Pranks and Neck-slices


A/N: This is all made-up. I actually have no idea whether or not Taekwoon is suffering from these problems with Hakyeon. Please do not kill me.




Problem #9: Hakyeon's pranks.


Hakyeon often got into a mood where he liked to prank anyone with anything without thinking about the consequences. Most of the pranks he usually pulled off was for one special person: Taekwoon.


Taekwoon rubbed his eyes as he got up out of bed, still groggy from sleep. It was seven in the morning and thank the heavens they had nothing in their schedule but practice for today.


It was unusual, really. They would always have at least one thing on their schedule besides practice, but Taekwoon guessed that the company wanted them to rest for a bit. He was thankful from the bottom of his heart.


"Mornin' hyung!" Sanghyuk greeted as he walked past Taekwoon. Taekwoon mumbled a reply.


He knocked on the bathroom door. When no one answered, he opened it. He would've probably gone back to sleep, knowing that they had nothing for today. Seven hours of sleep was the most he got this week and as thankful as he was, he just needed to pee right now.


Too sleepy to notice anything, he wasn't aware about the clear plastic covering the toilet bowl. Just as he was about to do his business, he heard a rustle come from the shower.


"Who's there?"


There was no reply.


Taekwoon pulled his pants up and walked slowly towards the bathtub (because that's exactly what you do when you're scared as hell and you think there's a ghost in the room). He stopped, the shower curtains blocking his view.


Then, he heard a strange, sort of half cat-half goose sound.


Taekwoon took a deep breath and opened the curtains, revealing a squatting Hakyeon with his eyes wide and jaw opened in surprise. He held a camera in his hands that was still recording.


"Oh, hey," Hakyeon greeted sheepishly. He waved his hand at Taekwoon, but then realized his videotaping was supposed to be hidden and quickly hid his camera. "How you doin' today?"


"Hakyeon…," Taekwoon sighed. He's seen more than just this before, unveiled more of Hakyeon's plans more than a million times. But now is not the best time to be pranking him.


Especially when he desperately needed to pee.


"Hakyeon, please get out,"




"No, no buts," Taekwoon said softly, too sleepy to scold the leader. "Just please go."






"I was--"


"Just please…,"




Just as Hakyeon was about to leave the bathroom, Taekwoon called him again.


"Oh, and bring that stupid plastic with you, too,  yeah?"


Hakyeon ran out the bathroom, face red, brows furrowed, clear plastic in his hands.




Problem #10:  Neck slices


We all know that neck-slices are a sign of affection between VIXX, but sometimes, Hakyeon takes it a bit too far and Taekwoon would rather not have a sliced neck everyday.


"HI GUYS!" Hakyeon happily greeted as he ran towards s. "Did you miss me?"


"No." Taekwoon said. Hakyeon huffed and rolled his eyes.


"Come on, Taekwoon-ah, I know you missed me most."


"No." Taekwoon repeated, looking away. His cheeks turned pink. Hakyeon had left the group for two days to visit his family, and Taekwoon did have to admit that he missed their leader a bit too much.


"And just because you didn't, I'll give you four neck slices," Hakyeon  said before slicing Taekwoon's neck once.












Four times…






"THAT WAS MORE THAN FOUR!" Taekwoon protested as he dodged the next slice.


Hakyeon only shrugged. "Don't be such a baby, Taekwoon-ah. It's only one more."


Taekwoon grumbled something too hard to understand. He walked ahead of Hakyeon, totally pissed off after all the neck slices.


"Hakyeon, hurry over-ah!" Taekwoon exclaimed as Hakyeon sliced his neck once again. Hakyeon started running away from Taekwoon whose aura could've outmatched the devil himself.




Thanks for reading~! Comments are always appreciated! (/^^)/


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Hai~ Thanks so much for all your support towards the story! I'm really sorry that I've been taking more time than usual to update... SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY


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Claudy1410 #1
Chapter 11: Huahaha....i like your story..nice and sweet. Thx.
Kokechan #2
Chapter 11: Thank you for making me laugh with your story! I loved every part of it!
joanna20 #3
Chapter 11: This story is awesome. Will b waitibg for yr new story.
meryope #4
Chapter 10: This story is hilarious! The last chapter was the best one. Hakyeon's reaction to Taekwoon reading fanfics. It's great.
It had a good ending. Poor Taekwoon.
Chapter 11: wow! You re welcome! ^^ it's really good..I can't describe it with words..THEY ARE JUST TOO FREAKING CUTE!! And I hope you will create a Neo fanfic again! ^^ Because you are really good at writing it.. ^^
nanaluska #6
Chapter 10: "So you ship us after all, huh?"
"Because I love you!"
"We've gone over this already, I love me too."
Those two moments just killed me xD Why your ff is so funny? It 's sad that it's over already but everything has to have ending someday, hasn't it? Btw thank you for those Problems, i laughed like crazy while reading each chapter :-) Hope you will write stories as good as this one in the future xD Thank you and fighting xD
bluefrenchfries #7
Chapter 11: I was reading and then suddenly it's the end.Ughhhhhh cannnot Neo is too cute!Promise,author-nim you will write more Neo fanfic?Because we need more cute Neo fanfic.Thankyou for the cute fic!!
Chapter 11: Thank you for the wonderful fic♥ the only problem I had(no pun intended) was that you made Leo call N 'hyung' which shouldn't be the case since they are the same age. But its ok, it was sweet and