

A/N: This is all made-up. I actually have no idea whether or not Taekwoon is suffering from these problems with Hakyeon. Please do not kill me.


What's in it for you? Well, you'll get the satisfaction of not having to deal with the guilt of killing this poor and innocent author.


Besides, where you gonna hide the body? Your backyard? >,<




Problem #11:  Hakyeon orders Taekwoon around too much.


"Taekwoon-ah, get me some water, yes?"


"Taekwoon-ah, I want meat! Buy me meat! MEAT!"


"Taekwoon-ah, go buy me a unicorn."


"Taekwoon-ah, unplug the toilet for me, will you?"




"What is it now?" Taekwoon snapped. Hakyeon backed away, surprised by the younger's sudden change of attitude.


"Woah, chill!" Hakyeon said, laughing a little. "I was just going to ask you if we have any eggs left."


"There's none left."


"Hmm…," Hakyeon sat back down, deep in thought. Then, he snapped his fingers. "Aha!"


"What?" Taekwoon asked.


"You," Hakyeon pointed at Taekwoon. "Go buy some eggs."


"Go get some yourself," Taekwoon got up to leave but Hakyeon grabbed his wrist, forcing him to face Hakyeon once again.


"Taekwoon-ah," Hakyeon said in a pleading voice. "Please… help me…,"


Hakyeon sounded like he was in pain all the sudden, and Taekwoon began to grow worried. "What? What do you need?"


"I need… I-I need only… only one thing--" Hakyeon gasped, seemingly in pain and doubled over. "--please, Taekwoon…,"


"What is it? Tell me." Taekwoon steadied Hakyeon as he began to wobble. He looked into Taekwoon's eyes, a mischievous glint in his eyes.


"I need…," Hakyeon paused to groan. "Eggs."


Taekwoon violently shoved Hakyeon away after hearing this. "GO GET THEM YOURSELF!"


"But I can't~!"


"Why not?"


"I'm sick, you see?" Hakyeon began coughing dramatically. He sinked to the floor. "I'm dying!"


"Tch." Taekwoon began


"How am I supposed to make ramen?"


"You can make ramen without eggs,"


"But it's not the same!"


"Who cares?"


"I DO!"


"Well that's one person."


"What if I told you I was actually three people living in one body?"


"I'd say that you're weird as hell and that you should get away from me."






Problem #12:  Hakyeon is way too dramatic.


Hakyeon was an actor (or at least that's what he says) and because he's an actor, he feels the need to "express everything with passion and emotion in order to give the audience a feel of who I really am."


In Taekwoon's eyes, he's just being overly dramatic.


"Taekwoon-ah, our Hyukkie hurt me!" Hakyeon exclaimed as he came running out of his room. Sanghyuk soon followed, a bored expression on his face.


"What did he do?" Taekwoon asked, looking up from his phone.


"He hurt me, Taekwoon-ah," Hakyeon grabbed Taekwoon's shoulders and started shaking him. "HE HURT ME!"


"I didn't do anything, though," Sanghyuk said.


"You hurt me!"




"Right here," Hakyeon pointed at his chest. "You hurt me right here."


"What did he say?" Taekwoon asked.


"He said that Hello Kitty wasn't fabulous!"




"YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND, TAEKWOON-AH!" Hakyeon dramatically looked away as if he was deep in thought. "Hello Kitty is the most fabulous cat in the whole world--well, there's always me but I'm no cat, am I?"


"I wish you were instead…," Sanghyuk muttered under his breath. Hakyeon shot him a glare.


"Aren't you just overreacting?"


"Aren't you just not understanding?"


"Oh, I understand," Taekwoon said before looking back at his phone. "I completely understand."


"Then why aren't you scolding Sanghyuk?"


"Because I understand."


Hakyeon gasped. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!"


"It means exactly what you think it means,"




Thanks for reading~! Comments are very much appreciated! ^^


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Hai~ Thanks so much for all your support towards the story! I'm really sorry that I've been taking more time than usual to update... SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY


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Claudy1410 #1
Chapter 11: Huahaha....i like your story..nice and sweet. Thx.
Kokechan #2
Chapter 11: Thank you for making me laugh with your story! I loved every part of it!
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: This story is awesome. Will b waitibg for yr new story.
meryope #4
Chapter 10: This story is hilarious! The last chapter was the best one. Hakyeon's reaction to Taekwoon reading fanfics. It's great.
It had a good ending. Poor Taekwoon.
Chapter 11: wow! You re welcome! ^^ it's really good..I can't describe it with words..THEY ARE JUST TOO FREAKING CUTE!! And I hope you will create a Neo fanfic again! ^^ Because you are really good at writing it.. ^^
nanaluska #6
Chapter 10: "So you ship us after all, huh?"
"Because I love you!"
"We've gone over this already, I love me too."
Those two moments just killed me xD Why your ff is so funny? It 's sad that it's over already but everything has to have ending someday, hasn't it? Btw thank you for those Problems, i laughed like crazy while reading each chapter :-) Hope you will write stories as good as this one in the future xD Thank you and fighting xD
bluefrenchfries #7
Chapter 11: I was reading and then suddenly it's the end.Ughhhhhh cannnot Neo is too cute!Promise,author-nim you will write more Neo fanfic?Because we need more cute Neo fanfic.Thankyou for the cute fic!!
Chapter 11: Thank you for the wonderful fic♥ the only problem I had(no pun intended) was that you made Leo call N 'hyung' which shouldn't be the case since they are the same age. But its ok, it was sweet and