Chapter 7

Online Friend...?

    "So, welcome to my house, G-Dragon-ssi," you said as you escorted him from the living room to your room.


Well, as promised, Jiyong had come over to your house today. Besides, it is always better to have Jiyong as your friend since Ilhoon refuse to talk to you at the moment. All he did was ignoring your texts, not answering your calls and did not even bother to like any of your Instagram posts. That is when you clearly know Ilhoon is definitely ignoring you. As much as you miss him, you do not want to press on him as to why he is doing these to you. His parent's drama is already a big hit here and they are going up to the court soon.


    "Why in the world are you being so formal, Kim Hana-ssi?" Jiyong asked as he followed.

    "No reason," you answered.


As soon as both of you are in your room, he immediately sat down on the bed and looked around. You immediately when to the refrigerator and grabbed two boxes of iced lemon tea before tossing him a pack and sitting next to him.


    "Do you want my autograph on that poster?" Jiyong asked and pointed at the Heartbreaker poster.

    "If you want to make it special, then by all means," you answered.


He nodded and drank the iced lemon tea. You took your laptop by your bedside and placed it in front of you before switching it on.


    "Where are your parents?" Jiyong asked as he sat cross-legged on the bed.

    "Appa is having an exhibition on his paintings," you answered.

    "Is that his painting?" he asked and nudged towards a wall.


It was a painting made by you and your dad. It was a picture of two feathers forming a heart. The feather on the left were painted in the dull and dark hues while the feather on the right were painted in brighter colours. Even though it formed a heart, there are still small bits of coloured feathers being "blown" away. You stared at the painting.


     "When I was 12, I took some coloured markers and drew it on that wall. I drew exactly that picture. Dad was questioning me as to why I actually drew that. I couldn't answer then. I couldn't answer now. He took his art materials and decide to make the art stand out. It's simple, but for some reason, that art means a lot of meaning," you answered.

    "Are the rachis of the feathers meant to be intertwined?" Jiyong asked.

    "Apparently I drew it that way. I'm still looking for the meaning behind this painting I drew. But Dad said, it may be meaningless now but when the time comes, I will eventually understand what it means," you told him.

    "I see… And your mum is having a business trip, you told me?" he asked.

    "Nae, that's right," you answered and diverted your attention to your laptop.

    "So, you wanted to read my writing," you uttered. "You can read this."


You opened a Word Document file titled "I Miss You" and passed your laptop to him. He placed his packed drink aside and took your laptop. You immediately shifted on your bed and watched him reading it.


(A/N: This is one of my precious short stories I had written and I think it's suitable to include in this chapter since it is something that really happened to me and this short story is straight from my experience.)





I Miss You  


I miss you. 


        "I want to go to Junghwa's house… Tonight… Right now…"

        "DON'T!! Naeun, just don't! Go home please…"

        "See first."


I hang up the phonecall with Sunkyu and looked up at the night sky. I miss Junghwa; I can't help it. The songs continued to play in my earphones as I walked to the bus stop. Illuminated with only the street lights, it felt like as though I was walking down memory lane. As much as I don't want to meet him, I still miss him. I waited at the bus stop, for bus number 912. Sitting on the bench, I swayed my legs back and forth. Is it the right thing to go to his house and meet him? Or am I just being impulsive? I heaved out a sigh and looked around. No one except me. I glanced at the junction. No sight of the bus. Is this the right to do, I asked myself once more. Being the typical impatient girl, I decided to wait for 10 minutes more and if the bus does not show up within 10 minutes, I will take it as God is preventing me from meeting Junghwa. And when I thought the bus wouldn't show up, a bus with the numbers "912" turned in the corner. I guess I am meeting Junghwa tonight.


I miss you.


The dreadful bus journey, as I called it. My head falls backwards as I am enveloped in the cool and chilling atmosphere while looking out to the black art outside. My mind begin to run havoc even though I am playing some calming music in my head. Will I be able to face him when I had been running away from him? Will I be strong enough to talk to him? What will I talk about with him? It will be awkward, obviously, but do I have enough courage to face him? I know he is doing well without me - it's so obvious as he didn't even try to talk to me. Each time I think about him, I will immediately keep quiet for him bring more bad memories instead of good ones. Even if I cried, I don't know if I cried because of the friendship which ended between us or the fact that I used to have feelings for him. Or maybe I do? I still don't know. Moving on without Junghwa is a struggle; where he will push me down the well and leave me crying and broken. But when I got better and stronger, I will use all energy I have to get out and chase after the light above me. Despite Naeun being the strong Naeun, there will always be Junghwa who will push her back down to the well. It hurts. It hurts a lot. To me, it's a repeated cycle which I had been going through again and again. I need an end to this but the solution, I have yet to find. Once I saw the familiar bus stop from afar, I immediately press the stop button. Getting off the seat, I took a deep breath and waited for the bus to alight. Once this bus stops, I alighted and took in the familiar air. The place where Junghwa and I will talk about everything and anything together. The times where I believed stories were made of hopes and dreams. The moments when his smiles was everything to me.


