Chapter 13

Online Friend...?

   "So that was what happened?"


You nodded as Youngbae and Daesung processed what happened while Chaerin treated Jiyong wounds. Well, looking at how much of a mess the house is, it's no lie that something huge happened. After Jiyong had calmed down, you decided to call Youngbae and almost immediately, he rushed down to the apartment with Daesung and Chaerin. You and Jiyong had washed up - more like you helped Jiyong washed up because from the looks of it, he is still having a mental breakdown.


    "Chaerin-ah, do you think this is a media play?" Youngbae asked and looked at Chaerin.


Chaerin heaved out a sigh, "You know that if BIGBANG and Hana is involved, 2NE1 might too sooner or later. And right now, Minji had completely shut down."


    "Minji shut down?" Daesung asked.

    "Nae," Chaerin answered as she bandaged Jiyong's wounds. "Both of them are still dating but she had stopped talking and even asked Seungri to help manage her dance academy at the moment. I am assuming it has something to do with Ilhoon's dad."

    "With Jiyong snapping aside, this could also mean that those high school kids were doing it under the influence of Ilhoon's dad too?" Youngbae spoke his thoughts.

    "So it is really media play…" Daesung thought. "Anyways, where is Minji right now?"

    "Staying with Bom unnie. Because unnie's house has high security and of course Yang sajangnim would want to protect his daughters," Chaerin answered.


You looked around the house as they discussed. With this amount of ruckus, it will at least take a whole day to clean up. The thought of it already make you feel weak. But that is your least concern right now. If this is really media play by Jung Changsun, you know what to do. You reached out for your phone and dialed someone.


     "Who are you calling, Hana-ya?" Youngbae asked.


You ignored and waited for someone to answer.


       "Geumsaeyo?" the person on the line answered.  "Hana? Are you okay?"

      "Omma, I'm fine. I want to ask you something."

      "What is it?"

      "Is it possible for us to invest on buying Royal Gala Hotel for Ilhoon?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "By buying off Royal Gala Hotel, Jung Changsuk will be left with nothing, Omma. Also, I want to file a lawsuit."


You heard gasps from Chaerin, Youngbae and Daesung.


    "I want to sue Jung Changsuk for harassment."

    "About that…"

    "What is it, Omma?"

    "Omma and Appa had sued him yesterday. Yang Hyunsuk too had sued him."

    "That was fast…"

    "And about the buying off Royal Gala Hotel, it is possible but we have to talk to Ilhoon first."


    "Where are you now? Can I meet you?"

    "I miss you, Omma. But I guess someone needs me more now."

    "Okay, take good care of yourself."


You hang up the call.


Jiyong looked at you, still shaking. You could feel his stare on you but you refused to look at him. It was quite overwhelming and you yourself are questioning your sanity for staying with him. You are still processing as to why you have to go through all these - even having to skip classes. You heaved a sigh and walked to the kitchen.


   "Hana-yah, can you cook a soup?" you heard Youngbae calling out. "Or is there anything to cook?"


You looked at the cabinet. Funnily enough, Jiyong only destroyed the dining room and living room. And the kitchen… Only the cabinet doors are destroyed or hanging, but the contents inside are untouched. But because it is an apartment, it seems like the whole house is destroyed.


   "We have two cans of mushroom soup if that helps," you shouted in return and took the cans and searched for a pot.


As you searched, you heard Daesung entering the kitchen. You took out the pot and looked at him.


   "Why did you stay?" he asked.


I don't even know.


    "He needed me," you answered and place the pot on the stove.


He thought about it and looked at you once again.


  "What are you going to do now?" he asked.

  "What should I do? Is there anything I can do? Jung Changsun already tarnished our image and we have to build it up once again. Is this the cruel reality? Where had I been living in all these while?" you shot him.

  "Hana-yah, what are the things that stands between you and complete happiness? This, right?" Daesung looked at you.


You kept quiet. He is right.


   "So, what are you going to do now?" he asked once again.

   "Is it worth the fight or should I leave it to Omma and Appa and sajangnim?" you asked in return.

   "You and Ilhoon are best friends. His father is tarnishing everyone's image. We wouldn't mind investing but it's Ilhoon's fight and you have to support him," he answered.


You give a thought. Wait… WHY IS DAESUNG SO DEEP AND RIGHT?! Was he this type of person all these while?


   "Tell Ilhoon to be a man and fight. If it's a game chess, we are Changsun's pawns. But if we're Ilhoon's chess pieces, we are knights, bishops and rooks. You can possibly be his queen piece."


Uh huh…


  "So rich people play chess… Okay…" you answered as you watched Daesung opening the cans and pouring it into the pot.

  "Yeah, so Ilhoon has to get checkmate," Daesung answered.  "Because right now, Jiyong hyung is the king."

 "Meaning?" you looked at him.

 "The king hurts the most for it's value," he answered.


You nodded and understood.  Just then, your phone rang and you took it out and saw it was Ilhoon calling you. You showed Daesung your phone and he gestured you to answer. You answered the call.


  "Geumsayeo? Hana-yah?"


  "I'm coming home."


Chess game, huh? 


Hope you all like it and do comment~~! And subscribe! And also, look forward to more upcoming writings~~ xD 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 18: Talk about perfect timing, I could not help but laugh when her parents came home. I love this story. Great job!
Hihihihijijo_143 #2
Chapter 18: Wahhhh<3 thx for the update authornim!!
kaygoode95 #3
Chapter 18: So sad it's over, but I'm going to read it again. I hope to read more stories from you.
kaygoode95 #4
Chapter 16: I love this story thank you so much for updating.
Hihihihijijo_143 #5
Chapter 16: Omo! What's gonna happen to Hana?
Thx for updating authornim!!!!
Also, you're an amazing writer! You're one of my favourite so don't let anyone put you down! Don't give up and I hope you will be able to find a job soon! Hwaiting<3!
kaygoode95 #6
Chapter 15: Please update soon.
Hihihihijijo_143 #7
Chapter 12: Ermmmm......pls update soon authornim......