Reasons Why I Hate Rain

Coffee Break

Number one: She’s afraid of thunders, ever since she’s a kid.


Annoyed by the ringing of her alarm clock that has been snoozing many times now, Krystal lazily hit the top button of her clock on her bedside table. She slightly shivered due of the cold but calm morning breeze that kissed her delicate skin. The brunette girl slowly got up from bed with her blanket wrapped around her as she walked towards the window. She was greeted by a warm sunlight when she swiped the curtains unto the sides, but to her dismay the cold feeling is still there. She sighed loudly causing a moist forming onto the glass. She finds it weird because that feeling won’t go away for years now, so she decided to keep her blanket and hug it tightly as she enjoy the scenery below her.


As the brunette girl enjoy her morning stroll around the neighbourhood with a cup of hot coffee on her hand, she decided to take a short stop at a bench near the playground. As her eyes wonder around the area, there is one thing that caught her eyes that triggered a memory; a memory that she kept inside and locked up her brain through the years. Although she was six years old at that time, it was still so vivid that she can tell all the tiniest details about that day.


It was the slide.


A smile was formed unconsciously to her face as she remembered what happened that day. Being the youngest the Jung family is a burden for Krystal. She has to be protected and to be taking of just like a crystal. And because of her strict and conservative parents, she mostly spends her free time at their abode. It really for Krystal. That’s why she’s so jealous of the children who can play outside and even in the rain


Being a smart kid on such a young age, she builds up a plan to escape their house on one rainy day. Luckily she made her way out of the house and onto the near playground. She run fast to join the other children playing. But a sudden thunder strike causes her to be frightened that she immediately sat down on her knees frozen.


But the little girl felt something small and warm on her ears that made her feel warm. She was about to turn her head she stopped when she heard a voice.


“Hey kid let’s go to that slide!” she heard the other kid half-screamed and she nodded.


They took refuge below the slide. As they sat down, Krystal turned her head towards the other kid and the latter just gave her a smile. And whenever they will hear a thunder, the other kid will cover both of her ears. When the kid was about to withdraw her hand, Krystal immediately placed her little palms above the other; keeping it in place. Because amidst of the pouring rain, she felt oddly warm. And that makes her happy deep inside.

When the rain was gone, the two kids got out of the slide and Krystal stood frozen because she saw her parents looking at her like she’s going to receive a punishment. Krystal was scared and she unconsciously held the hand of the other kid. Because in those hands, she felt warm and secured. The latter also held it tightly which made Krystal happy.




Krystal was shocked when her mom slapped her new found friend. She was about to turn to her friend but it was too late because she was already being dragged by her mom to their house. She yanked her hand and ran towards her room and to the window, hoping that she will see her new friend there but to her dismay she’s already gone. And that’s the last day she saw friend or she likes to call it... her hero.


Since then, she hated the rain.



Number two: She doesn’t want to get wet by the rain.


The spring rain – is what Krystal hates the most. And the umbrella is her second hatest thing on earth. But she still needs it to protect herself from the rain, not the kind of thing that will make her warm but nonetheless it will keep her dry.


Krystal was in middle school when she experienced her first heartbreak. There was a small note fell when she opened her locker.


Gym. 3pm.


Thinking that it’s from her boyfriend, she placed the note inside her pocket and waited for 3pm with a smile plastered in her face. She knew that no one will use the gym at this time, so she assumed that her boyfriend planned some surprised for her. She carefully opened the door and looked for her boyfriend. When she passed by the storage room, she heard some noises that made her stopped on her tracks. Krystal gripped the knob and opened it. And to her horror, she saw her boyfriend , hovering on top of another girl that happened to be her bestfriend.


Krystal heard her boyfriend’s voice fading away. Before she knew it, she was running away. She let her feet drag her wherever. She arrived at the field and she was surprised when she felt that her clothes suddenly became soaked. Then she looked up and smirked to herself. It’s raining.  Now, there is another reason for her to hate the rain.


With slow heavy footsteps, she went back to her locker. Oblivious to her surroundings, she bumped someone on the shoulder but she didn’t bulge and resumed walking.


“Be careful next time!” the other person said with sincerity in her voice.


When she opened her locker, she was surprised to find a clean towel, a jogging pants and a hoodie that’s a little big for her. Krystal scrunched her eyebrows and turned her head from left to right to see if someone left this. Seeing nobody, she just shrugged and changed her clothes.


Oddly, she felt warm.


Number three: It will be hard to go home, because many people will be rushing home

“Hey Jung, wanna grab lunch?”


Krystal sighed and looked at her co-worker named, Amber Liu. They went to the same school together but they weren’t that close to each other because they have different circle of friends. Amber is known to be outgoing while Krystal is the reserved one. The brunette girl finds Amber so annoying because she bugs her all the time. On the other hand, Amber finds an annoyed Krystal cute.


“So are you coming with me or what?” Amber added when Krystal didn’t respond.


“ No. Ask Key or Luna instead.” Krystal said coldly while typing something on her keyboard. Amber pouted cutely at her but the latter didn’t see it. Knowing that she’s defeated again, Amber went to the cafeteria with Luna. When she went back, she placed a paper bag with a burrito inside on Krystal’s table.


“What’s this?” Krystal asked but the latter just shrugged and went back to her desk. Krystal let a small smile when she saw that it was her favourite burrito.


The brunette girl fixed her things as she was ready to go home. She frowned upon reaching the lobby because it’s raining hard outside. As she walked towards the nearest bus stop, she saw many people waiting in line. She cursed inside her mind because it will be hard for her to go home. But she doesn’t have a choice, so she waited in line.


