The Ideal Beauty

Smile for the Camera, You're Debuting! - DISCONTINUED

I wish someone would explain the concept of beauty to me, because I am not getting it. 

“I’m sorry Miss Kwan, but you’re too short for our criteria.”

What? Did you seriously just tell me that? I snatched my portfolio off the office desk and strode briskly out of the room.

“Too short my ,” I grumbled.

The name’s Ami Kwan, thanks for asking. I suppose I should give a little background before you go wondering your pretty head off about the kind of situation I’m in. There’s this place called Canada, and I’m from there, see. Have you heard of it? I thought not. Anyway, I’ve been going to school in Montreal for about a year now. And you know, when you’re living on your own, you need a job. My friend, Jade Larsen, suggested I try out for modelling. Why did I listen? I forget what I did to convince myself to do it. It started out pretty well. I got a few gigs doing catalogues. One of the photographers I met suggested I try out for higher end things, so I’ve been going from agency to agency showing them my portfolio, but I’ve been met with the same thing:

“You’re too short.” 5’7 isn’t short you stupid—! That’s one inch off criteria!

“Your bust is too big.” Oh, I see how it is.

 “You’re arms are too muscular looking.” Oh come now…

I finally start to develop a fondness for modelling and now I don’t meet the required measurements.

“Hey, don’t look so sad, Ami. I’m sure some agency will pick you up,” Jade said as I slid into the shotgun seat of her car. “I thought you didn’t want to model?”

“Yeah, well, I’ve started to develop a real passion for it!” It was true. Those few catalogue shoots were incredible experiences. The travelling, the gigs, the runways, I wanted the whole package. Initially, entering university, I wanted to get involved in the fashion industry. But I was expecting some sort of business type of job, not an opportunity to model.

“Okay, cool it. I understand.” Jade pulled into the parking garage of our apartment building. “Help me unload the groceries. God knows Adrianna won’t do a thing.” I sighed, grabbing a few bags of vegetables and following Jade to the elevator.

“We’re home,” I called into the apartment. My other best friend and roommate, Adrianna Rojas, lay sprawled on the carpet of the main room, furiously typing away on her laptop. She perked up when we entered the living room.

“Thank God you’re here! I thought I would have to call or something,” she picked up her computer and showed us the screen. “This Korean university is in joint with ours. They’re offering exchange programs.”

Jade raised a brow, “yeah, so?” Adrianna held up her hand.

“Shut up for a minute, this is a two part thing,” she clicked on a different tab full of these Asian models.

“What the—”

“Quiet!” I shut my mouth. “Some of these models are 5’6 in height. I think if you got the right face and your body looks proportionally like a model, I don’t think they mind.”

You think? It was hard achieving that 5’9 height that western models had. Asians just aren’t that tall.

“You think I have a shot in Korea.” I stared at her. She couldn’t be serious. I mean, semester hasn’t started yet so I still have a chance to sign up but still.

“Yeah, you’re considered petit in the industry so there’s no way you’ll get any work around here. But the Asian market likes petit models, and they really like using models in music videos,” Adrianna clicked on a music video of some Korean pop song.

“Hey, Adrianna, I don’t know if you noticed, but Ami isn’t exactly the ideal Asian beauty,” Jade said. I glared at her.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re too dark.”


Adrianna gave a huff, “I still think she should give it a shot. Learning overseas is still a good experience.” She stared intently at me. My brow twitch in annoyance, she couldn’t seriously want me to go there.

“Fine, I’ll apply for it. It shouldn’t hurt right?” I sighed.

“Do it! And who knows, maybe you’ll find a super hot guy to take home with you. I mean, look at these boys!” Adrianna ogled the screen where a boy band with clearly too many members danced to an R&B pop love song.

“Adrianna those are the ones they want you to see. Obviously, they’d all look like the cream of the crop,” I rolled my eyes.

“On a more important note, Adrianna, have not you ever considered the fact that Ami knows nothing of Korea nor has any fluent ability in speaking their language?” Jade inquired. Oh ye of little faith, Jade. As a matter of fact, I do know a pathetic amount of conversational Korean. It’s not that I was Korean or anything. No, I had no Korean blood in me whatsoever! I was a strange mutt mix of Chinese, Spanish and Hawaiian. As I was saying about my conversational skills, my family would usually house students from overseas. When I was in tenth grade, we had this Korean girl come over and it was my job to make her feel welcome, so I was forced to brush up on the language so she’d be more comfortable. The girl was nice, a great help when I got stuck on a word. If it wasn’t for her helping to develop the language I’d probably turn Adrianna’s idea down right away.

