Chapter 8

Online Friend...?

Why… Why… Why, Ilhoon…? Why…?


You leant against the tree as the rain formed continued to trickle on you. It's going to be a downpour, you know it.


At least hiding my tears in the rain is better…


You looked down at your Dr. Martens boots and the ground. You just don't want to go home tonight. You really don't want to go home tonight. You just want to stay out of your house. You got no reason to but you really want to stay outside. Your mind is running havoc after the conversation you had with Ilhoon earlier.




       "Listen, Kim Hana! If you continue to be friends with G-Dragon-ssi, then I refuse to be friends with you!"

       "Ilhoon, why are you being like this? You're just-"

       "I'm just what?! Why do you notice other guys except for me?! Why am I not good enough for you?!"

       "Ilhoon, listen… I want to tell you-"

       "I don't want to listen anymore. You will always say the same thing! You need other friends, making connections and acquaintances. It's always the same things!"

       "Mianhae, Ilhoon-ya. But whatever you are doing is the same exact things I had said. Why are you channeling your anger towards me?"

       "I am NOT channeling my ang-"

       "Yes, you are. Don't be petty. I want you to know that it's my life and it's MY rights. Stop trying to control my life. And venting your anger to me. I accept rantings but not venting of anger. Why had you been like this ever since Jiyong entered my life? You don't even know who he actually is?"

       "Jiyong…? I thought it was G-Dragon-ssi all this time?"

       "Mock me all you want but I am stating the facts, Jung Ilhoon. I am disappointed in you as a friend. As a sibling - if we were."

       "Were? What's with the past tense? I thought we are?"

       "Even if you like me, you should give me a space to breathe and not suffocate me when another guy appears in my life."





And he hung up on you. You heaved out a sigh and looked at the sky; it's pouring now, enveloping you in the coldness and darkness. Your heart was wrenching. You never wanted to end a friendship with Ilhoon but at this rate… You're not at the stage of losing any of them. You bit your lips and looked down. The rain continued to shower you and your first tear left your eye.


Followed by the second.


And then more…


Why, Ilhoon? Does it really matter who I am with?! If it is, why? Why are you so possessive? Your fist was clenched tight as you begin to get more and more frustrated by the second.



       "You're such an idiot."


You looked up in shock. That voice. He was holding an umbrella over both of your head. You didn't even realized that you stopped feeling rain dropping over you but the sound of it hitting the umbrella.


       "How did you know I'm here?" you asked him and immediately wiped your tears.

       "Hyung's house is nearby. Do you want to go or still be in this cold rain?" Jiyong asked.

       "I… I… I don't know… I just…" you stuttered, not sure what to say to him.

       "Staying in cold rain does not wash away your sorrow," he told you.

       "Then will getting warmth make me feel better? When I'm pathetic like this?!" you barked back.

       "I can't guarantee if it will make you feel better. If you chose to take it to your heart, then it won't make you feel better," he answered calmly.


You fell silent.


       "I can talk sense into you if you want to. But let me, at least, bring you some warmth. I'm sure you don't want to go home right now," he looked at you.


You nodded and he lead the way, shielding the both of you from the rain as both of you walked to his car. You're not sure if you want to get in his car when you're soaking wet, but you know you barely have a choice now. He opened the door and let you in before jogging to the other side and getting in as well. Soon after, he's driving and what you assume is TOP's place.


       "Hyung wants to have a bonding session with BIGBANG at his house. And also, I don't think he would mind if I bring you along," Jiyong told you as he drive.

       "Am I even accepted?" you asked as you looked at the road in front, view partly blocked due to the heavy rain.

       "I don't care. You get to make more friends after we have our mini discussion," he told you.


Mini discussion… I see…


       "Whatever you say," you breathed out as you leaned back against the seat. You were too tired to care.

       "Does your parents know that you will be out tonight?" he asked.

       "Yeah, I told them I won't be home. Dad understood and Mum nagged," you told him briefly.


He hummed in return before turning in to a house, TOP's house. You know it was his house anyway - articles, fan stories and same estate.


       "Let's get going," he said as he exited the car.


You followed suit before he took your hand and to the door. "Hyung! I am here!" Jiyong shouted as he rang the doorbell and knocked. It only took less than five minutes before the owner of the house opened the house.


       "Hey, Ji. Oh, who's this?" TOP looked at you.

       "Annyeonghosaeyo," you greeted meekly.

       "Nae… Annyeonghosaeyo," TOP greeted you in return.

       "She's my friend and apparently she just broke up with her boyfriend. I found crying in the rain," Ji answered as he dragged you into TOP's house.

       "Boy… Friend?" TOP asked as he closed the door behind you.