I miss you.


Is this the correct move I had ever done? I stood at the void deck of his block, looking at the numbers above the lift ascending and descending, only to pause once in a while. I contemplated whether should I press the button. My hand was already outstretched, index finger close to the lift button with the arrow pointing up. Is it okay for me to go to his house? Is it okay for me to mend what's gone? Is it okay for me to face my fear and talk to him? Is all of this okay? If it's okay, why won't my hand obey my mind? Unknowingly, I started to bite my lips as I felt the similar wrenching in my heart. Why is it that I thought I was strong enough but at the end of the day, I am still weak? Am I a coward? My head dropped and I looked at the tiles. This is not going as planned. This is definitely not going as planned. I pulled my hand back the instant I saw drops of water on the floor. Was I crying all along? I closed my eyes and looked up, with hopes that my tears will dry up. However, hoping does not really gives you what you want.


I miss you.


I dragged my pitiful self to a nearby staircase, away from the lift lobby. Sitting on the steps, my tears won't stop rolling down my cheeks. It's annoying. Why was I so determine earlier but when I am at the void deck, all my energy were gone? Why? I don't understand. I really don't understand. It's like I got broken and the only way to hide my pitiful face is to bury it into my knees. How can I stand up to anything but Junghwa? Am I the coward who is still unable to face her past? Am I the girl who is unable to move on? How can one person affect my life so much? My tears won't stop flowing down my cheeks and I decided to let it flow. I wanted to call Sunkyu, but knowing her, she will probably coax me and then tell me off. I have no one to coax me right now, so crying until my eyes dried up is a good idea for once. Time flies without you expecting and I realized I was at his void deck for almost an hour. I used the sleeves of my cardigan to wipe my eyes dry. I have to hang strong and hopefully my parents won't fall for my swollen eyes. Even if they did, I don't think I can speak up to them anytime soon.


I miss you.


I had friends who were worried for me but I was driven by my own emotions. I was driven to find Junghwa. I struggled without him, laughing and smiling without his aid. But when I thought I had moved on, there is still any reason out there to prove me wrong. When I felt that I was doing well without him, the world had to crash upon me. I sound pathetic, I know but I needed him; be it friendship or love. It a lot but I needed Junghwa. When I wanted to run away this time, I don't even know what I am running away from. Is it the world or myself? But what I know for sure, being without Junghwa, I was once the girl whom I was back then - the girl who never once herself.


I hate myself for saying this but I miss you.




Jiyong heaved out a sigh before pushing the laptop aside and taking his packed drink back. You mentally prepare yourself for his words - mainly his criticism. You wrote this story because you needed an escapade, like he said. You took your pillow and fumbled with it to distract yourself from the anxiety.


       "I got something to ask you," he broke the silence.


Breathe in…. Breathe out…


       "Why do we think of others the most when they are no longer around?" he asked.


You wrote this story because you needed an escapade. You bit your lips as you felt your eyes brim with nothing but tears. You looked down and hugged your pillow tighter.


        "Because… Be… Cause… Even though they left… Some of their soul still chose to linger around you… And that is when you realized, you needed… Needed them to be by your side all along…" you answered, voice shaking as you held back your tears.


We always needed that important someone, important to us, even though we are no longer important to them.


        "It's not about who stays the longest, some chose to stay even though they are not meant to stay. But those who deserve to stay chose to walk away," you heard him replied as you buried your face in the pillow to hide your tears.


You felt yourself getting enveloped in his warmth. His arms wrapped around as he pulled you to his chest. He petted your head and caressed your back. You found yourself sobbing harder. This is the first time you received a hug. Most of the time, you will be the one giving hugs - Mum, Dad or Ilhoon. But this is the first time you were on the receiving end. Ilhoon never hugged you but you were the one always hugging him when the world crashes upon him. To have someone to hug you in this manner, you couldn't explain why but you found yourself sobbing harder and harder by the second.


       "Sometimes, instead of walking away, they pushed you away," you said in between your sobs.

       "Will you push me away?" Jiyong asked.