“She can learn about Korea while she’s there!”

I put all the food away in the refrigerator and stared wearily at my bickering friends, “guys, I said I’ll apply. Don’t worry about it.”

“You need the money for it, you know,” Jade told me. She sounded like my mother.

“I know, I know, I have the money.” I searched around the living room, “do you know where the phone is?” Adrianna threw it to me and I punched in a number I haven’t called in a long while.



“Hey mom,” I greeted.

“Ami, you don’t call!” I sighed, that’s the first thing she says? I should’ve expected as much.

“Yeah, sorry about that. Anyway, I was calling because I wanted to tell you I was going to apply for an overseas course in Korea.”

I heard her give an exasperated sigh over the phone, “I wish you’d give me more of a heads up on these types of things, like studying in Montreal for example.” I cringed. I didn’t tell her until she saw me packing my bags that I would be moving out of province for school. She was still pretty hung up about that.

“Mom, I promise. It’s a long process to apply for these things. I haven’t signed up yet if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“Ami, it’s fine. Do what you wish. You know I support you no matter what you do,” I could feel her smile.

“Thanks mom. Be seeing you,” I pressed the end call button and grinned. Now I have to go through the long, strenuous process of applying to be in that course.

Hello! Thanks for reading the first chapter. If you like, subscribe and comment. I would appreciate feedback. Although, flames are not welcome. At all.

Also, it's Super Juniors 6th debut anniversary! (<----just realized) Ahaha wooo! Well, not over here, but over there it is! So, WOOO!

Super Junior and Shinee WILL NOT be showing up immediately. That would be weird. It builds up one by one. But not really. Agh, how do I explain this? You'll just have to wait.


P.S. the woman used to portray Ami Kwan is Meisa Kuroki.

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Killerkhaos #1
Chapter 20: Just stumbled across your story! and I must say WOW!!! Awesome read, and I hope to god that you plan to continue.. I like the Minho/Ami pairing, there's not many GOOD Minho/oc stories around. I'm glad that I found yours. Hope to read more!!
Please update!!
You sir (or ma'am) are BRIILIANT writer! I FREAKING WORSHIP YOU for creating this Fan Fic! I'm totally addicted! And pretty please tell me who interrupted MinWi's date? COS I'LL KILL THEM. ^_^ Can't wait for chapter 21~!
As much as I like Wonmi and Minmi I'm actually rooting for Henmi I still can't get over them being all cute and at the dinner lol xD
GAD DAMNIT WHO INTERUPTED MINMI'S DATE!!!!! Just as they were being cute and getting in the moment to! WTF yo. Messing wit the Minmi date tsk tsk tsk tsk bot cool yo so not cool! DID YOU GO TO SMTOWN?!?!?!?!? IS THAT WHY YOU SPAZZED?!?
Wonmi of course XD
Siwon all the way!
yeeeyy an update :D
woohh I hope she doesn't get in trouble though!
and shameless advertising is okay ^^
Whoohoo you updated a lot sooner then last time yay!!! Awww I swear I almost hugged my computer screen when I saw that you updated then when I read your shouout to me I really did hug my computer screen! Thank's for saying I'm an amazing reader though you're the really amazing person here you an amazing author and I bow down at yout creativeness to be able to come up with this story and then keep coming up with all of these amazig new chapters. Anyways go Ami show those girls that beauty isn't just about being pretty and cute show them that you can definitely work it better then they can!!!! Anyways I'm still hungover Ami and Henry they were just so freaking cute during the dinner and I'm definitely rooting for Henry and aww on Onew calling her Jagiya and Minho being jelly because of it! Gahh I swear all these boys and now she's modeling with Siwon I can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!
Well it took you a pretty long time to update but thats okay because I actually decided to read this fic all the way from the begging. Can I just say that I started reading this because Minho was one of the main love interest and well I just really like him he's my SHINee bias, but now that I've read it more I actually really really really want Amy to end up with Henry. Ha ha it's just that there are so many moments between them and they look so cute together and I really want them to get together!!! Anyways I love how the waitress totally gushed when Zhou Mi was all like,"They're going to share." and when Henry pulled Amy on his lap I was just all like ASUKGASSLKFHSIGAFDGHA!! Anyways I wonder who caught Minho in a nin-compromising position with Amy maybe it's Siwon but I don't really think it is.... IDK it just doesn't feel like Siwon is the one who caught them. Anyways I don't blame you for being obsessed with Exo I mean They're pretty awesome plus I can relate I myself am totally obsessed with B.A.P.! lol