       "Boyfriend as in male friend, not a boyfriend "boyfriend"," Jiyong replied TOP. "Lend us the guest room."


Jiyong pulled your hand towards a hallway after TOP gave a green light. They must have trusted each other a lot. You looked around the house as you got dragged by Jiyong. So, the TOP in Instagram who brags  about furniture is no different from his house. Why am I not surprised?


       "We are here," Jiyong said and opened the door.


And this guest room does not look like a guest room at all. It looks like a five star hotel queen bed room.


      "Go and wash up first. I will wait outside." he gave you a t-shirt and shorts as he pushed you to the washroom.

      "Whose are these?" you asked.

      "My spare clothes. Be thankful, Miss VIP. Now go and wash or else you will get a cold," he told you before pushing you inside and closing the door.


You hummed in return and locked the door before looking at the washroom. You turned the tap and warm water flows out of the faucet and into the bathtub. You then walked to the mirror and looked at yourself.


Friendships…  You heaved out a sigh before stripping yourself and dipping your body into the warm water.





         "So, what happened? Why were you crying in the rain?"


You sat on the bed and hugged the pillow while Jiyong sat on a chair in front of you. The same thought that was lingering before came back and you decide to tell him - you believe that letting it out to someone will allow you to feel better.


        "Ilhoon…" His jaw immediately tensed upon hearing that name. "He won't talk to me unless I end my friendship with you." His face, you could tell, he was pissed and he was looking at anything as long as he avoid his eye contact with you.


       "What did you say?" he asked.

       "I told him off and then he cut off his contact with me. Even though I am saddened by it, I will let him do that since it's his wish," you answered.


You hugged the pillow tighter. As much as you miss Ilhoon, you still have Jiyong by your side. He is like the only person who is keeping you sane somehow. You heard him dragged his chair closer to you and you looked at him.


      "Hana… Was there anything that you had done but you're not proud of?" he asked.


Was there anything that I had done but I'm not proud of?


You bit your lip and begin to scan around your head for ideas, for answers. But there were none.


     "I… I'm not sure… I don't have an answer now…" you uttered.


He let a small smirk and patted your head, "Take your time. And you will know the answers."


What does he mean?


     "Haja," he stood up and took your hand. "Let's introduce you to BIGBANG."


You nodded and followed him as he left the guest room. Take your time. And you will know the answers - What was he trying to say..?




     "So, this is Kim Hana?" TOP asked and looked at you.


The six of you were in the living room and you sat closest to Jiyong, for some reason you feel safe there. You know who they actually even without them introducing themselves to you - perks of being a fan, eh?


Don't worry, Hana… It's just BIGBANG… It's just BIGBANG… WHO AM I KIDDING?! IT'S BIGBANG!!!


     "Nae… Annyeonghosaeyo," you smiled and bowed, suppressing your fangirl side. "How do you know my name?"

     "Jiyong told us. He said he made a friend online. And we were doubting that. But you seemed okay," Taeyang said and smiled.


I see…


    "Have a seat, Hana-ssi. We heard about what happened. Stay strong, nae?" Daesung gave out a smile; a pitiful smile.


Don't give me that smile… I don't deserve it…


    "It's okay, I am fine," you smiled in return.

    "Oh, come on! Don't be so down about this! Let's just have fun!" Seungri whined loudly.


Everyone looked at him. He then diverted his attention to you. "Hi! I am Seungri, BIGBANG's maknae! Nice to meet you, Hana-ssi," he introduced himself to you. "That's TOP hyung, but we call him Seunghyun hyung. And that's Daesung hyung and Taeyang or we call him Youngbae hyung. I'm sure you know who's Jiyong hyung," he proceeded and introduced the rest of the members as the members greeted you. You smiled, "Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Hana."


     "So, Hana-ssi, since you're friends with Jiyong, you are also friends with us," TOP smiled. "Lose one, gained four."

     "Ah, hyung! She just met us, how can she see us as friends immediately?" Daesung told TOP off even though he is smiling himself.

     "Aniya, I'm sure she likes us as her friends," TOP giggled and looked at you. "YOU LIKE?"


You smiled, stifling a laughter.


      "See? She's smiling now!" TOP told Daesung and looked at you once again. "YOUUU LIIIAAAKKKEEE?"


You immediately laughed. Even though it's just two words, his accent… You just can't help but to laugh. You also saw the rest of BIGBANG laughing as well. You turned and looked at Jiyong, expecting that he was laughing… But he was looking at you… That look… It's like he's smiling and peace, just by looking at you…


Why is my heart fluttering again?


Your laughter immediately died down and you looked at Jiyong.


      "I'm gonna bring some wine over. Daesung follow me," TOP called out and both of you looked at him.

