Mr. Dimple

Smile for the Camera, You're Debuting! - DISCONTINUED

♪♫ Bwara Mr. Dimple, Dimple ♪♫ 

I was speechless. The command was so simple. It was obvious that that was going to happen. Why was I so stunned?  My mouth flapped open like a fish's. I couldn’t come up with a response.

The rep raised a brow, “Miss Kwan?” I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

“I’m sorry about that. I will stay away from them,” I bowed. He nodded in satisfaction and dismissed me. I left with a dilemma. How was I going to tell Nari and Siwon I couldn’t make it?

Or I could just go. Yeah, that seemed like something I’d rather do. I can just say I didn’t know Siwon was going to be there. It’s not like Nari actually told me she was engaged to a celebrity who’s in the same group as Siwon.

I really should find out what they’re called.

“How’d it go?” Amber was waiting for me outside the room.

“They told me to stay away from them,” I said. She pursed .

“Them as in—”

“Yes, them,” I stressed.

She patted me on the back, “don’t worry it’ll die down. And if you debut, regardless whether you’re in this company or not, you’ll eventually have to work with them. It’s an even bigger chance if you come out as a model.”

I nodded uncertainly, “yeah.”


I left the orientation with a mixture of relief, giddiness and uneasiness. I was relieved my contract wasn’t going to be terminated. I was giddy because I couldn’t wait to start training. The facilities were absolutely fabulous. And last of all, I was uneasy because I don’t know how tonight will end.

“What’s with that face?” Nari asked as I entered the apartment. I guess I looked mopey. “You weren’t kicked out were you?”

I shook my head, “no. They just set some ground rules to help cool the media down.”

Nari could see on my face that I wasn’t going to elaborate, “very well. Go get ready. I want you to look nice for everybody!”

I shifted around my room through the unpacked boxes of clothing. Each outfit was a turn down. There was nothing that was just right in my eyes.

“Oh my Lord,” I groaned, “I’m going to be here forever.”

My gaze scanned the room and landed on a shopping bag with the contents still inside. It was the outfit Siwon had bought me. Nari yelled at me to hurry up. I quickly threw on the dress, stuck the headband on and strapped up the heels. I popped out of the room to see Nari waiting on the other side.

“Oh my gosh!” Nari’s eyes gleamed, “you look so cute! I didn’t know you had that outfit.”

I smiled, “a friend bought it for me recently.” She stared suspiciously but said nothing.

“Let’s get going. I want to get there before them,” she said. We hurried out to the cab that was already waiting out front.

The restaurant was in one of the downtown districts where all the hustle and bustle was. Day or night, there was almost always activity. It’s what you get for living in one of those “city that never sleeps”. New York was on a whole other level, but regardless.

The odd thing about the restaurant when we arrived was that no one was around. In a city where everybody’s everywhere, how can the area around a restaurant be deserted?

I tried to read the sign of the place. The calligraphy was too intricate and old fashioned. It was pretty much flying over my head.

We entered the restaurant and just like the parking lot, it was a ghost town. A person was waiting for us though, like they expected our arrival.

“Choi Nari?” the hostess asked. Nari nodded. “Follow this way please.”

We made our way to a backroom that was often used for large parties. Everything was already set up for us. I counted the spots, thirteen in all.

Nari and I were early, so we chose places near the end of the table where we wouldn’t be smack dab in the middle of everybody.

“Ami-yah,” I looked at her, “please give them a chance. I know they may come off as weird but just bear with it, okay?”

I was confused, “okay.”

The hostess came in with twelve other menus under her arm. I rushed to help her. I know they were just menus, but for some reason, fancy menus tended to be heavy.

We set up the tables when I realized I had one more menu then there were seats. I handed the hostess back the menu and she stared at it, confused.

“I was sure this was the right amount,” she mumbled.

“Hello jagiya!” Donghee came parading in and made a beeline for Nari. There it was; that word again.

An army of men followed Donghee into the room. In an instant, the room lit up with loud chatter. I counted the men. There were indeed twelve of them, just as the hostess said. My eyes widened, I was the extra weight. I felt bad for taking a place at the table to a dinner I wasn’t really invited to. I took the menu from the hostess.

“I’m sorry, we actually do need this,” I set it down randomly on the table top.

“You don’t have enough space,” the hostess observed. I shrugged helplessly.

“Ah, miss!” the hostess and I both looked up to see a familiar dimpled man with light brown hair waving at me. I’ve seen him before.

Oh, I remember now. He was that Super Junior guy on Music Bank, the one that liked some woman named Yoona.


Super Junior.

Super Junior...

