Stranded III

Coffee Break

“I think my brain will explode earlier. I can’t take anymore formulas!” I chuckled at Luna as she angrily ruffled her hair in frustration. “How do you memorize all of it Krystal?” she added.

“I wrote them down and memorize every night. I’m sure you’ll get it soon, Luna. For now, let’s get lunch. I’m starving.” I said as I heard my stomach growled. Luna nodded and we walked hand in hand towards the exit.

“Luna! Krystal!” We turned our backs to see a panting giant baby near us. “Why you guys leaving without me?” She whined and fanning herself with a magazine.

“I thought you and Sojin will do some research?” Luna said after giving her bottled water to Sulli.

“No, we cancelled it.” She said and gulped down the water. “Oh wait, Krystal have you seen the school magazine this month?” She asked facing me.

“No I haven’t seen it yet.” It’s not that I don’t want to see it; it’s just that it doesn’t interests me. Sulli dragged me to the nearest magazine stand and handed me and Luna the magazine.

“Look Krystal, you’re at the cover page!” She happily said. I was shocked to see myself at the front cover of the school magazine. I didn’t expect it. It was a candid shot of me with the little kids that I taught when we had the outreach program in school. I was smiling in the picture which I rarely do. And it make my heart fluttered, the thing that I unusually feel.

“Omo Krystal, you’re famous now!” Luna joked and I chuckled. “You look beautiful here Krystal.” She added.

Sulli nodded at Luna. “Uh-huh. Hyung really did a good job. She really is a pro in photography.” She said proudly.

“Hyung?” I asked.

“Oh, her name’s Amber Liu. She’s one of the photographers at the school paper. You can see her always roaming around the campus taking pictures of the students. I just called her hyung because she’s too handsome to be called unnie.” Sulli said and we resumed walking towards the cafeteria.

I nodded and looked down at the bottom of the paper it says: Photographed by: Amber Liu. I unconsciously smiled and kept the magazine on my bag. And from that day on, she not only captured me, but my heart also.


I was running along the hallway towards the bathroom. I just got the papers from Ms. Kim that she asked me to submit it at the student center office. I really can’t control the calling of the nature right now; I really need to pee. Unfortunately, I bumped a student by the shoulder and the papers that I was holding are scattered on the floor.

“Sorry about that, are you okay?” I heard her husky voice and she started to help me with my papers.

I lift my head up to see the person in front of me. OH. MY. GOD. “It’s Amber Liu!” I heard my own voice screaming inside my brain. I was starting to stare at her but I quickly shook my head. Today is not the right time to do this Krystal, you need to pee! So I quickly said something and left her. I went straight to the cubicle; good thing there’s no one inside the bathroom and let out a long squeal. I lift my hands and put it on my burning cheeks. “I can’t believe it’s her” I mumbled to myself while doing my business.


I freshen up and head towards the student center. I looked back at the hallway to find my handkerchief but I didn’t saw it there. I still have an extra inside my bag so no big deal. As I entered the office, I saw her again sitting while waiting in line. I took a deep breath and sat next to her. I felt my mind became intoxicated with her scent as I slightly leaned at her and smelled her perfume. “Gosh Krystal you need to calm down!” I heard my voice again inside my brain. So I plugged my headphones in and switch the music on. I was getting immersed to the music when I felt someone poking me.

“Uhm, excuse me...” I looked at her and pulled out my head phones. I felt my hands started to sweat. “...I believe this is yours. We bumped into each other earlier so I think you drop this.” She added. “She remembers you Krystal!” I maintained my composure outside but inside it’s the opposite.

I thanked her and got the handkerchief from her hands. I swear that I’ll never wash it again. I was about to ask her name, even I already knew it. I think this is the right moment to be friends with her. Sadly, the girl at the counter called her and she left. Ugh.


The finals are around the corner so I stayed at the library more than I should. I need to pass so that I’ll maintain my high grades. But staying here makes me feel incomplete. I miss Amber hanging around at the plaza while eating her favourite burrito. Yes, I’m a stalker now. Thinking her makes me miss her more. I sighed and walked into the shelves to look for some reference.

“Aren’t you tired of staring that picture?” I heard someone talking nearby. I was about to get out of the shelf but I quickly go back to hide myself when I saw Amber talking with her friend. I look at them intently and my eyes widened as I saw my picture at her laptop. “Why did she have so many pictures of me?” I whispered to myself. I listened to their conversation and found that she had a crush on me. I want to jump and scream around but I remembered that this is the library so I’ve got to control myself. I quickly went to the bathroom again and locked myself at the cubicle and let out my squeal. This marks one of the happiest days of my life!


I’m running late for our practice at the org room. I promised Seohyun at I will attend today. As I opened the door, they are all singing already. But I was shocked when I saw Amber playing the guitar for us. I’m silently thanking Jonghyun for not attending today coz I get to see my Amber. Yes, my Amber. I think I was falling deeper for her when I saw her playing the guitar with her talented fingers. How she bite her lower lip when she’s deeply engrossed to what she was doing. Oh gosh, how I badly wanted to kiss them. I was enjoying daydreaming about Amber when I heard Seohyun called my attention. She introduced me to Amber, so I politely extended my hand to her. And I like it because I got a chance to touch her. 

