Lost and Found


A/N: This is all made-up. I actually have no idea whether or not Taekwoon is suffering from these problems with Hakyeon. Please do not kill me slowly and painfully.


Killing me isn't as fun as you think. I'll just end up looking like a chicken that got run over. Maybe I'll wear a chicken suit, just for, you know, props.




Problem #5: Hakyeon gets lost way too often.


We've discussed how distracted Hakyeon can get but we've never discussed how he gets so distracted sometimes that he ends up getting lost in a zoo or a park. Sometimes even in their own apartment!


"Garlic… garlic…," Taekwoon murmured as he pushed the cart in front of him. "Where the heck is the garlic?"


"Taekwoon-hyung, it's over here!" Wonshik called, pointing at one of the aisles. Taekwoon nodded and followed Wonshik.


"Taekwoon-ah, look, look!" Hakyeon said as he found the candy aisle. "All these candies!"


Taekwoon ignored Hakyeon, too busy trying to find some garlic. Hakyeon, distracted by all the candy surrounding him, wandered of into the aisle, completely forgetting about the others.


"Taekwoon-ah~!" Hakyeon appeared amidst the mess he made in the candy aisle moments later, a pack of gummy worms in his hand. "Buy me this, please?"


"Taekwoon-ah?" Hakyeon peeked in each of the following aisles. "Hyukkie? Hongbin-ah? Wonshik? Jaehwan?"








"Garlic!" Taekwoon cheered, placing the garlic on the cart. "Wonshik-ah, Hakyeon-hyung, let's go pay for these."


"Yes, hyung," Wonshik answered, pushing the cart.


"Hakyeon-ah?" Taekwoon started panicking. Where the hell is Hakyeon again?


"Hyung, I'll go look for him that way. You go over there."


"Okay," Taekwoon started running through the aisles in hopes of bumping in with the lost leader.


Taekwoon was aware of how stupid and distracted Hakyeon could get. For all he knows, Hakyeon could be in Canada or something.


"TAEKWOON? SOMEONE? HELLO?" Taekwoon stopped in his tracks as he heard the leader's call. He ran full speed in the direction of the panicky voice.


"Hakyeon-ah!" Taekwoon exclaimed as he bumped into the panicked leader. "Where the hell have you been?!"


"Taekwoon-ah~!" Hakyeon cried joyfully, clinging onto Taekwoon.


"Whoa, calm down,"


"But I was so lost without you!" Hakyeon looked into Taekwoon eyes, tears threatening to fall and his lips pursed. It almost broke Taekwoon's heart.




"Hakyeon, seriously, stop getting so lost."


"Well, it's your fault for not watching over me carefully."


"You're not five, you know that right?"


"Why can't a twenty-five year old man be watched over, huh? I need some love too!"


"And you're definitely not getting any from me."


"But Taekwoon-ah, I love you!"


"I know, I love me too."




Problem #6: Hakyeon's favorite hiding spot is Taekwoon's closet.


Hakyeon had a thing for games like Hide and Seek, but it only takes about five seconds before he's found. He always hides in the same spot: Taekwoon's closet.


"Hakyeon-hyung~!" Jaehwan said in a singsong manner. "Where are you?"


"YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME!" Hakyeon screamed from his favorite hiding spot. Jaehwan skidded to a spot and started cracking up, slapping his knee and all that. Of course, Hakyeon would be there.


"He'll never find me, right, Taekwoon-ah?" Hakyeon asked Taekwoon who was glaring at him. This happened very often--too often then he would've liked. Hakyeon and Jaehwan wod play hide and seek, Hakyeon would burst into Taekwoon's room and dive into his closet, messing everything  up.


"Keep dreaming," was the only thing Taekwoon said before he went back to listening to his music. He counted about seven seconds before a laughing Lee Jaehwan knocked on the door of his room, face red from laughing too much.


"Taekwoon-hyung, do you know where Hakyeon-hyung is?" Jaehwan asked, pretending he didn't hear Hakyeon gasp a little too loudly from Taekwoon's closet. "I can't seem to find him."


Taekwoon rolled his eyes. "Just get him out of here already."


"TAEKWOON-AH, YOU TRAITOR!" Hakyeon screamed as Jaehwan began dragging him away. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME--Ooh, look, another ant!"


Taekwoon only shook his head and continued to wonder how Hakyeon was able to survive in this world.


"Oh, hyung…,"




Thanks for reading~! Comments are ways appreciated! ^^


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Hai~ Thanks so much for all your support towards the story! I'm really sorry that I've been taking more time than usual to update... SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY


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Claudy1410 #1
Chapter 11: Huahaha....i like your story..nice and sweet. Thx.
Kokechan #2
Chapter 11: Thank you for making me laugh with your story! I loved every part of it!
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: This story is awesome. Will b waitibg for yr new story.
meryope #4
Chapter 10: This story is hilarious! The last chapter was the best one. Hakyeon's reaction to Taekwoon reading fanfics. It's great.
It had a good ending. Poor Taekwoon.
Chapter 11: wow! You re welcome! ^^ it's really good..I can't describe it with words..THEY ARE JUST TOO FREAKING CUTE!! And I hope you will create a Neo fanfic again! ^^ Because you are really good at writing it.. ^^
nanaluska #6
Chapter 10: "So you ship us after all, huh?"
"Because I love you!"
"We've gone over this already, I love me too."
Those two moments just killed me xD Why your ff is so funny? It 's sad that it's over already but everything has to have ending someday, hasn't it? Btw thank you for those Problems, i laughed like crazy while reading each chapter :-) Hope you will write stories as good as this one in the future xD Thank you and fighting xD
bluefrenchfries #7
Chapter 11: I was reading and then suddenly it's the end.Ughhhhhh cannnot Neo is too cute!Promise,author-nim you will write more Neo fanfic?Because we need more cute Neo fanfic.Thankyou for the cute fic!!
Chapter 11: Thank you for the wonderful fic♥ the only problem I had(no pun intended) was that you made Leo call N 'hyung' which shouldn't be the case since they are the same age. But its ok, it was sweet and