Super Juni—Oh my God…

This guy was from freaking Super Junior. That band of idiots with the cross-dressing tendencies! I looked around wildy, instantly recognizing faces. Donghee was that guy whom Mr. Dimples was talking to, Shindong. I recognized four of them from the TV. I snapped my head towards Nari and fixed her with a gaze but she just shrank behind Donghee—or rather, Shindong.

“Can you pour us thirteen teas?” the dimpled man asked. I averted my gaze towards him. He looked taken aback by my cold stare.

“Fourteen,” Shindong said.

Mr. Dimples looked at him, “what?”

“Fourteen,” he pointed at me. “The fourteenth.”

The man flapped his mouth open and squinted at me, “oh my God you’re—”

“Ami!” a figure burst out of the line of guys and ran up to me. He hugged me round the waist and lifted me in the air. As he put me down, he patted my head, which was odd because with the heels I was good deal taller than him.

“Henry,” I breathed. I grinned and pinched his chubby cheeks, to which he frowned.

“Hey!” I laughed. He smiled, “congratulations on making it in.”

“You know her Henry?” Dimples popped out of no where.

“Yeah, I met her on a flight from Canada,” his arm hooked around my neck. “And she made it into—”

“Shush,” I held up a hand. Henry looked confused but shrugged it off, figuring there was a good reason for my actions.

“I see,” Dimples nodded. He eyed at me suspiciously and I just stared back, neither of us wavering. His voice was familiar. I was so sure I heard it before.

My eyes widened, “Jungsu.” The man on the phone.

His neck snapped straighter and he looked at me dead on, “excuse me? What did you say to me?” Ah, that’s right. I used no honorifics. Henry smacked me upside the head.

“He’s better known as Leeteuk,” Henry informed. Leeteuk made no move to introduce himself, instead he just advanced on me.

“You’re the rude girl,” he accused with a shaky finger. I nodded, not bothering to deny it.

“What of it?” I asked.

“Why are you here?” he hissed.

“I was invited,” I stood my ground. I don’t care if he’s Mr. Leader-that-abused-his-members-when-they-decided-to-have-fun, he wasn’t the boss of me and if he thinks he can size me up then he’s wrong. Wrong like the air in Hong Kong.

“Who invited you here?” he grit his teeth.

“Nari unnie and Siwon oppa,” I said huffily. Nari materialised beside me and pulled me behind her.

“I’m sorry Jungsu! She’s the exchange student I’m taking in. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you she’d be coming,” she bowed. His gaze softened. I guess he couldn’t hurt Nari. I looked behind Leeteuk and saw Siwon wander through the doorway. I waved happily at him. He waved back with a slight grin on his face, his eyes alight. Leeteuk noticed me waving and looked at Siwon.

“Excuse me for a moment,” he stalked off and took Siwon roughly by the shoulder and out of the room.

A very tall and lean man with a prominent nose and thick rimmed glasses took a spot beside Henry, jamming his hands in his pockets. “What was that?” he asked in mainland Mandarin.

“I don’t know. Leeteuk’s being a meanie butthead,” I shrugged, switching my tongue to Chinese. I guess that sounded more childish than it should have. I didn’t know many Chinese insults. The man roared with laughter and the men in the room looked at us, some confused, others amused.

“I don’t believe we’ve met,” he said, extending a hand. “I’m Zhou Mi.” I shook it.

“Kwan Ami,” I grinned.

“Yah! Quit yammering in Chinese. I want to eat,” a man walked up with his hands on his waist. I’ve noticed him a few times. His eyes were upturned and closed set and when he smiled he showed a lot of gum. He was on that episode of Music Bank with Leeteuk and Shindong. What did I call him?

Ah yes, “cross-dressing freak.”

“What did you say?” he glared. Oops, did I say that outloud?

“Calm down, Eunhyuk, she’s a guest and a foreigner. She doesn’t know much about Super Junior or anything,” Henry said.

Eunhyuk’s eyes widened, his mean demeanor suddenly gone, “You don’t know Super Junior? Blasphemy! Do you live under a rock?! Sit down and let Papa Hyukkie tell you a story.”

 He ushered me into my seat and started reciting their discography and achievements. I wasn’t all too interested really. He didn’t even bother introducing me to the other members like he said he would! Gosh, he talked like a grandpa retelling a story about a war he was in half a century ago.

Henry sat on my left and Nari on my right. Across from me was a man whom possessed what I believe to be the most adorable face in the whole wide world and beside him a man button mashing on some handheld device beneath the table.

None of the men spoke up; though it was clear they wanted to. They kept looking at the door where Leeteuk and Siwon left out of. I guess they were waiting for their leader.

