Epilogue: Parallel

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a/n: so, here's the awaited epilogue!!! *not really*


hahaha enjoy guys!! ^^








"Myungsoo-yah! Let's go for a drink today! It's on me!"


Myungsoo gave out his half smile, but not averting his head from the monitor and not stopping his currently running fingers on the keyboard. He, especially today, needs to be on time.


"I'll pass, have some important things today," he replied, his smile getting wider. "Sorry Jonghyun-hyung."


"Yah! It's not everytime I'm being nice like this! What's more important than a free drink?" Jonghyun, one of his senior here in his new work place, scolded with a playful manner, trying to distract Myungsoo from his current work. He smiled, saving his finished work and shut down the notebook he used, not bothering till it's shut down properly and just shove it to his bag.


Minhyuk whistled. "Myungsoo not being angry when being teased by hyung is already a miracle!!!" He said in the most funny way, hands flailing up above his head. "Let's thank God!!!"


"Myungsoo is going for a date," Jaehyun confirmed lightly, enjoying the color changing of his friend's face.


Some moment passed with them looking towards each other, as if trying to find the truth in each of the faces. Until someone finally get out of it.


"Myungsoo is dating?!"


"Our Myungsoo?!"


"With who?!"


"Why don't you tell us Myungsoo-yah?!"


"We're betrayed!!"


Myungsoo fastened up cleaning his table as soon as possible, igonoring every shout and demand his friends made. When he finished cleaning up, he slang his bag to his shoulder and grinned while scurrying away.


"Bye guys!!!"


All of them immediately stopped when they realized Myungsoo has successfully escaped from them.


"Damn he's fast," Jaehyun sighed, then turned to Jonghyun. "Hyung, the drink is still on right?"


Jonghyun smirked.


"Bring it on!"







"Where are you?"


Myungsoo speed-walked towards his destination with a smile on his face, on his right hand, dangling a bag filled with hot waffles, Sungyeol's favourite. He continued on while looking at his phone once in a while, waiting for an answer from Sungyeol.


"Home, why?"


Myungsoo halted his walk suddenly when he received the answer from Sungyeol. His smile was replaced with a frown, he typed fastly on his phone.


"Didn't we promise to meet up and celebrate your first month working?"


Myungsoo waited, his hand now hanging loosely beside his body. Suddenly, he didn't have any energy even to walk.


"Oops... I forgot, sorry hon"


Myungsoo eyed his phone and the waffles back and forth, contemplating on which one he wants to throw away because he needs to do something to vent his anger right now.


"Just kick the rock."


Myungsoo turned his head due to a sudden voice came piercing the earlier quiet night. He found a head ducking beside him and a hand reaching for the waffles in the bag he's holding. He pulled it, making the hand caught empty air.


"Didn't you bring it for me?" Sungyeol pouted, straightened his head again to stand face to face with Myungsoo.


"You said you forgot," Myungsoo said with an accusing tone, Sungyeol found this adorable so he went closer to give him a hug, but he resisted.


"Doesn't mean I'm not present here, this is another place I consider home too, so when I look at the sky straight like this," Sungyeol tilted his head to the back, facing the night sky with stars, "I forgot everything, sorry."


Sungyeol took a hold of Myungsoo's free hand, swaying it back and forth cutely. Myungsoo finally looked at him. Sungyeol smiled.


"Next time tell me clearer about your whereabouts."


"Next time tell me if you have some plan to drink too, we can always reschedule."


"Yeah well...." Myungsoo stopped. "From where did you hear that?!"


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guys guys guys please give me your thought on the poll in the foreword X0 I don't know it's kinda tight and I'm confused which path I should choose X0


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khasabat #1
Chapter 21: Sweet! I dont remember had been reading this story to a couple time hahaha i just very enjoyed for reading this! Hahaha
Chapter 21: Yah! This is really good! i read it with my 3ds yeah you should be honored. Cuz i did that for you hahaha jk. typing with this is a hassle and that means i love you OP. Thank you for this wonderful piece of art ;)
Interesting description! :))
Uwaaaaaa its really complete? :( more more more~~ kkk xD waaa this is so wonderfuuul im very thankful that it ended that way <3 although i wanna punch them both before ahahahaha such a great fic! and ur writing ooh so good its very inspirational<3 the last part it is<3 thankyouuuu so much for writing this one hihi hope youll write more about them<3
Rosebill #5
Chapter 21: Thank you for the epilogue
Rosebill #6
Chapter 20: Please make a epilogue
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 20: Wait, is that the end? Arent sungyeol going back to that country? Didnt he go only for myungsoo's graduation? Arent they going to be official or something? I'm not good at open ending I'm sorry ;_;
Cupcake000 #8
Chapter 18: Myungsoo you liitle dip GO KISS SUNGYEOL ALREAADY !!! // rips hair in frustration//
Michlova88 #9
Thanks for the update.. :)
How dare that guys touch my baby yeol. /revenge/.. > o<
Elf1112 #10
Chapter 17: Nooooooooo!!!!! cliffhanger again!!!!!! update faster pls author-nim.