A Little Gift

Smile for the Camera, You're Debuting! - DISCONTINUED

I stared at him, baffled by the change of heart, but he had already walked off. Onew looked just as dumbfounded.

“I—what?” I blinked.

Onew shrugged, “who knows.” He snatched some napkins of the counter, “on an unrelated topic, you have swirly chunks of pink icing on your face.”

“Is that right?” I raised a brow. “Then the person who did it must be very mean to go and ruin a face like mine.”

Onew gave me a mock offended look, “the person who did it happens to be a very wonderful, kind, handsome person!” I laughed out loud at him. “And besides, it’s impossible to ruin your face.”

My laugh faltered for a second, “huh?”

His face broke out in a sheepish grin as his ears turned red, “I didn’t say anything.”

I stared at him but kept my mouth shut. I had no idea what to say back, so I just grinned.

He waved his hand around as if to clear a cloud of awkward atmosphere, “anyway, we should go back to the others. We’ll just stick around until hyung finds us.”

I nodded and we wiped the rest of the sugar off of our faces.


Key clapped his hands in delight as we approached the table. Taemin still had that frustrated look on his face as he looked at Minho with puffed cheeks. Minho ignored us and stared amusedly at Taemin.

“Yah! We were wondering when you guys would get back!” Jonghyun shouted.

“What were you doing over there?” Key asked teasingly. Onew’s mouth flapped open like a fish.

“Team discussion,” I replied.

“Without us?!” Jonghyun looked offended.

“You’re not on the team,” I said briskly. Minho laughed. I looked at him but he quickly composed himself and turned away. Taemin gave him a look.

“Be quiet, Jonghyun. We’re celebrating!” Key handed everybody a piece of cake.

“Cheers!” Taemin smiled cutely. My brain turned to mush. He looked excitedly at the cake, like he couldn’t wait to stuff it down his throat.

“Congrats to Ami-yah, our new dongsaeng!” Key clapped. Onew waggled his eyebrows at me as he passed me a piece of cake. I laughed out loud.

“Dongsaeng?” Minho stared.

Taemin nodded happily, “yup! Noona is a new SM trainee!”

“What?!” Minho looked baffled as he stared at me.

“She’s in the model program,” Jonghyun said. “Obviously,” he added. I blushed.

Someone’s phone vibrated. We all checked our pockets but Minho was the one who received a text.

“Siwon hyung says he can’t get to the café without creating a huge uproar. He wants Ami-ssi to meet him a little ways away from Etude House,” Minho read.

“Okay, then let’s go,” Jonghyun stood up. Key plopped him down again.

“Think about it, if just Siwon hyung would cause too much of a commotion, what would a whole group do?” Key said. “Onew can ta—”

“I’ll take her,” Minho stood and grabbed my arm. I made a squeak of surprise as Key and Onew simultaneously opened their mouths to protest but we were already flying out the door.

“Sunbaenim, quit tugging!” I shouted as he dragged me through the street at an alarmingly fast rate.

“No, we have to go quickly or else we’ll be discovered.” Just as he said that, I heard a click. Oh my Lord, not again. Minho hissed something inaudible under his breath. “Let’s go.”

We zipped down the streets with our heads down.

“Where’s Siwon oppa?” I asked. Minho stared at me, his large hand still gripping my wrist firmly.

“Oppa?” he frowned. “How do you know hyung?”

I inwardly cursed. I keep forgetting to not call him oppa. I wasn’t that familiar with Siwon. I didn’t even know his surname! But then again, Jonghyun and Key want me to call them oppa. Wait, didn’t Key say he was the same age as me? Who knows? I should just call him Key-ah.

“I—” I stopped. Why did he need to know? Is something going on between Siwon and Minho? The way Minho’s acting, it’s as if he’s jealous Siwon knows other people. Maybe he’s a hyung . I almost chucked to myself at the thought. “Why do you need to know?”

His jaw locked, and then his face went impassive, “I don’t really care.” He turned away but I swear I saw his expression turn angry. Damn, he looks mighty fine when he’s mad. Aish, I shook my head. I shouldn’t be thinking things like that. “Let’s go,” he repeated and we were on our way.

We passed by several shops unnoticed. But just as we were crossing the street, I heard whispers. I assume Minho did too, the way he gripped my arm tighter. If my ego wasn’t so big, I’d tell him he was hurting me.

“Hurry up,” he hissed. Our strides turned longer as Minho guided me to the Etude House. There was virtually no one around that area. Perhaps that’s why Siwon wanted to lay low there.

“Ami-ssi!” somebody up ahead yelled. I grinned and broke away from Minho.

“Siwon-ssi! Where did you go?” I asked as I ran up to him. Unfortunately, I’m a very fast runner and I gain momentum really quickly. I tried to skid to a stop in front of him but it was difficult in heels. Siwon encased me in his large arms to stop me.

“Omo!” I heard Minho yell from behind me.

