Positive vs Negative


A/N: This is all made-up. I actually have no idea whether or not Taekwoon is suffering from these problems with Hakyeon. Please do not murder me.




Problem #7: Hakyeon's positivity.


Hakyeon was always so positive. He was so positive to the point that he would probably get slapped if he said what was on his mind (which he does anyway). Even though positivity is a good thing, Hakyeon's kind of positive is just wrong.


"Coordi-noona!" Hakyeon exclaimed as he found their coordi on the ground, head in her hands and sobbing. "What's wrong?"


"My… my pet turtle…," She managed to say. "He died today…,"


"Oh, I'm sorry, noona,  Taekwoon, who had magically appeared out of nowhere, gasped, patting her on the back. "It's gonna be alright."


"Yeah," Hakyeon agreed, sitting beside the crying noona.


"He… M-my turtle… So sad…,"


"It's okay, noona! Mr. Turtle is in a better place now…," Jaehwan said as he, Hongbin, Wonshik and Sanghyuk piled into the room.


"He'll forever be in our hearts…," Wonshik whispered out dramatically. Their coordi nodded and attempted to smile.


"I guess so," She sniffled, wiping her tears away. "Thank you, guys."


"Don't worry, noona!" They all hugged her in a bone-crushing hug.


They one by one got off the floor, leaving the room to get dressed. The only ones left were Taekwoon, Hakyeon and their noona.


"Well, at least that's one less mouth to feed." Hakyeon said cheerfully, patting his noona on the back. He happily skipped out of the room, leaving the noona to break down sobbing once again while Taekwoon stood there with a shocked expression, not knowing what to do.


"Hakyeon-ah, you idiot, get back here!"




Problem #8: Hakyeon's negativity.


Although Hakyeon was one heck of an optimist, he sometimes has his pessimistic moments. And when he gets into his "LIFE HATES ME" mode, everything, and I mean everything, is as negative as it can get.


"Taekwoon-ah…," Hakyeon walked out of his room, scratching his eye with one hand and holding Sanghyuk's toy Leo with the other.


"Yes?" Taekwoon said. He held up a mug filled with coffee. "You want some?"






"Taekwoon-ah," Hakyeon repeated after a moment of silence.


"What is it?"


"THE WORLD HATES ME!" Hakyeon suddenly screamed, flailing his arms around like crazy. "I SWEAR IT DOES! IT WANTS TO CRUSH ME LIKE A LITTLE ANT--"


"Hakyeon, calm down!" Taekwoon got out of his seat to cover Hakyeon's mouth, afraid that he'll wake up the others. "What's the problem?"


"Ra brubwemos wi!" Hakyeon tried to say. He successfully pried off Taekwoon's hand off his mouth after a couple of tries. "THE PROBLEM IS ME!"




"Taekwoon-ah, you don't get it," Hakyeon broke out of Taekwoon's grasp and started pacing. "This world--no, this life--absolutely hates me! Look, you see, today something bad will happen. Something horrible! Holy cow, that horrible thing might be me dying! Or falling off a cliff! Oh, I know you'll miss me so much, right, Taekwoon-ah? You can't live without me, right?"




"NO ONE LOVES ME!" Hakyeon screeched.


"Hakyeon, calm your down!" Taekwoon said. "It'll be alright!"


"No it won't! Look, you're staring at me with such a judge mental face right now--holy sheet of paper, everyone's just judging me! You're probably questioning my sanity… What about the fans?! Do they think the same way too? Our Starlights… NOOOO!"




"I CAN'T!"












"SHUT UP!" Wonshik yelled from his room. Then there was silence (Wonshik probably drifting off to sleep again).






Thanks for reading~! Comments are always appreciated! ^^





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Hai~ Thanks so much for all your support towards the story! I'm really sorry that I've been taking more time than usual to update... SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY


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Claudy1410 #1
Chapter 11: Huahaha....i like your story..nice and sweet. Thx.
Kokechan #2
Chapter 11: Thank you for making me laugh with your story! I loved every part of it!
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: This story is awesome. Will b waitibg for yr new story.
meryope #4
Chapter 10: This story is hilarious! The last chapter was the best one. Hakyeon's reaction to Taekwoon reading fanfics. It's great.
It had a good ending. Poor Taekwoon.
Chapter 11: wow! You re welcome! ^^ it's really good..I can't describe it with words..THEY ARE JUST TOO FREAKING CUTE!! And I hope you will create a Neo fanfic again! ^^ Because you are really good at writing it.. ^^
nanaluska #6
Chapter 10: "So you ship us after all, huh?"
"Because I love you!"
"We've gone over this already, I love me too."
Those two moments just killed me xD Why your ff is so funny? It 's sad that it's over already but everything has to have ending someday, hasn't it? Btw thank you for those Problems, i laughed like crazy while reading each chapter :-) Hope you will write stories as good as this one in the future xD Thank you and fighting xD
bluefrenchfries #7
Chapter 11: I was reading and then suddenly it's the end.Ughhhhhh cannnot Neo is too cute!Promise,author-nim you will write more Neo fanfic?Because we need more cute Neo fanfic.Thankyou for the cute fic!!
Chapter 11: Thank you for the wonderful fic♥ the only problem I had(no pun intended) was that you made Leo call N 'hyung' which shouldn't be the case since they are the same age. But its ok, it was sweet and