I Want It All

HOMO sapiens VS GAYliens


“Pull up a chair, human boy,” Hakyeon said as him and Jaehwan grabbed 2 chairs from the corner of the practice room.


It was 7am, and Taekwoon did not look happy. His face was smushed from sleep, his eyes were swollen, his hair was sticking up in every direction possible, and his posture was atrocious.


“Humans when they first wake up look so weird,” Jaehwan said as he grabbed a chair for Taekwoon also. “It’s like your whole body just completely gave up and you’re still in the process of becoming solid again.”


“That’s kind of what sleep is,” Taekwoon grumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eye.


Jaehwan turned to face Taekwoon so he could study his face more carefully while Hakyeon continued to set up the chairs in the center of the room. “One of your eyes is more closed than the other. It’s like you’re face molded with the pillow.” He reached up towards Taekwoon’s face, but Taekwoon smacked it away before it could make contact.


“Don’t touch me.”


“Yikes, you’re definitely not a morning person.”


Once everyone was all seated, Hakyeon pulled out three pages of sheet music. “Alright, team. I have the song that Taekwoon and I have been working on with parts I think compliment all of our vocal talents.”


“Woah, woah, wOAH.” Jaehwan stood up before Hakyeon could even pass him his music. “You and Taekwoon wrote this… together?


“Yeeeah? Is there a problem?” Hakyeon asked with that annoyed tone he seems to always have. The struggle of a single mother.


Jaehwan pouted just a little bit as he flopped back into his seat and crossed his arms. “Nope. No problem here, officer.”


“Good. Alright, here are all of your parts for our next single,” Hakyeon said as he handed each individual sheet to the assigned member.


After a peaceful minute of them all looking over their lines and stuff, Jaehwan stood up so abruptly that his chair basically flung across the room. “This is bogus! It’s rigged! I demand a refund!” Jaehwan was practically screaming at this point as he flailed his limbs like a child.


“What’s the problem?” Hakyeon sighed as he glared at Jaehwan for being so ing loud.


“You’re giving the human the high note!”




“I always get the high note! That’s kinda my thing.”


“Exactly. I thought since you seem to always get the high note, it was time for a change. I really wanna show the world this guy’s talent,” Hakyeon said as he patted Taekwoon’s knee.


Jaehwan thought he could faint. If this was a musical, this would be the part where Ken would remove his robe to reveal a red, sparkly full body spandex suit and dramatically start singing “What Have I Done To Deserve This” by Pet Shop Boys. But this isn’t a musical, so he really just made a sad whining noise.


“Why are you so loud?” Taekwoon asked without looking up from his paper.    


“Let me answer your question with a question,” Jaehwan said as he stared at the top of Taekwoon’s head. “Why are you so quiet? It’s weird and uncomfortable!”


Hakyeon finally decided to stand up next to Jaehwan and pat him on the shoulder. “Okay. Good meeting. Practice on your own a lot. We officially meet again tomorrow night for group practice.” With one final pat, Hakyeon was out of that room faster than one of Jaehwan’s goldfish’s life span.


After an angry huff and puff, Jaehwan angrily strutted out of the practice room , leaving Taekwoon all alone to practice in peace.


The moment Jaehwan exited the room, a hand grabbed him by the collar and yanked him into the nearby closet. The door shut behind them and he couldn’t see anything in the dark, so he immediately began to struggle. “Who sent you? I’ll take you on with my hands tied! I’ve eaten meat tougher than you!”


“It’s just me, you ing idiot!” Hakyeon’s voice said from the darkness.


“Oh! Hakyeon. What’s up?”


“I’m just gonna get right to the point here, Jaehwan. You need to seriously chill out.” Jaehwan eyes were adjusting to the darkness and he could see the outlines of Hakyeon’s very pissed off face.


“Chill out? What do you mean. I’m totally chill!”


“Sure, whatever. I just have got to let you know that what I’m doing is to benefit the band,” He said while giving Jaehwan a stern look. “This isn’t a personal attack on you, bud.”


Jaehwan let his leader’s words sink in before a smile crept up on his face. “Was that a love confession, Hakyeon?”


“Stay in your lane,” Hakyeon said as he opened the door to the closet and gestured for Jaehwan to leave.

Jaehwan wiped a single tear from his eye as he followed Hakyeon’s lead. He had finally won mother’s love.



Sorry that took me a reeeeaaalllyyyy long time to update.

I lost my drive and got in a bit of a writer's block.

I appreciate the people that are sticking around and comment sometimes!

and as always....

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Chapter 11: oh Jesus you are amazing author-nim and funny, I love the story and I can't wait door more. also that drunk scene was hilarious and can't wait for all the ships to sail!!!
Karenkitty1092 #2
Chapter 11: Thank you for updating and hopefully Hakyeon gives Wonshik a chance.
Karenkitty1092 #3
Chapter 10: This update was amazing and a funny. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 9: I love this already please update this needs more chapters please!!!!
Chapter 9: hands down this is the most grossly adorable fic ever! Love the humor
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 9: I really hope Sanghyuk can ask Hongbin out soon. Thanks for the update.
ilivefororeos #8