Chapter 4

Online Friend...?

Your POV



You took the cup and sip the tea out of it. Darjeeling tea is always best for calming, in your opinion. The sweetness of the honey danced around your tongue before gracefully sliding down your throat. You glanced at the guy before you. Who else would it be if it wasn't the guy who intend to "surprise" you? You placed the cup back on the saucer and on the table.


       "Sorry for just now," Jiyong apologized to you.


Well… To summarize what happened earlier, Jiyong told Dami that he intended to surprise and you basically went with his flow in order to save him from that embarrassing moment. After getting your slippers, Jiyong told Dami that he is bringing you out since he "failed to surprise" you and you nodded in return. And currently, both of you are in a restaurant to have dinner together. Not to mention that both you and him are sitting somewhere isolated, and you're not an inch surprised.


 What a way to have a first meeting.


       "It's okay," you smiled. "I didn't know you would recognize me."

       "Well, we talked and sent pictures. Of course I would recognize you," he told you.


Both of you are waiting  for your meals right now and as of now, they only served tea. But you can't blame the slow service too, it's dinner time now. Even though it's only 6pm, but still…


       "So… I'm Kim Hana, nice to meet you in person," you reached out your hand to him.


At least it would make less awkward especially with the situation earlier.


He looked at you and smiled, "I'm Kwon Jiyong, nice to meet you." Kwon Jiyong? Not G-Dragon of BIGBANG? Okay… The same like when we talked on Instagram. He took your hand and shook before the both of you took back each of your hand.


Urgh, what should we do now? We talked too much on social network there is practically nothing to talk about. Unless…


       "You mentioned that I'm more on a feeler, right?" you looked at Jiyong, tilting your head slightly.


He raised his eyebrows, probably surprised at how you are suddenly raising this up. "You're both but more towards the feeler," he answered, intrigued by how you are starting the conversation.


       "So… Why not I ask you something?" you looked at him, wanting to analyze whether he's a thinker or feeler.

       "Be my guest," he smiled and tilted his head slightly.


I didn't even throw him a question and here he is with his confidence.


       "What is the difference between creativity and insanity?" you asked him.


He keep quiet and think for a few seconds. The side of his index finger was rubbing under his lower lips as he think. You observe him as he lose himself into his thoughts. You weren't expecting much because he is an idol and you're unsure if he can actually answer interestingly - something which is out of the box. Hopefully it will be interesting…


      "If being insane, allows creativity to be unleashed then isn't that a good thing? But we are raised in an environment where creativity is mistook with insanity and insanity is confused with creativity. Basically, the society in general, are trapped in how the previous society shaped us. That is why when an individual decides to be different and unique, he or she might get condemned. Some successful examples would be Salvador Dali or Vincent Van Gogh. They got condemned for being insane but they fought through and showed how insanity can bring out creativity. Look at their art now, it's worth a lifetime. However, there are also some cases where the otherwise happened. Take Mikhail Gorbachev for an example. He wants to lead Russia - ideas all good, perfect. He planned perfectly with glasnost and perestroika. It will be a coup if he is successful. But he wasn't successful. In fact, he got condemned by his citizens. Why? Because Russia was shaped as a nation which banned creativity and being open-minded at that time. We have to thank Stalin for that. But if Gorbachev were to take it slow and  guide the way, he will be able to get these trapped citizens out," he explained.


Wow… Daebak… I'm… I'm… I don't have any words in my head now…


Your eyes grew twice its size upon Jiyong's answer. Well, he didn't answer the question. Instead, he challenged it. And to put it this way, he even has evidences to what he thinks and you had never been so speechless. Even if you ask Ilhoon these kind of questions, Ilhoon would always told you to "Google it out" and it would frustrate you.


    "So, you're saying that because of how the previous society shaped us, we are trapped individuals?" you challenged him.

    "Yes, it's to the point where there is an extremely fine line between creativity and insanity. It's always a good thing to be as creative as you can be and stand out, but being creative comes with a price. If you're "too creative" in the eyes of the society, they will call you crazy," he answered and raised his eyebrows.

   "But you will never know the proper term of "crazy" and "insane". To the society, you do something which out of the ordinary or not normal, they will send you to the mental hospital and giving some medications and whatsoever just to get them to be "normal" and "sane" once again. What if we are the "crazy" ones? We are ruled by technology, isn't that supposed to be crazy?" you challenged him further.

   "That's the thing. Being crazy or insane can be anything and everything. We are digital natives, so we know how all these work. We grew up with technology by our side. It's good because it aids us. It's bad because we tend to rely on it more than we do. And that leads me to asking you another question, progression or stability," he smirked and raised his eyebrows.


What…? Progression or stability? You leaned back against your chair, folded your arms looking at him. Well, I do adore questions.


    "Stability. Because before you move on, ensure that you're stable or else before you even breathe, you might get crushed. But in life too, you need to progress to keep up with the ever-changing planet. If you don't progress, that basically means that you are living in the past or history. And what's the point of living in the history when you know you can  have a better suited life in the near future. But at the same time, you can't progress without being stable. It's like a give-and-take thing. You need the other for another. Before you get to progress, you need to stabilize yourself first. And you have to progress in order to keep up with the society," you answered.


He nodded in return, amazed by your answer.


      "What about you?" you asked.

      "Similar to yours. Well, the world and manufacturers are always moving to progress. They work to improve our lives further. However, they need all these natural resources to make such products. They need to stabilize the planet at least before keeping on to progress. Because, they might realize when it's too late. And that too late would be when we are out of natural resources," he answered. "We are crazy. We value products than life, don't we? We are shaped that way, but there will be a time where we have to go back to the roots of how Adam and Eve survived."


You nodded.


