The Neo Love is Strong


A/N: This is all made-up. I actually have no idea whether or not Taekwoon is suffering from this problems with Hakyeon. Please do not kill me even though I may or may not have lied but I swear to my chocolate chip kookie that... I'm not really sure what I'm saying anymore. Sorry, I'm just preoccupied and life's a complete beach--this could mean two things: life's terrible and is a female dog or life's great and calm and everything is just awesome and... Where was I going with this again?


Problem #19: #NEO

"Omo, Taekwoon-hyung, take a look at this!" Hongbin called, pointing at his laptop. "Quickly, quickly!"

"What is it?" Taekwoon asked as he took a seat next to Hongbin on the couch. He peeked at his and almost choked on his own spit when he saw what it was.

"Falling Slowly (A Neo fanfic)" by Juan

"Is that what I think it is...?" Taekwoon stared at Hongbin in horror. Hongbin grinned from ear to ear, nodding slowly. "And why exactly are you reading this?"

"I was curious," Hongbin said with a shrug, while handing the laptop to Taekwoon.

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Aren't you curious?"


"Oh, come on, hyung," Hongbin said with a laugh as he stood up. "Don't you sometimes wonder what goes on in our Starlights' minds?"

"Why should I?"

"Curiosity, hyung. Curiosity." With that, Hongbin left the room, an evil smile on his face. Taekwoon sighed and glanced at the laptop again. It couldn't be that bad, right? He should at least read a few words... right?

Right, just a few words, he thought. Just a few.

He quickly glanced around him, making sure no one was watching and clicked on the link.


Chapter One: Tall, Dark and... Hakyeon?

Sweat dripped from Taekwoon's forehead as he surged forward, determination and adrenaline both coursing through his veins. It had been awhile since he'd last ran this hard -- having missed soccer practice for a week because of a petty foot injury had made him the slightest bit weaker. His doctor had told him to take it easy but how could he take it easy when he had an upcoming match this Friday and he hasn't practiced for a full week? 

Without another thought, he kicked the ball straight to the goal. Out of breath and tired, Taekwoon walked towards the ball but stopped in his tracks when he heard the sound of clapping behind him. Someone had been watching him this whole time. 

"You sure know how to make a goal," Taekwoon turned to find a tall, tan man sitting on the bench, mouth covered by a black face mask and waving at him. "Think you could teach me sometime?"

The voice was familiar but Taekwoon couldn't pinpoint who the man was exactly. "Who are you?"

"What?" The man gasped, bringing his hand to his chest in mock hurt. "Are you saying you don't remember me? After years and years of beautiful friendship, and you don't even recognize me?" With that, he took off his cap and face mask, revealing the same bright smile that Taekwoon hasn't seen in so long.


"Nice to see you again, old pal," Hakyeon ran to Taekwoon and wrapped his arms around him. Taekwoon, after a moment of shock, did the same. Still sweaty, still breathless, Taekwoon felt a sudden surge of energy after seeing his childhood friend again, a grin slowly making its way towards his lips.

"I've... I've missed you," Taekwoon said, voice barely audible but Hakyeon still--


"TAEKWOON-AH!" Taekwoon jumped in surprise, quickly slamming the laptop close as he stared at Hakyeon in horror. 

"What the--when did you get here?" Taekwoon asked nervously. Hakyeon tilted his head slightly, looking very confused.

"I've been here for over five minutes already!" He whined. "That's mean, Taekwoon-ah. So, so mean!"

"S-sorry...," Taekwoon apologized. "I was, uh... I was doing something."

"What were you doing?" Hakyeon asked, taking a seat next to Taekwoon as he slowly reached for the laptop. Taekwoon quickly slapped his hand away. "Ow! Yah, that hurt! What were you even doing, huh?"

"None of your business."

"You weren't watching anything... lewd, were you?"

"Hakyeon--what--NO!" Taekwoon said, glaring daggers at the older male. "No! Just... no! Why the hell would I even be watching something like that when I'm in the living room, anyway?!"

"You never know when hormones strike."

"What the...," Taekwoon shook his head in disbelief. 

"So you admit that you do watch those kinds of things?" 

Taekwoon didn't answer. Instead, he stood up, face as red as a tomato and Hongbin's laptop in hand. Before he could take a step forward though, Hakyeon quickly snatched the laptop from his hands and pushed him away. Taekwoon let out a yelp as he landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"Yah, Hakyeon, get back here!" 

Hakyeon laughed crazily as he ran into his room and locked the door. Taekwoon ran after him but was a second too late, fists pounding on the door as soon as he heard the almost inaudible click! of the lock. 

"Cha Hakyeon, open the dang door before I break it!" 


Taekwoon sighed as he stopped pounding on the door, resting his forehead as he turned the doorknob again and again. No use. He was done now, he knew. Hakyeon would see what he was reading and probably tell the whole world about it and he'd be humiliated for life. Taekwoon slammed his fist on the door. If only there was a way to ke-

The key. 

"The key, the key, the key...," Taekwoon  muttered under his breath as he began his search for the key to the room. "Where is the key?"

After a slightly longer search than he would've liked, he finally found the key sitting on top of the refrigerator. Of course, Taekwoon thought with a roll of his eyes. Why didn't I think of that? 

But before he could open the door, he heard a very manly (not), high-pitched squeal from the other side.

Oh, no...

The door bursts open, revealing a grinning Hakyeon as he held the laptop with bright eyes. 

"Hakyeon... did you...?" Taekwoon couldn't finish his sentence. Hakyeon had squealed again, the laptop almost falling in the process. 

"Taekwoon-ah, I didn't know you read fanfiction!" Hakyeon exclaimed as he dragged Taekwoon to the couch. "And you were reading a Neo one, too! So you ship us after all, huh?"