I invited them for a dinner, since it’s already getting dark and I’m getting hungry also. Unfortunately, Amber can’t come because she had to go home early. I felt sad, but it’s okay coz I get to hang out with her today. And I’m looking forward to many hang out’s with my Amber.


“UGH. STUPID RAIN!” I silently cursed as I walked towards the building’s door. This is really a bad day for me coz I’ve got a lot of stuff with me. And I don’t know if I can go home at this point. As I was walking to find a dry area, I heard someone called me.

“Hey come on, I’ll give you a lift.” That voice. I looked up to see Amber smiling at me while extending her hand. I politely refused but she insisted so I give in. In fact, I like it but I have to keep my cool so that she won’t think of anything. I like the feeling when she carried me on her back. She has broad shoulders and I can feel her back muscles a bit. I slowly leaned my head on her shoulder and smell her scent. We head towards the student center and to their office. She gave me some of her clothes for me to change, and I can’t help myself but to smile at the thought of I’m spending the night here with my Amber.

I came back inside the office and I saw her editing something in her laptop. I complimented her and she turned her head towards me. Suddenly, a light bulb moment pops inside my head. “I’ll make her confess tonight.” The voice inside of me said. I begin my plan by being clingy to her, I leaned my head onto her shoulder while looking at her laptop. I felt her body went rigid but she slowly calmed herself up.

“Hey Am, can I look at your pictures?” I innocently said. I thought she will hesitate but she didn’t and that’s a relief. She’s really good at this. I can’t help but to smile at her photos. I was feeling proud inside. I was busy looking at her collection when someone called her to cover something. I told her to go coz it’s her job. When she went out, I quickly took this opportunity to look at her laptop. I found a secret folder, I clicked it and I smirked when I saw all my pictures that she took. There’s one that I was at the library reading a book, when I was walking alone at the path walk, when I was happily eating my dried mangoes, even there’s a picture of me with my hair messed up and my scrunched up face because I can’t understand the lecture, etc...

I took out my phone and went to my gallery and click at my Amber’s collection. I also secretly took some pictures of her. I smiled to the thought that we are just doing the same. I went out of the room and head downstairs. And there she was, helping the students in the best way she can. That’s one of the things that I like about her, she’s friendly and ready to help. I secretly took a photo of her and went back inside the room. Afterwards, I heard the door open and she came in holding two packs of food. I immediately put up my straight face and looked at her.

“Welcome back, stalker.” I coldly said. She eyed me confusingly and I showed her her laptop with my pictures in it.

“I... I uhm. I didn’t mean that Krystal.” She began to stutter and fidgeted nervously.

“You didn’t mean?” I got up and slowly walk towards her. I was starting to feel giddy inside but I keep my cool.

“O-okay. I’m sorry Krystal. It’s just that... that...” She walked backwards as I walked towards her. She stopped when she realized that her back was already at the wall.

“What?” I said place my hand on her side trapping her.

She gulped and said “It’s just that... you’re beautiful Krystal. I—I was having a huge crush on you ever since we bumped into each other at the hallway. I’m sorry if I’m being a stalker... I... I just can’t help myself. My day cannot be complete if I didn’t catch any glimpse of you. You are my muse, Krystal.” She said to me while looking deeply in my eyes, and I swear that my heart will explode any minute. “Heh, you must think I’m crazy now. If you don’t like it, I’ll delete it.” She was about to head towards the table but I stopped her.



“I said don’t.” I said firmly.

“B-but why?” She asked.

I smiled then I took out my phone and I let her look all the pictures that I took. I saw her eyes widened as she scanned every picture. I looked down and nervously fidgeted my fingers. “It seems that we are just doing the same... well the pictures are not as good as you took for me...”  I shot my head up and looked at her “... so don’t delete my pictures okay?”

She nodded and smiled; understanding to what I meant. “Okay.”

I bit my lips as I took her hand and interlaced it with mine. My heart fluttered as how our hands perfectly matched to each other. Our cheeks our both flushed with shades of pink. “Okay.” I said to her and smiled. 



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Ryaen_762 #1
Chapter 11: this oneshot is good but please author update a friend of mine
Chapter 11: It been so long author nim.... I be happy if you update the story friend of mine...

Bluekkkmt #3
Chapter 6: Romantic Amber is the best.
Bluekkkmt #4
Chapter 5: Oh...weak Amber. I love that Krystal pampered and took care of Amber.
Bluekkkmt #5
Chapter 1: Aww... Kryber are so cute.
Limario_Jendukie #6
Chapter 10: This was so cute. Dang. Just...dang
Feichin #7
Chapter 4: ?
Feichin #8
Chapter 1: Like it thx
binguyen1215 #10
Chapter 10: Leo is Lisa’s wingcat