Strawberry Cake

Smile for the Camera, You're Debuting! - DISCONTINUED

Oh my God. I’m going to die. Those fans of his are going to spot me the minute I walk out of this store and they’re going to burn my at the stake! Maybe I could ask the manager if I can leave the back way. Oh no, the two teens were coming back with their friends! I ducked under a men’s rack and hid between the blazers. This must look really weird right now.

The girls walked out of the door and I stood, banging my head on the metal bar that the hangers dangled off of.

Someone laughed. It was that same person who I could never find.

“Lost little lady?” I poked my head from out of the blazer rack to see a guy leaning on it beside me. His eyes crinkled when he smiled his pearly grin. That look he gave me was really endearing. He was like an oversized teddy bear. It was so cute!

“Actually I lost somebody,” I said to him.

“Did he chicken out on a date with you?” he quirked a brow.

“It wasn’t really a date, but I suppose he did run away. I don’t know from what though,” I pouted.

“Maybe he’s across the road?” the man laughed out loud and held his gut. I stared at him.

“I’m sorry?” I blinked, unsure of what to do.

“Get it, because I said—” he stopped when he saw my blank stare. “Never mind…”

What is wrong with this guy? He’s cute, but when he opens his mouth I get absolutely confused.

“So you’re trying to find someone?” he changed the subject after the atmosphere got awkward.

“Oh, yeah I am. His name is Siwon.”

The man looked at me with the most obvious face of skepticism, “is that right? Tall guy, pretty handsome?” he gestured with his hands the approximate height of Siwon.

“Yeah that sounds like it.”

He bit his lip and pointed to himself, “do you know who I am?”

“I don’t recall. I’m not from around here, see,” I explained to him my predicament.

He laughed, “Oh! It all makes sense now!”


“Nothing, follow me, I’ve got friends who can help us look for Siwon hyung,” the man took my arm and guided me to a coffee shop across the street.

“Hyung? Do you know Siwon-ssi?” I asked.

“Yeah, we work together sometimes,” he said.

We walked into the café and it was strangely, nearly deserted. The man led us to the back.

He slid into a booth and gestured for me to come forward, “guys. This lady’s lost and we need to help her find a certain someone.”

I looked around the table and my eyes landed on a man all too familiar, “Jonghyun-ssi?” Jonghyun was sitting in the booth with two other guys, excluding the man who led me here.

Jonghyun grinned, “That’s oppa to you Ami dear.”

My brows shot up, “I never told you my name.” I was confused.

“It was on your portfolio.”

“Makes sense,” I nodded.

“You have a portfolio noona?” a young boy said to me. He was maybe a couple years younger than me.

“Yeah I-hey, you’re Taemin-ssi of Shinee,” I noticed. He had a delicate, girly sort of face and a bright smile. Oh my Lord, this kid was absolutely precious.

“You know Jonghyun and Taemin’s names but not mine?” the man who led me here said, looking a bit hurt. I couldn’t tell if he was playing or not.

“I’m sorry. I know oppa,” I pointed to Jonghyun and he grinned, “because he hit me with a door. I’ve seen Taemin before because a girl I know pointed him out when he was outside of the S.M. building.

“Well, I’m Onew. So now you know me too,” he smiled his wide smile.

“Wait, hold the damn phone,” the man sitting adjacent to Onew held up his hands in front of him. He was dressed the most fashionable out of all of them and his eyes were rimmed with a bit of liner. “What are you doing at S.M? And why in the world did Jonghyun hit you with a door,” he eyed me suspiciously. I told him my story. As I finished, I was surprised they listened to my whole story. It was quite a long one, even though I was only here for a few days at best.

“So you made it?” Jonghyun grinned. I nodded my head excitedly. “Then we must celebrate! I’ll buy my newly acquired dongsaeng some cake!” I lit up. I liked cake, cake was very good indeed.

“We have to wait though,” Taemin said. After I finished my story, they introduced themselves as the five member group Shinee. I noticed that only four were present.

“Oh yeah,” the guy who’s name I still did not know frowned. He moved over in the booth and patted the place beside him. “You can sit here Ami-ssi. I’m Key oppa by the way.”

“If I call you Key oppa, don’t tag -ssi onto my name,” I quirked a brow. He was silent for a minute, and then he started laughing.

“You’re alright,” he grinned.

“So I’ve been told,” I pompously flipped my hair and laughed to show that I was only joking.

“Aish, another diva,” Jonghyun groaned. Key snapped in a Z formation and looked offended, and then he laughed along with me.

“Noona is the perfect idol,” Taemin laughed.

“I knew you’d make it the minute I saw you. You’re too pretty to not make it into the industry,” Jonghyun chuckled to himself. “Anyway—”

“Ami-ssi, let’s go pick out a cake,” Onew suggested, standing up and grabbing my hand.

