Moving In

Smile for the Camera, You're Debuting! - DISCONTINUED

Damn these airports! I felt like I was Indiana Jones or something the way I was navigating around the crowd. I had a huge bulk of luggage with me so it was a lot harder to get to the entrance then it should’ve been. I had to keep turning around to make sure no one was stealing something out of my baggage. I made it outside with tremendous effort and waved down a cab.

What was the name of the girl I was staying with? Ah, yes, Choi Nari. I think her address is somewhere on my phone.

“Where you going?” the cab driver spoke with a strangely accented English. Ah, is it that obvious that I’m a foreigner?

“This address please,” I replied in Korean. It was definitely rusty, but I recalled quite a bit. But I still couldn’t get rid of the accent. I showed him the address typed out on my phone and he nodded comprehendingly.

The ride was quiet, thank God. Nobody hitched a ride with my cab. I’m highly uncomfortable with sharing things with people I didn’t know. I entertained myself but watching the scenery of Seoul outside the window. I saw the occasional agency as I passed by, and I took note of where they were located. Oh right, while I was at it, I shouldn’t forget. I took my phone out and inputted all the information that Henry gave me into it and added him as a contact. The phone asked for a last name. I faltered. I didn’t learn his last name. I should make sure to ask him about that sometime.


The cab arrived at this sky-scraping apartment building in the heart of Seoul. I passed by the front and into the elevators. I kept waiting for a relatively empty elevator because I had a lot of luggage with me. The door opened and thankfully, only one girl was standing in it. I waited for her to step out but instead, she walked over to me and took some of my luggage.

“Nice to meet you, I’m your hostess, Choi Nari,” she said. I smiled. She was a small girl with a short, bob cut. How nice of her to come down to the lobby for me!

“The pleasure is mine, I’m Ami Kwan,” I replied. Or was it Kwan Ami? Oh well, I’ll just use the excuse that I’m a foreigner.

“So why did you decide to come to Korea?” Nari asked as we both stepped into the elevator.

“Oh, you know, my friend recommended it to me. She said it was really nice here. Although, I tell ya, I’ve never seen so many people at once,” I laughed. Perhaps I shouldn’t tell her just yet that I came here to find an agency. I tripped over my tongue. My Korean faltered a bit and I spoke some words in English but Nari seemed to understand just fine.

“Really? Is it overwhelming?” Nari pondered. Hmm, I guess she wasn’t going to ask about it.

“A little bit, yeah,” I frowned, trying to find the right words. “But it’s also a nice change from what I’m used to. So I kind of like it.”

“Oh, that’s good to hear!” Nari sighed with relief. We arrived on the 23rd floor after a long wait. Geez, and she was supposed to be near the ground floor.

“This is a really nice place!” I looked around the apartment, amazed. It wasn’t the largest, but since it was just her, it was really roomy. The décor was carefully selected and simplistic. I stared at a picture mounted on the table beside her couch.

“Yeah, it’s just me living here. Occasionally, my fiancé would stay the night but he would have to go back to work in the morning,” Nari sighed. I looked at the picture closely. It was Nari on the left, her hand making a peace sign as she smiled sweetly at the camera. The man holding the camera towered over her on the right of the picture. He was a slightly heavier set fellow, with thick rimmed glasses. They looked adorable together!

“You have a fiancé?” I asked. She saw me looking at the picture and smiled.

“Yeah, his name is Dong-hee. He proposed to me in May but we’ve been going out a long time before that,” she admired the picture with a warm expression and I felt the sudden need to gush. But I couldn’t, that’d be weird.

“Congratulations,” I said. It’s the summer now. I wonder when the wedding is.

“Thanks!” Nari grinned, “by the way, your room is down the hall and first on the left. Mine is at the very end of the hall. I’ll call you when dinner’s ready okay?”

“Okay, thanks sunbaemin,” I said. She grimaced.



“Call me unnie.”

“Okay,” I grinned, “Nari unnie.”


I found a neatly decorated guest room where I’ll be staying. It was a relatively small space. It had a single bed, a desk, a dresser and a closet. It had a large window, which I was quite happy about. I love the city lights at night.

I opened up my laptop and clicked on my email. Oh my God…

Ami, how’s the flight going?”

“Ami, do you have to sit beside someone? Is it a boy? Is he cute?!”

“Ami, what the hell, answer me!”

“Kwami, Kwami, Kwami, HEY, ARE YOU LISTENING?!”

“Fine, don’t answer.”


Did she seriously send me all these emails? They weren’t even sent five minutes apart! I swear to God that child.

