Happy EunHae day!!!

Bits and Pieces



Yes... ?


Remember our discussion about getting a dog? ^^


How can I forget? I told you we can’t have a dog yet and you cried -_-




Yeah, about that...


Hyukjae stares at the golden fluff ball Donghae sent in a picture, feeling a headache already coming.




Isn’t it the most adorable creature you ever laid eyes on???


Because I think it is!!!


I named him Yellow ^^


Don’t name him!!!!!!!


Well ... Fine, I guess I can wait to hear your opinion too ...


Tho I think Yellow fits him :<


Cuz he’s a golden retriever




That’s not the point. Don’t name him at all! We can’t keep him.












As 5pm rolls around, Hyukjae leaves his office, taking advantage of the forty minutes he has to ride the subway to carefully plan out what he’s going to tell Donghae when he gets home. He’s pretty sure there’s going to be a lot of arguing and probably some crying so Hyukjae has to steel himself in order to not give in to his lover’s whim.


It’s not that Hyukjae doesn’t like dogs. In fact, Hyukjae loves dogs. He adores them! It’s just that they’re in no condition to accommodate one right now. He and Donghae have just moved in together two months ago in a two-rooms apartment and Hyukjae is sure the landlord hates them already. He knows why – two decent men in their thirties moving in together? Yeah, not obvious at all. They should be thankful the old geezer let them stay despite being a homophobic , not get even deeper on his bad side by bringing a dog. A big-sized one even.


They would get a dog someday for sure, but after thoroughly planning and consideration. Hyukjae is not a fan of surprises and spontaneity. He needs to have a plan for everything, prepare in advance, or else his anxiety would “rocket into the outer space”, as his boyfriend once joked. Donghae, on the other hand, is the total opposite. He’s all spontaneity, surprises and everything Hyukjae would never expect. How they managed to put up with each other for three years, Hyukjae will never understand. Maybe that’s what love is all about, he thinks, a grin spreading on his face.


That dog still has to go, though.




“But, Hyukjaeeeee...”


Donghae is kneeling on the sofa with the puppy in his lap, looking ready to shed tears any moment, which Hyukjae finds ridiculous for a 32 years-old. Even to this day, Hyukjae hasn’t figured out if Donghae really feels like crying all the time or he’s just doing it to emotionally blackmail Hyukjae into giving him whatever he wants. Whichever it is, it works 99% of the time. Not this time, however.


“Donghae, we talked about this.” Hyukjae paces around the small coffee table, looking anywhere but at his boyfriend and the small fluff ball on his legs.


“But look at it!” Donghae shoves the poor puppy in his face. “It’s so small and fluffy and adorable.”


Hyukjae reluctantly takes the animal from him, cradling it to his chest and absentmindedly petting it. He only now notices the bandaged hind leg.


“It is small and adorable now but what are we going to do when it grows? Will you be willing to give it away then?”


“Of course not!”


“Look around you! He won’t even have space to move!”


Donghae does look around with a dejected pout on his face. “We can re-arrange the furniture a bit. We don’t need that coffee table anyway.”


“We can’t re-arrange anything, Donghae, because this apartment and this furniture are not ours to re-arrange. Did you perhaps forget we’re renting?” Hyukjae sighs, turning his attention to the puppy now chewing on his tie. “The landlord would never allow us to keep a pet anyway. We’d just give him a reason to kick us out other than, you know, being gay ...”


“We can save money until it grows and then move somewhere else,” Donghae suggests, hope shining in his eyes. How he can come up with a solution for everything is beyond Hyukjae. Especially because most of those solutions are not practical, doable solutions. “We can buy a house.”


Hyukjae scoffs at that. “And how are we going to do that exactly? I’m an editor for a magazine that barely sells and you’re a delivery man. What are we going to do, starve and not leave the house unless it’s for work? That’s not the life I want to live, sorry.”


“Well, I don’t want to give up Yellow!”


“Where did you find it anyway?”


Donghae comes closer and starts petting the dog, a loving smile blossoming on his handsome face. Hyukjae allows himself to forget about the problem at hand for a bit and just gaze at the beautiful view. Can he really deprive his boyfriend of this little source of happiness?


“I think someone abandoned him by the bus station. He was all dirty and limping, I couldn’t just let him there. I took him to a vet, got him fixed and came home.”


Hyukjae puts his free arm around Donghae, bringing him into a hug, the puppy squished in between them. He sighs, knowing that he’s fighting a losing battle and Donghae will have his way one way or another.


“Fine,” he says, giving up entirely. “Fine. But if we get kicked out I’m leaving you on the streets with him and I’m moving in with my mom.”


Donghae laughs loudly in his ear and Hyukjae chuckles along with him, feeling like he has done the right thing despite everything. “Your mom won’t take you in, she’s still mad at you for dating a man.”


“Guess we’ll just be homeless then.”


“I’d be homeless with you and not regret a single minute of it,” Donghae says and leaves several kisses on his neck. The playful mood seems to have dissipated and Hyukjae knows Donghae is grateful for agreeing to the puppy in the end. Hyukjae also knows Donghae loves him a lot. Just like he loves Donghae.


The puppy finds Hyukjae’s tie and starts pulling it with his tiny fangs, piercing through the fabric.


Hyukjae glares at him. “Yellow. What a lame name,” he says.


Donghae playfully hits his back. “Yellow loves you too.”

So it's been ages since I last written anything and it was painful to get myself to write even this short, crappy whatever it is. But I felt the need to contribute to this blessed day of celebration lol.

Anyway, I'll do my best to get my together ^^

Sorry ^^''''''

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hee_mi #1
Chapter 14: AWWw both the Ghost and the Deaf AU are so Beautiful <3 so sad that they are only oneshots, I would love to see a story like these with more chapters D:
Sylphide890807 #2
Chapter 15: Hello and happy New year.
Sorry English is not my language but i wanted to leave you a comment.
I enjoyed all this one shot.
For the most part, they were so sweet.
Thanks again for all that.
Bye see you again soon
pilikpoplove #3
Chapter 15: I'm vomiting rainbows at this moment, ah the folly of youth. I loved all of this oneshots, really pleasant and fluffy.
Chapter 15: This is so sweet >< thought they not going to end up together but im glad it works for them :D
StarryDream4 #5
Chapter 15: Aw this was cute :)
Chapter 15: Good idea mr.lee,so that hae wont be expelled or kickout from uni.thankyu fir update:333
Chapter 15: This was so cute and adorable :) Glad that Hyuk took off so that Hae would not get in trouble and now that he has graduated they can now be together ,Yahoo!
Chapter 14: Why i found it sad that they were not together.. :(
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 14: Oh I really like this one :) More cute than spooky but still hints of the supernatural. Aw, I saw that little jealous streak in Hyuk when Hae brought a friend over ;)
Chapter 14: It's sad that Hyuk is gone but it's so cute and adorable that he helps out Donghae :)