“Um, yeah okay,” I was confused. I had only met these people and they want to buy me a cake? What is it with Korea? I’ve never encountered people like this back home. Maybe it’s a cultural thing, or perhaps just celebrities. I shrugged and decided to go with the flow.

“Do you like chocolate Ami-ssi?” Onew pointed to a chocolate mousse cake in the display at the front counter.

“I don’t like when it’s just chocolate,” I frowned. I then pointed to a pretty pink cake with strawberries. “Cakes with strawberries are my favourite.”

“Oh yeah?” Onew waved the serving lady over, “Miss, what’s in this cake?” He pointed to the pink one.

“W-well,” the lady stuttered. I suppose she knew Shinee, “the cake itself is a marble flavour with chocolate and French vanilla. The icing is vanilla flavoured butter cream, but it has red food colouring in it, so I must warn you if you’re allergic. It’s drizzled with chocolate and topped with strawberries and cream, as you can see. W-would you like to try a piece?” the woman said shyly. Onew nodded excitedly.

“Can we?” he asked. She blushed and nodded. Celebrity status gets you places. I know for sure you can’t actually give someone a piece of cake to try. She cut a small slice from the display cake and handed him a plate and a fork. I picked up the plate to bring to the others. If they didn’t like the cake then I wouldn’t get it. I mean, Jonghyun oppa was so keen on treating me.

“Hey, Onew hyung, who’s the little lady you got here?”

Startled by the newcomer, I spun around quickly with the cake still in hand just as Onew jerked my shoulder back. “Wait Ami-ssi you need a fork—”

“Omo!” I cried as the plate slipped from my grasp and splattered onto the front of the new arrival. Onew looked back with wide eyes.

“N-nice of you to join us, Minho.”

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHOI MINHO! This chapter was dedicated to you! See? It has cake and everything! Ami finally gets to meet Minho. Happy Days!

And thank you for reading! I really appreciate it! And thanks to those who subscribed since I last updated! Love you all!


Remember to


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Killerkhaos #1
Chapter 20: Just stumbled across your story! and I must say WOW!!! Awesome read, and I hope to god that you plan to continue.. I like the Minho/Ami pairing, there's not many GOOD Minho/oc stories around. I'm glad that I found yours. Hope to read more!!
Please update!!
You sir (or ma'am) are BRIILIANT writer! I FREAKING WORSHIP YOU for creating this Fan Fic! I'm totally addicted! And pretty please tell me who interrupted MinWi's date? COS I'LL KILL THEM. ^_^ Can't wait for chapter 21~!
As much as I like Wonmi and Minmi I'm actually rooting for Henmi I still can't get over them being all cute and at the dinner lol xD
GAD DAMNIT WHO INTERUPTED MINMI'S DATE!!!!! Just as they were being cute and getting in the moment to! WTF yo. Messing wit the Minmi date tsk tsk tsk tsk bot cool yo so not cool! DID YOU GO TO SMTOWN?!?!?!?!? IS THAT WHY YOU SPAZZED?!?
Wonmi of course XD
Siwon all the way!
yeeeyy an update :D
woohh I hope she doesn't get in trouble though!
and shameless advertising is okay ^^
Whoohoo you updated a lot sooner then last time yay!!! Awww I swear I almost hugged my computer screen when I saw that you updated then when I read your shouout to me I really did hug my computer screen! Thank's for saying I'm an amazing reader though you're the really amazing person here you an amazing author and I bow down at yout creativeness to be able to come up with this story and then keep coming up with all of these amazig new chapters. Anyways go Ami show those girls that beauty isn't just about being pretty and cute show them that you can definitely work it better then they can!!!! Anyways I'm still hungover Ami and Henry they were just so freaking cute during the dinner and I'm definitely rooting for Henry and aww on Onew calling her Jagiya and Minho being jelly because of it! Gahh I swear all these boys and now she's modeling with Siwon I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!
Well it took you a pretty long time to update but thats okay because I actually decided to read this fic all the way from the begging. Can I just say that I started reading this because Minho was one of the main love interest and well I just really like him he's my SHINee bias, but now that I've read it more I actually really really really want Amy to end up with Henry. Ha ha it's just that there are so many moments between them and they look so cute together and I really want them to get together!!! Anyways I love how the waitress totally gushed when Zhou Mi was all like,"They're going to share." and when Henry pulled Amy on his lap I was just all like ASUKGASSLKFHSIGAFDGHA!! Anyways I wonder who caught Minho in a nin-compromising position with Amy maybe it's Siwon but I don't really think it is.... IDK it just doesn't feel like Siwon is the one who caught them. Anyways I don't blame you for being obsessed with Exo I mean They're pretty awesome plus I can relate I myself am totally obsessed with B.A.P.! lol