You sniffled and looked at his face. It was expressionless but you know what was going through in his mind as he wiped your tears with his thumbs. "I will stay because you are being yourself with me," you told him before pushing your pillow away in order to hug him.


        "And if I am not myself, will you walk or push me away?" he asked as he rested his chin on your shoulder.

        "No, because in the first place, you won't be able to not be yourself when you're with me. And if you're not yourself, I will know and I will start to interrogate you," you told him.


You felt him smile, and for some reason, your heart fluttered. "Then you're definitely worth a good friend of mine," he uttered before letting go of you, but holding both of your shoulders. A smile was carved on his lips, his eyes was sincere. He looked grateful and thankful to have you - the way you see it. You smiled in return. Being friend with Ilhoon, you had never felt this way, to say the truth.


        "Thanks for being my friend, Kim Hana," Jiyong said and petted your head before letting go of you fully.

        "I would say the same too," you smiled.


But your heart won't stop fluttering.


        "How do you know when it's time to continue holding on or time to let go?" you asked him.

        "When it's slowly breaking you or consuming you and you couldn't do anything about it, then it's about time to let go," he answered.

        "What if you're holding on even though you know you couldn't do anything about it?" you countered.

        "Then that's reverse psychology. And it's time to move on and let go," he answered.


 You stood up and walked to the television, "You always have an answer." You went to switch on the plug of the television before taking the remote control and switching it on. "That's because you always have a question," Jiyong replied. The television was switched but it was on the news. You wanted to channel surf but the report caught your eyes.





You stared at the television, speechless. The scandalous secretary of Jung Changsun aka Ilhoon's dad is screaming such things while being pulled away by security. On the other hand, Park Hyeri is walking towards the car emotionless and ignoring all the media.


         "Is that about the hotel owner and his secretary?" you heard Jiyong asked.

         "Nae, that's right," you answered.

         "I see… Do you know them?" Jiyong asked another.

         "I'm good friends with their son," you answered.

         "I see… Wait, JUNG ILHOON IS THEIR SON?!" you heard him shrieked.


Well, you ranted to Jiyong about Ilhoon. So, Jiyong have an idea of who Ilhoon is and what he is like. But apparently, from your point of view, both boys are not having a good impression of each other. Jiyong doesn't like how Ilhoon is being a protective friend while Ilhoon doesn't like Jiyong being your friend and is missing in action right now.


I sense a Korean drama coming but please… Have some mercy…


      "That's right. You can't do anything as well. It's their family, it's their problem," you answered Jiyong and went to sit on the bed.

      "Well, if you have connections with him, and media found out, they will be on your tail," Jiyong told you.

      "What's the difference? Isn't it the same with me being friends with G-Dragon?" you looked at him.

      "Ahhh, true that. But don't worry, unless if Dispatch is smart enough, they will get the connections. As of now, they don't know who the son is right?" Jiyong asked.


You nodded.


      "Well, then, let's keep our mouth shut," Jiyong replied.

      "Whatever you say," you shrugged.


Both of you sat on the bed together and begin to continue and have some of your deep talks. But the more you talk with Jiyong, the more you enjoy spending time with him. And the more you enjoy spending time with him, the more you feel that something you don't feel with Ilhoon. Is it love? You're not sure. But what's for sure, you definitely enjoy being with Jiyong. More than Ilhoon…


But Ilhoon cannot know about this.    

HI~~~~ Okay, Chapter 7 is out before I sleep now. Nyeheehheeh! Hope you like it and do comment down and subscribe. I really like reading comments, so I look forward to reading the comments. And to all subscribers, thank you for subscribing and I will do my best not to disappoint you! :D See you next time! Saranghaeyo~<3 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 18: Talk about perfect timing, I could not help but laugh when her parents came home. I love this story. Great job!
Hihihihijijo_143 #2
Chapter 18: Wahhhh<3 thx for the update authornim!!
kaygoode95 #3
Chapter 18: So sad it's over, but I'm going to read it again. I hope to read more stories from you.
kaygoode95 #4
Chapter 16: I love this story thank you so much for updating.
Hihihihijijo_143 #5
Chapter 16: Omo! What's gonna happen to Hana?
Thx for updating authornim!!!!
Also, you're an amazing writer! You're one of my favourite so don't let anyone put you down! Don't give up and I hope you will be able to find a job soon! Hwaiting<3!
kaygoode95 #6
Chapter 15: Please update soon.
Hihihihijijo_143 #7
Chapter 12: Ermmmm......pls update soon authornim......