I typed a reply, “Adrianna, chill the hell out. I’m fine. I just couldn’t reply when I was on the plane. I’m all settled down in Nari unnie’s apartment now. I’m doing fine. I met this boy named Henry on the plane. He sat beside me. He told me to check out S.M. Entertainment. Henry’s in the entertainment business you know? I think he composes. Anyway, I don’t know what time it is over there, but reply soon, okay? And tell Jade I said hi.”

I sent it and composed a new message for my mother. I told her I landed and that my hostess was really kind. I said I’d keep her updated on my progress before I sent it. I was about to turn off my computer when I stopped. I should look up those Hallyu wave things that Jade told me about.

I was on Youtube looking through different Kpop videos. I was watching this girl group called f(x). F(x) was pretty alright. They were different. They had that cutesy appearance but they also had edginess to them. I really liked the boyish looking girl. She seemed pretty bad . I saw a video in the suggestion box and clicked on it. It was some beauty contest with idols. Miss Intimate contest with Super Junior? What the heck?

Oh God.

Oh my God.

What the hell is this?

The camera slowly traveled up the body of a pale woman with a blue silk Chinese dress. When they gave a full body shot of the woman I gagged. It was a man! Who the hell—?! Why the hell—?!

Three more men in drag came out and introduced themselves. The one that disturbed me the most was the fourth man. He was much burlier then the rest of them and he was probably in the shortest skirt. Who is this Super Junior and why are they so strange? And the crowd just got louder and louder as this Super Junior got odder and odder. I decided I’ve had enough and I shut off my computer. One thing was for certain.

If I ever became involved in the entertainment business, Super Junior would be the last people I’d ever meet. 

Et voila! Done the 4th chapter!

So Ami thinks Super Junior's nuts. Poor thing, she doesn't even know. xD

The youtube video she saw is a real thing by the way. LOL. It's the best.

Next chapter, Ami arrives at S.M. for auditions! But what's that? What's shiny? I see nothing that is shiny. And who are you and why are you hitting me with a door?!

Thanks for reading! And thanks to those who subscribed and commented since last!


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Killerkhaos #1
Chapter 20: Just stumbled across your story! and I must say WOW!!! Awesome read, and I hope to god that you plan to continue.. I like the Minho/Ami pairing, there's not many GOOD Minho/oc stories around. I'm glad that I found yours. Hope to read more!!
Please update!!
You sir (or ma'am) are BRIILIANT writer! I FREAKING WORSHIP YOU for creating this Fan Fic! I'm totally addicted! And pretty please tell me who interrupted MinWi's date? COS I'LL KILL THEM. ^_^ Can't wait for chapter 21~!
As much as I like Wonmi and Minmi I'm actually rooting for Henmi I still can't get over them being all cute and at the dinner lol xD
GAD DAMNIT WHO INTERUPTED MINMI'S DATE!!!!! Just as they were being cute and getting in the moment to! WTF yo. Messing wit the Minmi date tsk tsk tsk tsk bot cool yo so not cool! DID YOU GO TO SMTOWN?!?!?!?!? IS THAT WHY YOU SPAZZED?!?
Wonmi of course XD
Siwon all the way!
yeeeyy an update :D
woohh I hope she doesn't get in trouble though!
and shameless advertising is okay ^^
Whoohoo you updated a lot sooner then last time yay!!! Awww I swear I almost hugged my computer screen when I saw that you updated then when I read your shouout to me I really did hug my computer screen! Thank's for saying I'm an amazing reader though you're the really amazing person here you an amazing author and I bow down at yout creativeness to be able to come up with this story and then keep coming up with all of these amazig new chapters. Anyways go Ami show those girls that beauty isn't just about being pretty and cute show them that you can definitely work it better then they can!!!! Anyways I'm still hungover Ami and Henry they were just so freaking cute during the dinner and I'm definitely rooting for Henry and aww on Onew calling her Jagiya and Minho being jelly because of it! Gahh I swear all these boys and now she's modeling with Siwon I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!
Well it took you a pretty long time to update but thats okay because I actually decided to read this fic all the way from the begging. Can I just say that I started reading this because Minho was one of the main love interest and well I just really like him he's my SHINee bias, but now that I've read it more I actually really really really want Amy to end up with Henry. Ha ha it's just that there are so many moments between them and they look so cute together and I really want them to get together!!! Anyways I love how the waitress totally gushed when Zhou Mi was all like,"They're going to share." and when Henry pulled Amy on his lap I was just all like ASUKGASSLKFHSIGAFDGHA!! Anyways I wonder who caught Minho in a nin-compromising position with Amy maybe it's Siwon but I don't really think it is.... IDK it just doesn't feel like Siwon is the one who caught them. Anyways I don't blame you for being obsessed with Exo I mean They're pretty awesome plus I can relate I myself am totally obsessed with B.A.P.! lol