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A/n: i know i cant bribe you guys with anything except an update..... ._. So here it is, i tried, really ._.

Please kindly watch infinite's 'bad' mv, because its one million away from 5 million, which means DANCE PRACTICE VIDEO

 I cant contain my feels like really....

And they have won twice on the show and show champion, thanks to you all who votes!! ^^ can we help our boys have another win on m countdown, music bank, music core and inkigayo? Like please T.T i want to see them proudly lift up the trophy and sing their encore song happily ._.



 so here you go, the bribe, hahahaha :"$



It only takes an argument to make them drift apart, and only a simple forgiveness to bring Myungsoo back, glued himself to Sungyeol's back.


"Don't you have a work to do?" Sungyeol asked after class, climbing up the stairs with Myungsoo closed behind.


"Will you wait for me?" The younger asked hopefully.


"What time will you finished?" Sungyeol turned a bit, then felt an additional weight on his bag.


"Don't tug on my bag, Soo," Sungyeol scolded lightly.


"Please wait for me?" His voice tightly laced with hope, and Myungsoo is just too precious for Sungyeol to be turned down, so he ended up waiting for 2 hours for his dear friend.




"Yah Sungyeol, your boyfriend searching for you," Woohyun exclaimed while they all in the teaching room, preparing for the lecture later that day.


"What," Sungyeol, not raising his head from the properties, said plainly.


Woohyun chuckled, then simply stated the name. "It's Soo-soo."


Sungyeol looked up from the properties towards the door, seeing Myungsoo calling him with a vigorous wave of hand. Sungyeol put down the thing and walked there.


"What?" Sungyeol asked, a little bit in hurry because the lecture will start in an hour or less.


"I'll be going home first okay?" Myungsoo said with a grin plastered on his face, looking as innocent as possible.


"Just that?" Sungyeol asked in disbelief. Myungsoo just called him in the middle of his busy time just to say this?


"Oh my god Soo," Woohyun toppled down behind Sungyeol, laughing his off. Myungsoo just eyed him weirdly with a hint of irritation in his face. Sungyeol can't help but laugh along as well because of the absurdity. When Woohyun done, he wiped his tears and holding his stomach due to laughing

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guys guys guys please give me your thought on the poll in the foreword X0 I don't know it's kinda tight and I'm confused which path I should choose X0


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khasabat #1
Chapter 21: Sweet! I dont remember had been reading this story to a couple time hahaha i just very enjoyed for reading this! Hahaha
Chapter 21: Yah! This is really good! i read it with my 3ds yeah you should be honored. Cuz i did that for you hahaha jk. typing with this is a hassle and that means i love you OP. Thank you for this wonderful piece of art ;)
Interesting description! :))
Uwaaaaaa its really complete? :( more more more~~ kkk xD waaa this is so wonderfuuul im very thankful that it ended that way <3 although i wanna punch them both before ahahahaha such a great fic! and ur writing ooh so good its very inspirational<3 the last part it is<3 thankyouuuu so much for writing this one hihi hope youll write more about them<3
Rosebill #5
Chapter 21: Thank you for the epilogue
Rosebill #6
Chapter 20: Please make a epilogue
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 20: Wait, is that the end? Arent sungyeol going back to that country? Didnt he go only for myungsoo's graduation? Arent they going to be official or something? I'm not good at open ending I'm sorry ;_;
Cupcake000 #8
Chapter 18: Myungsoo you liitle dip GO KISS SUNGYEOL ALREAADY !!! // rips hair in frustration//
Michlova88 #9
Thanks for the update.. :)
How dare that guys touch my baby yeol. /revenge/.. > o<
Elf1112 #10
Chapter 17: Nooooooooo!!!!! cliffhanger again!!!!!! update faster pls author-nim.