Bridge In Between

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a/n: because ive dragged this too long, i'll just post everything today hahahaa


please enjoy guys, and comment some below! i want to hear you~






"Woohyun was really killing the mood just now."


"Well I know it myself, but you guys are so over the top so I need to stop you right then and there. Now where are we going? Before I choose the place myself and ignoring you guys' preference to be mushy all over the world."


Sungyeol chuckled from the back seat. Who thought this two will be this close like this? They used to hate and avoid each other back in the days.


"We are not mushy! It's just been a long time since we met and the last one didn't end so--"


"Hey how about we're going to Hongdae? There's so much cafe there and we can choose one to stay and talk," Sungyeol suggested, effectively cutting Woohyun and Myungsoo's bickering, also the risk for the bad memory got opened again. The last thing he needs is Myungsoo turned into a crying ball.


"Fine! Hongdae it is!!"







"...and then he screamed 'it's hot!!' when I've been holding it the whole time, like, what exactly is hot? Then he stormed off like a mad man."


"It's really hot! You made the water there splattered all over my hand till I need to wash it with a cold running water!"


"Well what that made me then? I had been letting those out from the steamer with bare hands. You don't even hold it yourself!"


Myungsoo, feeling irritated and helpless because he had no other argument, slap Sungyeol's abs as a signal for him to help.


Bad move.


Why it needs to be on the abs, out of all the spot Myungsoo could reach?


Sungyeol cringed a bit feeling his newly attached skin got stretched again but tried to cover it up because Myungsoo will feel guilty again if he knows.


Not a chance.


"Myungsoo what are you doing where do you think you slapp--"


Sungyeol reached out quickly to shut Woohyun's mouth but he tried to peel it off, making Sungyeol going back and forth to struggle to keep his hand there, effectively bumping his stomach back and forth on the table also.


This is worse.


"What are you guys doing?"


When the two averted their gaze from each other and took a look to the neglected one, they instantly felt shiver down their spine.


Dark Myungsoo with his dark aura and equally dark eyes (and eyebags) is back. Both of the other immediately sit straight like a trained puppy and waited for Myungsoo to say his next words.


Myungsoo, failed to realize that he's actually the reason behind all Woohyun-Sungyeol bickering, kept glaring with no end. Why are these two doing ridiculous thing like I'm not here?!


"It's nothing Myung--" Sungyeol, immediately realized his slip of tongue, corrected it right away "--Soo-yah, Woohyun here just don't know how to stop when it's already the time so I need to do it right?" Sungyeol grinned, trying to cover it up but now Myungsoo is already angry again. He stood up abruptly and left, murmuring about 'Sungjong' and 'met up' along the way. Sungyeol and Woohyun just stared blankly at his back before senses came back to them.


"I can't believe I blow it up on the first meeting," Sungyeol sighed. "It's really hard keeping the balance between me and him eh?"


"He's too jealous for God's sake," Woohyun rubbed his temple with some hard pressure "I thought he's getting better with that but apparently I was wrong."


"Hahahaha," Sungyeol let out a dry laugh that he expertly faked to reach up his eyes "that only means that I'm not good to be with him then."


"Are you really still on this talk? After all those months?" Woohyun replied irritatedly, "that prick didn't worth your time you stupid! Get over him!"


"As how I always mention too, it's not that easy," Sungyeol sighed "I care too much about him."




"Now stop talking about that," Sungyeol immediately flashed his gummy smile which reached his eyes, but even Woohyun knew that he's faking it. "Let's go home now, I'm pretty tired actually."


Sungyeol didn't wait for Woohyun and immediately raised from his seat, mind nothing about going home alone because he knows the way anyway, Woohyun didn't need to send him home.


"Yah Lee Sungyeol!!!"


Sungyeol didn't react and kept walking.


"Your luggages are still in my car!!!"




Sungyeol turned and caught his friend's annoyed face. He grinned sheepishly.


"Then let's go home, what are you waiting for?" He reached for Woohyun's hand and practically dragged him towards his car, stealing the car key in the process.


"Yah what are you doing?! There's no way I'll let a tired person drive!" Woohyun tried to take the key back but no avail, he's still too short for Sungyeol.


"Don't be mean, I just want to drive, can't I? You never know if this is my last drive right?" Sungyeol wore his best sad expression, knowing Woohyun is going to fall for it.


"Stop talking like that! It's not working to me," Woohyun took the key in one swift move after Sungyeol lowered down his hand. The later pouted.


"It worked for Myungsoo though. I once said that in a text and the next day he said he had a nightmare."


"Then he's an idiot."


"Isn't he always?"








"--he simply forgetting that I'm here and kept joking around with Woohyun!! What do you think I should do beside leaving them all alone?! I'm not that--"


"Is this why you suddenly called me here?" Sungjong sighed, rested his head on his palm. He's been hearing Myungsoo's rant for a little over 10 minutes and he's so not having anymore of it, so he cut his words out.


"Well you're supposed to listen to me and be on my side!! Don't you think I'm right and he's wrong?!" Myungsoo tried to bring Sungjong to his side, but the younger only sighed and shook his head in disappointment.


"Till when you're going to be like this Soo?" Sungjong asked back, voice's calm despite of wrinkles that's starting to form on his forehead. "You keep hating him for things he did, but he's there right? Staying beside you and tried to be a good friend again?"


Myungsoo stayed quiet. His mind travelling to the past, remembering things Sungyeol did.


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guys guys guys please give me your thought on the poll in the foreword X0 I don't know it's kinda tight and I'm confused which path I should choose X0


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khasabat #1
Chapter 21: Sweet! I dont remember had been reading this story to a couple time hahaha i just very enjoyed for reading this! Hahaha
Chapter 21: Yah! This is really good! i read it with my 3ds yeah you should be honored. Cuz i did that for you hahaha jk. typing with this is a hassle and that means i love you OP. Thank you for this wonderful piece of art ;)
Interesting description! :))
Uwaaaaaa its really complete? :( more more more~~ kkk xD waaa this is so wonderfuuul im very thankful that it ended that way <3 although i wanna punch them both before ahahahaha such a great fic! and ur writing ooh so good its very inspirational<3 the last part it is<3 thankyouuuu so much for writing this one hihi hope youll write more about them<3
Rosebill #5
Chapter 21: Thank you for the epilogue
Rosebill #6
Chapter 20: Please make a epilogue
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 20: Wait, is that the end? Arent sungyeol going back to that country? Didnt he go only for myungsoo's graduation? Arent they going to be official or something? I'm not good at open ending I'm sorry ;_;
Cupcake000 #8
Chapter 18: Myungsoo you liitle dip GO KISS SUNGYEOL ALREAADY !!! // rips hair in frustration//
Michlova88 #9
Thanks for the update.. :)
How dare that guys touch my baby yeol. /revenge/.. > o<
Elf1112 #10
Chapter 17: Nooooooooo!!!!! cliffhanger again!!!!!! update faster pls author-nim.