“I never thought that the line will be this long.” Krystal’s temper slightly rise as she heard that voice – it’s Amber’s. “Are you going home, Krystal?”


“Does it show?” she sarcastically answered.


“Right.” Amber shyly said and scratched her head.


She plugged her earphones on and listened to some music just to divert her attention to something else. Not far away from them, there is an old lady who is walking alone in the rain with just a cardboard box on her head to shield herself from the rain. Amber ran towards her and gave her own umbrella.


Krystal who saw everything, again started to feel annoyed towards Amber. “Stupid.”


“I know.” Amber shrugged and smile.


“You’re gonna get sick!”


“I don’t mind. I have my hoodie. And I love the rain...” Amber smiled and Krystal caught it. She suddenly became nervous. “... and the rain reminds me of someone too.” Amber said softly and looks at Krystal.


The brunette girl became speechless. She was sure to herself that, that smile was familiar to her. “Oh the bus is here! Come on, Jung.” Amber’s voice wakes her up from trance. She felt Amber’s hands on her wrist pulling her towards the bus. Oddly, she felt warm.



Number four: It makes her feel cold. Colder than herself.


As she was busy reminiscing her childhood, she suddenly remembered Amber. It’s been months that the short haired girl quit bothering hair. It was on one Friday afternoon that she confronted Amber about it.


“Hey are you going home? Let’s go out together.” Amber cheerfully said as she grab Krystal’s other things. But before they get inside the elevator, Krystal stopped her.


“Amber, give me my things. I can carry them on my own.”


“No it’s okay, I’ll carry them.” Amber smiled.


“Can you please leave me alone, Amber?! Why are you so annoying?! Ugh.” Krystal harshly took her things and entered the elevator. Amber looks at her with sad eyes and took a step back, letting Krystal alone inside.


When Krystal closed the door, she sighed heavily and muttered “You want this Krystal, you know you want this.” When she stepped outside the building, it started to rain.

It felt cold.


Since then, Amber didn’t bother her anymore. But as Amber ignores her, Krystal only misses her. She’s denying it but in her heart it’s true. She misses how the tomboy places sticky notes on her desk in the morning just to cheer her up. The free burritos that Amber always buying for her, when she’s planning to skip lunch. The moments when they shared cups of coffee in the pantry. And most of all, she misses Amber’s smile and warmth.


Krystal was scared.


She was scared that her feelings will grow more each day. And she wasn’t ready for it. She was scared to take a risk. She wasn’t ready to love again because of the inevitability to get hurt again. So she pushed Amber away.


Krystal shook off her thoughts and head back home. She crawled back to bed, burying herself inside the blanket, trying to get some warmth.


Krystal stretched her arms and looks at the clock. It was already past 6pm. As she went out, she saw Amber waiting for the elevator. She wanted to go towards her but her feet forbid her to do so.


It was raining when she reached the lobby. She quickly searches for her umbrella but she forgot it at home. She had no choice but to wait until the rain stops.


She nearly jumped when she saw Amber also waiting at the lobby with two cups of coffee in her hands. Amber walked towards her and gave the other to her. Amber hesitantly took a seat beside her, leaving one seat apart from her.  


No one was talking and for the both of them it was deafening. Until they heard a loud thunder roar, causing Krystal to close her eyes and squeal in fear. But she was surprised when she felt something warm in her ears. Krystal opens her eyes and saw Amber covering her ears.


Amber cleared and let go of her hands. “Sorry, its just... I uhm... I know you don’t like me doing this.” Amber said and walked back to her seat.


“N-no. It’s okay.” Krystal stuttered. For that split second, she felt warm again.


Amber chuckled. “You know, I remember someone who is also afraid of loud thunders. There was this kid from the playground...” Krystal immediately turned her head towards her.


“... It was raining so we took refuge under the slide. I covered her ears because she’s so scared.”  Krystal felt her heart beating fast. Her brain starts to replay the scenes happened that day.


“She became my crush since then. So I followed her in school. But she doesn’t recognize me after how many times I tried to be obvious.” Amber looked at her and smiled. “And there was one time I caught her boyfriend cheating on her, so I put a note inside her locker.”


Krystal widened her eyes due to the sudden revelation.  “You’re the...” Krystal tried to speak but Amber cuts her


“I saw how devastated she was, so I helped her in the possible ways I can.”


“You gave me that towel and clothes...” Krystal said and Amber only smiled. Krystal felt a sudden rush of warmth inside her. And it’s clear to her now, with all the pieces of puzzle already put into place.


So instead of saying anything, she pulls Amber outside the building. She didn’t mind the rain that is now making their clothes soaked. This is the first time she enjoys these little droplets kissing her skin.


“I thought you hated the rain?” Amber stops and asked her


“I do, but you’re here now to keep me warm.”



Hey guys its been a while. Its long and very lame I know. Huhu. 

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Ryaen_762 #1
Chapter 11: this oneshot is good but please author update a friend of mine
Chapter 11: It been so long author nim.... I be happy if you update the story friend of mine...

Bluekkkmt #3
Chapter 6: Romantic Amber is the best.
Bluekkkmt #4
Chapter 5: Oh...weak Amber. I love that Krystal pampered and took care of Amber.
Bluekkkmt #5
Chapter 1: Aww... Kryber are so cute.
Limario_Jendukie #6
Chapter 10: This was so cute. Dang. Just...dang
Feichin #7
Chapter 4: ?
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Chapter 1: Like it thx
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Chapter 10: Leo is Lisa’s wingcat