“Are you alright?” Siwon looked down on me. I nodded and then stopped. The situation I was currently in was slowly starting to sink in. I blushed a deep red.

“Y-yah, hyung! Let go of her!” Minho frantically grabbed my shoulder.


Aw …

That will not look good to Shinee fans. I can see the headlines now, “Shinee’s Minho fights over a girl with another guy!” It was nice knowing you world. I’m going to die tomorrow. And if Siwon is a celebrity like I suspect he is, I'm going to die twice over.. I can kiss that training contract goodbye.

Siwon quickly let go, although not in time, “I got her from here Minho. Thanks for bringing her back!” Minho looked hesitant but he turned and left back the way we came.

I broke away from Siwon, “Minho-ssi!” He turned back. “Thank you for helping me! And I’m sorry! And tell the others I’m thankful!” I almost continued to ramble but he held up a hand and waved, signalling he understood, before he continued down the street.


“I’m sorry for leaving you in the store, but I had to get out of there. Too many people were coming in,” Siwon sighed. He smiled, “but it all turned out alright!”

I laughed, “I suppose so.”

“Also, I saw this in one of the windows and thought you might like it,” Siwon handed me a cute little phone charm. I laughed loudly.

It was strawberry cake. 

Siwon's back! :D MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL! I love my faithful readers. Hey ! You know you're the best right?

Has anybody noticed that on Minho and Onew's birthday chapters, there's cake. And on a Christmas chapter, Ami gets a gift? I'M SO CLEVER. IKR? xD But in the story timeline, it was neither their birthdays nor Christmas. Haha! This is happening, like, in the summer or something...

Also, I went all out on the poster. My favourite part of uploading new chapters is making a new poster to go with it. LOL.

Do you guys like the posters? :D This one's my favourite (even though I screwed up Ami's hair. *headdesk*). It's Christmas-y even though the chapter itself isn't about Christmas.

Thanks for reading!


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P.S. I'm doing a girl group apply story! If any of you want to check it out or apply, PLEASE DO SO. It's here! Hurry! There isn't much time left! It's called Angel League. :)


Santa U Are the One- Super Junior (feat. Henry and Zhou Mi)

Last Christmas- SHINee 

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Killerkhaos #1
Chapter 20: Just stumbled across your story! and I must say WOW!!! Awesome read, and I hope to god that you plan to continue.. I like the Minho/Ami pairing, there's not many GOOD Minho/oc stories around. I'm glad that I found yours. Hope to read more!!
Please update!!
You sir (or ma'am) are BRIILIANT writer! I FREAKING WORSHIP YOU for creating this Fan Fic! I'm totally addicted! And pretty please tell me who interrupted MinWi's date? COS I'LL KILL THEM. ^_^ Can't wait for chapter 21~!
As much as I like Wonmi and Minmi I'm actually rooting for Henmi I still can't get over them being all cute and at the dinner lol xD
GAD DAMNIT WHO INTERUPTED MINMI'S DATE!!!!! Just as they were being cute and getting in the moment to! WTF yo. Messing wit the Minmi date tsk tsk tsk tsk bot cool yo so not cool! DID YOU GO TO SMTOWN?!?!?!?!? IS THAT WHY YOU SPAZZED?!?
Wonmi of course XD
Siwon all the way!
yeeeyy an update :D
woohh I hope she doesn't get in trouble though!
and shameless advertising is okay ^^
Whoohoo you updated a lot sooner then last time yay!!! Awww I swear I almost hugged my computer screen when I saw that you updated then when I read your shouout to me I really did hug my computer screen! Thank's for saying I'm an amazing reader though you're the really amazing person here you an amazing author and I bow down at yout creativeness to be able to come up with this story and then keep coming up with all of these amazig new chapters. Anyways go Ami show those girls that beauty isn't just about being pretty and cute show them that you can definitely work it better then they can!!!! Anyways I'm still hungover Ami and Henry they were just so freaking cute during the dinner and I'm definitely rooting for Henry and aww on Onew calling her Jagiya and Minho being jelly because of it! Gahh I swear all these boys and now she's modeling with Siwon I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!
Well it took you a pretty long time to update but thats okay because I actually decided to read this fic all the way from the begging. Can I just say that I started reading this because Minho was one of the main love interest and well I just really like him he's my SHINee bias, but now that I've read it more I actually really really really want Amy to end up with Henry. Ha ha it's just that there are so many moments between them and they look so cute together and I really want them to get together!!! Anyways I love how the waitress totally gushed when Zhou Mi was all like,"They're going to share." and when Henry pulled Amy on his lap I was just all like ASUKGASSLKFHSIGAFDGHA!! Anyways I wonder who caught Minho in a nin-compromising position with Amy maybe it's Siwon but I don't really think it is.... IDK it just doesn't feel like Siwon is the one who caught them. Anyways I don't blame you for being obsessed with Exo I mean They're pretty awesome plus I can relate I myself am totally obsessed with B.A.P.! lol