The entrance creaked open and both missing men walked in. I waved at Siwon and he looked at me. He was raising his hand when Leeteuk cleared his throat. Siwon glanced at him and then back at me.

Then he dropped his gaze and turned his back. 

Aww, what did Jungsu say to Siwon? -glares at Leeteuk-

By the way, menus ARE heavy. (<-is a hostess)

Comment replies:

bananaO13- Here it is! And this is only the beginning, I assure you!

Coralie_x_SHINee- Holy derp I don't think I've ever met someone who's actually said that before. Belgium sounds like a cool place. I want to go there!

ppeach2- I always look forward to your comments. Ahaha. Although I must tell you, Onew is an actual love interest. It works like this-

Major love interests: Siwon and Minho, meaning it's either those two she's ends up with. (Or someone else, if the demand is high enough.)

Minor love interests: Leeteuk, Onew and Henry. They are those guys that fuel the jealousy or provide love advice for Ami. So if the demand for Onew is high enough, Ami may very well end up with him instead.

mfigueroa89- Oh the inside jokes, how I love thee. Haha, it's also nice to hear the different views of Ami. I don't know quite how to define her myself. But yes I do suppose she's rather naive and straightforward. xD Rough, as you would say. Addiction is good. Very good.


Anyway guys, my updates are going to be like this- SuJu-Shinee story (this one), then the Boyfriend story, then the girl group apply story, and then the Hunger Games story over on another site. After that, it'll loop back to this one. It's tiring I know. I'll put alot of work into this one. This is where my readers are most loyal. LOL

I've also become a Hottest, Blackjack-ing BANA since last update.

Love you all! Remember to comment and subscribe!


*Ahem* anyway, I have a QUESTION for you guys. How would you guys answer this? These are mine. xD Leave a comment below!

I'd party with: 2PM

I'd share a dorm with: Boyfriend

I'd tour with: Super Junior

I'd raise a family with: Shinee

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Killerkhaos #1
Chapter 20: Just stumbled across your story! and I must say WOW!!! Awesome read, and I hope to god that you plan to continue.. I like the Minho/Ami pairing, there's not many GOOD Minho/oc stories around. I'm glad that I found yours. Hope to read more!!
Please update!!
You sir (or ma'am) are BRIILIANT writer! I FREAKING WORSHIP YOU for creating this Fan Fic! I'm totally addicted! And pretty please tell me who interrupted MinWi's date? COS I'LL KILL THEM. ^_^ Can't wait for chapter 21~!
As much as I like Wonmi and Minmi I'm actually rooting for Henmi I still can't get over them being all cute and at the dinner lol xD
GAD DAMNIT WHO INTERUPTED MINMI'S DATE!!!!! Just as they were being cute and getting in the moment to! WTF yo. Messing wit the Minmi date tsk tsk tsk tsk bot cool yo so not cool! DID YOU GO TO SMTOWN?!?!?!?!? IS THAT WHY YOU SPAZZED?!?
Wonmi of course XD
Siwon all the way!
yeeeyy an update :D
woohh I hope she doesn't get in trouble though!
and shameless advertising is okay ^^
Whoohoo you updated a lot sooner then last time yay!!! Awww I swear I almost hugged my computer screen when I saw that you updated then when I read your shouout to me I really did hug my computer screen! Thank's for saying I'm an amazing reader though you're the really amazing person here you an amazing author and I bow down at yout creativeness to be able to come up with this story and then keep coming up with all of these amazig new chapters. Anyways go Ami show those girls that beauty isn't just about being pretty and cute show them that you can definitely work it better then they can!!!! Anyways I'm still hungover Ami and Henry they were just so freaking cute during the dinner and I'm definitely rooting for Henry and aww on Onew calling her Jagiya and Minho being jelly because of it! Gahh I swear all these boys and now she's modeling with Siwon I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!
Well it took you a pretty long time to update but thats okay because I actually decided to read this fic all the way from the begging. Can I just say that I started reading this because Minho was one of the main love interest and well I just really like him he's my SHINee bias, but now that I've read it more I actually really really really want Amy to end up with Henry. Ha ha it's just that there are so many moments between them and they look so cute together and I really want them to get together!!! Anyways I love how the waitress totally gushed when Zhou Mi was all like,"They're going to share." and when Henry pulled Amy on his lap I was just all like ASUKGASSLKFHSIGAFDGHA!! Anyways I wonder who caught Minho in a nin-compromising position with Amy maybe it's Siwon but I don't really think it is.... IDK it just doesn't feel like Siwon is the one who caught them. Anyways I don't blame you for being obsessed with Exo I mean They're pretty awesome plus I can relate I myself am totally obsessed with B.A.P.! lol