"Sh-ship? You and-and-and me? What the... no, look, Hakyeon, that was just... just a, uhm, just something that--gah!" Taekwoon groaned, hiding his face in his hands. Saying he was embarrassed was a gross understatement. Hakyeon let out a chuckle, patting Taekwoon on the back.

"Aw, it's alright, Taekwoon-ah," He said. "I, of course, ship us too! I mean, I also ship Hyukbin and Keo. There's also Rabin but Neo is one hundred percent perfect. Gah, it's so hard to pick an OTP these days! It's like the moment you think you've finally picked one, a new ship suddenly comes along. It's so frustrating!" 

"Hakyeon, stop...,"

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, Taekwoon-ah! I bet even Wonshik reads fanfic! Maybe he reads some Neo too. Or he could be reading something about another group--"

"Someone... help... me...,"

"--and Hongbin. Oh, Hongbin. He definitely reads fanfic. Knowing him, he probably reads Park Hyo-Shin-sunbae-nim fanfics--"

"Just stop...,"

"So, who's your OTP?" Hakyeon turned to Taekwoon to find him sitting by a dark corner, rocking back and forth as he stared at Hakyeon in horror.

"Damn, you look depressed." Hakyeon commented before standing up. "I know, it's hard to pick one but try to, at least. We'll talk about this later, then~!" 

With that, he walked back to his room, leaving Taekwoon to sulk by his dark corner, mentally cursing Hongbin while he was at it.


Problem #20: Hakyeon loved Taekwoon too much.

"Taekwoon-ah," Hakyeon called, his head on the younger's lap as they sat on the couch after a tiring day. "I have a question."

"Ask away," Taekwoon said as he played with Hakyeon's hair.

"Do you love me?" 

"Uh, sure, Hakyeon." 

"That's  not a very good answer."

"That's not a very good question."

"But I just wanted to know if you love me!" Hakyeon whined, sitting up. 


"Because I love you!"

"We've gone over this already, I love me too."

"You're supposed to say 'I love you too!' What's with the narcissistic answer?"

"Pff, you probably don't even know what that means, you idiot."

"But I'm your idiot, right?"

"Whatever you say, Hakyeonnie."

Hakyeon huffed in frustration before laying his head on Taekwoon's lap once again. He couldn't help it; this position was just really comfortable.

"You're so mean," Hakyeon complained but there was a smile on his face. "But I love you, anyways."

With that, Hakyeon instantly fell asleep. Taekwoon's eyes softened and he smiled at the leader's sleeping figure fondly.

Maybe Hakyeon was a bit annoying and maybe he nagged too much. Sure, he was always distracted and he talked nonstop... but that didn't stop Taekwoon from loving the older (even though he refuses to admit it when Hakyeon's actually listening).

"I love you, too, Hakyeon." 


Omomomomomomomomommomomo, I can't believe we've reached the end! I can't even believe that I made it this far XD

But, of course, I could've never done it without you, dear reader. Thank you so much for subscribing, upvoting, commenting and reading this story! I know, I said 99 problems but we've only got to 20. I'm so sorry~ 

BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH. You have no idea how much I enjoyed writing this story. Especially with your support. So a big thank you to all of you who've read this fanfic! I love you guys so much~!

Unfortunately, we've arrived at the end of our journey with the fanfic "Problems." Hakyeon will always love Taekwoon, and Taekwoon will always have problems with Hakyeon. XD But, it's kinda like a happy ending right?

Well... this is it... Omo, I'm tearing up ;-; You guys really are the best and-and-and-and--


"SO YOU DO LOVE ME!" Hakyeon exclaimed causing Taekwoon to jump in surprise. 

"You... you weren't asleep?!" 

"No and I'm sure glad I wasn't!" Hakyeon pulled Taekwoon into a bear hug. "Now I know you love me~!"

Taekwoon shook his head. Oh no...


okay, now it's over.

Thanks for reading~! Comments are very much appreciated! ^^

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Hai~ Thanks so much for all your support towards the story! I'm really sorry that I've been taking more time than usual to update... SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY


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Claudy1410 #1
Chapter 11: Huahaha....i like your story..nice and sweet. Thx.
Kokechan #2
Chapter 11: Thank you for making me laugh with your story! I loved every part of it!
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: This story is awesome. Will b waitibg for yr new story.
meryope #4
Chapter 10: This story is hilarious! The last chapter was the best one. Hakyeon's reaction to Taekwoon reading fanfics. It's great.
It had a good ending. Poor Taekwoon.
Chapter 11: wow! You re welcome! ^^ it's really good..I can't describe it with words..THEY ARE JUST TOO FREAKING CUTE!! And I hope you will create a Neo fanfic again! ^^ Because you are really good at writing it.. ^^
nanaluska #6
Chapter 10: "So you ship us after all, huh?"
"Because I love you!"
"We've gone over this already, I love me too."
Those two moments just killed me xD Why your ff is so funny? It 's sad that it's over already but everything has to have ending someday, hasn't it? Btw thank you for those Problems, i laughed like crazy while reading each chapter :-) Hope you will write stories as good as this one in the future xD Thank you and fighting xD
bluefrenchfries #7
Chapter 11: I was reading and then suddenly it's the end.Ughhhhhh cannnot Neo is too cute!Promise,author-nim you will write more Neo fanfic?Because we need more cute Neo fanfic.Thankyou for the cute fic!!
Chapter 11: Thank you for the wonderful fic♥ the only problem I had(no pun intended) was that you made Leo call N 'hyung' which shouldn't be the case since they are the same age. But its ok, it was sweet and