Sungyeol's Letter and New World

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a/n: its 27 August 2015 00.10 AM KST means.....

its Sungyeol's birthdayyyyyyyy!!!!!

uwaw im so excited what am i hahaahha


so as promised, the letter ^^




enjoy guys!! ^^





As myungsoo opened the letter, his world slowly crumbled to pieces too seeing the familiar handwriting written by his very dear friend who unfortunately mistook his apathy as a prove that he's no longer worthy for Myungsoo.


He is wrong.




When you read this letter, I must be already some hundred thousands feet in the sky, or if Woohyun is slow enough, I might already landed, who knows hahahaha

Yah! I finally got accepted for the internship! I'll be missing from your sight, it's good right?

So, did you read the crumbled paper inside your bag? Or you threw it already because it looked like a trash?


I never put a trash to someone's bag, so I'm sorry if you felt offended thinking that it's a trash and that someone had thrown that inside your bag, don't worry, it's not Sungjong, it's me ^^

Nah about the contain of that letter, it's not that important so don't worry, if you don't read it, it's okay ^^ I'm more or less will say it again here anyway *grin*

I'm sorry for anything I might cause to you, especially anything bad, I really didn't mean it.

I really like being your best friend, although it's short, I cherish it. I cherish you like my own family.

I'm sorry that you needed to be dragged into my curse. I haven't mentioned this to anyone, but I probably have some this sort of curse.


I can never be friend with anyone more than 3 years.

Everytime I befriending someone, either in elementary, junior, or senior high school, I always ended up separated and really not talking anymore with my best friend.

So I'm kinda pretty much should be able to predict this, when we drifted apart.

I thought just this time, finally this time, I can have a long term best friend that exceed 3 years, because there's a say that if you befriend someone for 4 years, then that friend will be your friend forever.

I really want you to be that, but my curse...




It's okay.

Someday, you will find a better friend than me, befriend with him/her for 4 years and more, then never get separated.

Don't be like me, who's constantly searching for a new friend everytime I got abandoned.

Not like you abandoned me, we're drifted apart, that's all.

You should be thankful that we actually part ways, it means the world still rolling perfectly and there's no defect in the function so that explains the curse it is.

For the last word, I hope you will live a good life and be successful in anything you do. You're a smart person, I bet that's an easy pie ^^

Don't get mad easily because your face is better when it's bright, that light should never be gone from your eyes, understand?

Ah, and within the envelope along with this letter, there's a thousand won, it's the money I owe you.

How could you be so stubborn as to not want to receive the money to pay my share of locker? It's bad enough that we drifted apart, but at least let me still use that locker T.T I sometimes need to put my bag there anyway, but it doesn't matter now, receive that money or else I'll be going back to make sure you do it!







Not for half of the year though. I haven't finished my internship yet.


Hey Myungsoo?

This is Sungyeol, the one who used to be your friend ^^

Goodbye ^^



Myungsoo desperately flipped the paper back and forth, trying to find some other of Sungyeol's letter, but unfortunately, it ended there. He slumped lifeless on the couch, reaching for the envelope. When he saw the thousand won Sungyeol mentioned, he can't help but crying again.


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guys guys guys please give me your thought on the poll in the foreword X0 I don't know it's kinda tight and I'm confused which path I should choose X0


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khasabat #1
Chapter 21: Sweet! I dont remember had been reading this story to a couple time hahaha i just very enjoyed for reading this! Hahaha
Chapter 21: Yah! This is really good! i read it with my 3ds yeah you should be honored. Cuz i did that for you hahaha jk. typing with this is a hassle and that means i love you OP. Thank you for this wonderful piece of art ;)
Interesting description! :))
Uwaaaaaa its really complete? :( more more more~~ kkk xD waaa this is so wonderfuuul im very thankful that it ended that way <3 although i wanna punch them both before ahahahaha such a great fic! and ur writing ooh so good its very inspirational<3 the last part it is<3 thankyouuuu so much for writing this one hihi hope youll write more about them<3
Rosebill #5
Chapter 21: Thank you for the epilogue
Rosebill #6
Chapter 20: Please make a epilogue
deliciousyou #7
Chapter 20: Wait, is that the end? Arent sungyeol going back to that country? Didnt he go only for myungsoo's graduation? Arent they going to be official or something? I'm not good at open ending I'm sorry ;_;
Cupcake000 #8
Chapter 18: Myungsoo you liitle dip GO KISS SUNGYEOL ALREAADY !!! // rips hair in frustration//
Michlova88 #9
Thanks for the update.. :)
How dare that guys touch my baby yeol. /revenge/.. > o<
Elf1112 #10
Chapter 17: Nooooooooo!!!!! cliffhanger again!!!!!! update faster pls author-nim.