      "Nae, hyung~" Daesung got up and followed TOP.

      "Ji, I'm going to make some snacks for us," Taeyang said and stood up. "In the meantime, enjoy your both time lone."

      "Hyung, can I help?" Seungri stood up and followed Taeyang.


Why are they going away?


You felt Jiyong scoot nearer to you on the sofa, his left arm resting on the top of the sofa directly above you. You turned and looked at him. He was looking ahead.


      "Nae… Do you have a thing for me?" Jiyong asked without looking at you.


Is he talking about what I am thinking?


      "What do you mean?" you asked and scoot yourself away from him, to the end of the sofa.


His eyes was like a hawk, that's the best description you have. He saw you scoot away from him and continue observing you with that annoying smirk. You found out hot, cool and intriguing at first. Now? It's getting annoying.


      "I'm sure you know what I'm talking about since you're scooting away from me," he looked at you.


What is wrong with him?


      "Can I ask you something?" Jiyong asked and turned his body towards you.


You nudged your head at him, signaling him to ask.


      "Do you picture Ilhoon and you being together?" he asked.


As in?


      "As in?" you spoke your thoughts.


He looked down and heaved out a sigh before looking at you in a bored look.


     "Have you ever seen yourself dating Ilhoon?"




     "What?! NO!! Ewww, grosss!!" you immediately answered. "He's only a friend, nothing more! If it's more, it will be siblings, not lovers!"


Jiyong looked amused at your answer, "How about kissing Ilhoon?"




      "Jiyong, I can't even picture myself dating Ilhoon! What more kissing?" you told him off.


He then scooted closer to you, and by instinct you kept your guard up.


     "Have you ever picture me kissing you then?" he asked as he looked into your eyes.




     "Are you manipulating me?" you asked him.

     "This is not manipulating, darling. I can do better when it comes to manipulating," he scoffed.

     "Then why are you asking me that question?" you asked him.


He scooted even more closer to you, trapping you between him and the sofa.


     "Isn't that what we always do? Asking and answering. Why can't you answer me? Is that because you did picture kissing you before?" he smirked.

     "No! I can't even picture!" you barked at him.


He tilted his head to the left slightly, amused by your answer.


     "I may be a words person, but I can't deny the fact sometimes actions speak louder than words," he replied.

     "Deal with it then," you growled, mainly to keep your guard up.

     "No, I won't. Well, since she can't picture, I might as well as draw the picture," he shrugged and crashed his lips with yours.


You froze. His eyes was closed. His kiss was getting deeper and deeper.


It's so warm… So soft… So inviting…


You closed your eyes and took in his kiss, sharing your first kiss with him. You found yourself melted in his kiss. His hand was on your left cheek, pulling your face up to him as he deepen your kiss. Nothing was in your head… You were blank; if there were then it is you cherishing your kiss with him.


So this is what they meant by kissing senseless?


He pulled away and looked at you, "You really have a thing for me, don't you?"


All you can do that time is look at him, with your face as red as tomato. He smiled and petted your head, "Don't worry, I have too."


He have too? As in have a thing for me? Really? Or am I being delusional? 


He scooted away to give you some space before looking at you with the same look you saw as you laughed.


     "I really have no regrets meeting you, Kim Hana." 


Sorry if I took a long time.. >.<" But I did tried best... T-T And ooooohhhhhh Jiyong kissed Hana!!! Hahahahahahha, look forward to upcoming chapters and I will do my best to write regularly. It is really challenging for this story and the best way for me to write is when I have inspirations or ideas. I have other ideas too but I will save it for the upcoming chapters~~~xP Anyways, I hope that you like this chapter and don't forget to comment down your thoughts or subscribe. To all my subscribers, thank you for subcribing and I will do my best so that I won't get you disappointed. :) And please comment down... It hypes me up to write more for my readers. XD And and look forward to the upcoming chapter~ <3 Saranghaeyo <3 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 18: Talk about perfect timing, I could not help but laugh when her parents came home. I love this story. Great job!
Hihihihijijo_143 #2
Chapter 18: Wahhhh<3 thx for the update authornim!!
kaygoode95 #3
Chapter 18: So sad it's over, but I'm going to read it again. I hope to read more stories from you.
kaygoode95 #4
Chapter 16: I love this story thank you so much for updating.
Hihihihijijo_143 #5
Chapter 16: Omo! What's gonna happen to Hana?
Thx for updating authornim!!!!
Also, you're an amazing writer! You're one of my favourite so don't let anyone put you down! Don't give up and I hope you will be able to find a job soon! Hwaiting<3!
kaygoode95 #6
Chapter 15: Please update soon.
Hihihihijijo_143 #7
Chapter 12: Ermmmm......pls update soon authornim......