I texted my mom for her not to worry about me, this is not the first time I was stranded in school. I grab my things and head to the office, good thing I bought my necessities to be prepared in this kind of weather. As it was about to get dark, I take my camera and put on my jacket and head out of office. I roam around the campus to snap some photos; this can be a headline tomorrow I thought. When I was about to take a picture, my camera got a view of Krystal. She was struggling to walk to some dry area. I quicken my pace and went towards her.

“Hey, come on I’ll give you a lift.” I said as I extend my hand. She looks up to me and I smiled.

“Nah, its okay I can handle it.” She smiled and politely refused.

“No, it’s okay. Let me help you...” A science student sure has a lot to bring, seeing her with a paper bags on each hands. “... I bet you’re having a hard time already. Hop on my back, Krystal-shi.” I said as I turn around and lower myself. I knew she was being hesitant at first but she give in. I place my camera on my neck and I hold on to her paperbags on my hands. I heard her giggle as she jumps on my back, when we are settled; we head to the student center to dry.

“So this is what your office looks like. I guess we’re gonna spend a night here.” She said as she roams around. It’s just me and her inside.

“Yeah, it’s not my first time to be stranded so I’m okay with it.” I handed out my extra clothes for her and a pair of slippers for her to use. “Here use this and dry yourself up.”

“Thanks, I’ll be right back Amber.”


While she’s gone to change, I opened my laptop and export the pictures I took earlier and start to edit them.

“Wow nice shot.” She complimented. Maybe I was so immersed in editing that I didn’t hear the door opened.

“Thanks, Krystal.” I smiled. She pulls a chair and seat beside me. Suddenly, she leans her head on my shoulder. I became stiff for a moment but I try to relax myself. I decided to play some music for her not to hear the rapid beating of my heart. I was about to hibernate my laptop since I’m done editing but she stopped me from doing so.

“Hey Am, can I look at your pictures?” She asked.

“Uhm sure, no problem.” I opened a folder for her to browse.

Her eyes widened as she saw my collections. “Wow Amber, you’re so good!”

“I’m still learning, but thanks.” I rubbed the back of my head.

“No Am, you are really good. You capture every moment beautiful. You have an eye of a photographer.” She patted my back and smiled.

I was about to reply when something knock on our door. “Hey Am, can you downstairs? There’s something I need you to cover.” Yuri said leaning at our door. I looked at Krystal and she nodded, telling me that it’s okay to leave her alone for a moment.  

“Okay, Yul. I’ll just grab my cam.” I went to Krystal and get my camera. “I’ll be right back okay?”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you here.”


As I went to the lobby, I was shocked by the number of students that was stranded because of the heavy rainfall. I quickly snapped some photos of it. When the food arrives, I help them distribute it to some students. When I was done, I went upstairs with two packs of food on my hand. I’m sure Krystal is hungry by now. As I went inside the office, Krystal is still looking at my laptop. Maybe she was playing games or what. As I place the food down at the table, she looks at me intently saying...

“Welcome back, stalker.”

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Ryaen_762 #1
Chapter 11: this oneshot is good but please author update a friend of mine
Chapter 11: It been so long author nim.... I be happy if you update the story friend of mine...

Bluekkkmt #3
Chapter 6: Romantic Amber is the best.
Bluekkkmt #4
Chapter 5: Oh...weak Amber. I love that Krystal pampered and took care of Amber.
Bluekkkmt #5
Chapter 1: Aww... Kryber are so cute.
Limario_Jendukie #6
Chapter 10: This was so cute. Dang. Just...dang
Feichin #7
Chapter 4: ?
Feichin #8
Chapter 1: Like it thx
binguyen1215 #10
Chapter 10: Leo is Lisa’s wingcat