     "What does that make me?" Jiyong looked at you. "A thinker or a feeler?"

     "A thinker," you answered. "You challenged the questions thrown at you. And aside from that, you make sure that the answers you give will be able to keep the opponent shut."


He nodded, "True that. Well, what I see that you think very fast and you are able to come up with a lot of answers at once. Even when you answered, you're unsure whether you're satisfied with it or not. And that leads you to trying to answer as much answer as you have in your head."


HUL!!!!!!!! HE'S SO OBSERVANT!!!!!


You blinked.




Make it twice.


      "What's with that look?" he asked and looked at you.

      "Nothing…" you answered and drank your tea.


Calm down, Hana.. Calm down..


      "What's the difference between knowing and foreseeing?" he asked you another.


You placed down the cup on the saucer and back on the table. You breathed in and looked at him.


      "Some people felt that knowing is better than foreseeing. Knowing is by right, more logical and there are more evidences compared to foreseeing. Foreseeing is more like an intuition and it's strict to your what you feel about a certain situation. Most of the time, people would go with knowing compared to foreseeing because of being logical. But, let me ask you something," you replied him.


He nudged his head, signaling you to answer.


       "Isn't 'I knew this would happen' and 'I already foresee this happening' similar?" you looked at him and tilted your head slightly with a smirk on your face.


He nodded and raised his head, "Well, that is something we both can ponder about."


       "Legit," you answered and looked at the entrance of the kitchen.


He looked at you, observing your every moves. You know that he is observant, but you couldn't care less.


        "Are you hungry?" he asked you.

        "I'm hangry," you answered and looked at him.

        "Why? Is it because you are hungry and I made you think a lot and you're pissed at that?" he asked.

        "I'm already hungry in the first place," you answered. "Others are adding oil to the fire."

        "Then, I'm honoured that I added oil to your fire," he smirked.




        "Are you serious?" you frowned.


He nodded. And at that moment, the waiter served all of your food. What a fast service. Both of you immediately dig in the food.


        "It was fun to explore at how your brain operates. Besides, it's my first time to meet someone who can think this way," he told you.


You hummed in return, too distracted at the food before you.


         "Later, I will send you home. And we can take a selca together," he told you.


You hummed once again.


          "I guess nothing stands in between a hangry girl and food," he spoke his thoughts.

          "I double that," you replied him.


You heard him chuckled, "Well, then I have no regrets meeting you on Instagram."




         "Ah, so you stay near TOP hyung's pension?" he asked as he entered your estate.

         "Well, I'm not sure about that. I don't really bring my friends over to my place," you answered truthfully.


Both of you are in his White Bentley and he offered to drive you home. You wanted to decline but from how he looks, he won't take a no for an answer.


        "We would normally drop by TOP hyung's pension every now and then. His house is really big and his furniture are… You know," he nodded.


Not sure but based on his Instagram account… Yeah, I understand what he means.


       "From what I know, there are a lot of celebrities living here so I don't really care," you shrugged.

       "Well, you're a VIP. I'm sure you at least cared about where TOP hyung stays," he answered.

       "Nope, he's a human. So, at least respect their privacy," you answered and pointed. "There. Stop there."

       "Right, okay," he answered and stopped his car outside your house.

       "Nae, thanks," you looked at him and smiled.


You exited the car and took all your belongings with you. You looked at him once more, "See you around, Jiyong." He gave off his gummy smile to you before you closed the door. You stood outside the door and waved at him goodbye. You dig for your keys when you saw your phone's notification's light blinking. You frowned and took it out, while unlocking the gate. It was a text message from Ilhoon, 4 hours ago.


Hana, I will not be in this country for quite some time. Omma and Appa will go to court soon and in order to avoid the media, I will be at California. You can tell me when you want to drop by cos I am staying at my mum's beach house. And it is also to protect you too. Tell me when you want to drop by.


When did he actually left South Korea?! He didn't even said goodbye!


You quickly typed a reply.


When are you coming back?


You heaved out a sigh and opened the gate when a familiar sports car stopped in front of you. Jiyong exited the car and looked at you. You looked at him, clueless.


       "I forgot to ask for your number," he told you and you swore you saw a shade of pink on his cheeks.


You felt your heart raced as he walked towards you. He took out his phone and went to the contacts before handing it to you. You felt your face burned as you type out your number. Once done, you handed him back his phone.


       "Gomawo, Hana-ah," he patted your head before jogging to his car and drove off.




You looked at the phone in your hand.




You kicked the door in frustration before entering the quiet house and locking it.


Aish, sneaky and smart Kwon Jiyong.


So, hi! Sorry for not updating for such a long time... >.< I faced some writer's block and decide to rewrite this chapter a few times. Actually, not writer's block but more of too many good ideas for their first meeting and I can't decide which is best. This is not the best but I can relate to this as there are some true events here. Truth, to say, the conversation and whatever happened between Hana and Jiyong at the restaurant are all based on true events for me. Yups, the whole restaurant thing. So... Yeah... I hope you like it. And don't forget to look out for the upcoming chapters~~~ XDDD Don't forget to subscribe and comment down. :) If you have any thoughts too, and are not shy about it, you can share with me and I will try to make it part of the story. I look forward to reading your comments! ^_^  Saranghaeyo!! <3 <3 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 18: Talk about perfect timing, I could not help but laugh when her parents came home. I love this story. Great job!
Hihihihijijo_143 #2
Chapter 18: Wahhhh<3 thx for the update authornim!!
kaygoode95 #3
Chapter 18: So sad it's over, but I'm going to read it again. I hope to read more stories from you.
kaygoode95 #4
Chapter 16: I love this story thank you so much for updating.
Hihihihijijo_143 #5
Chapter 16: Omo! What's gonna happen to Hana?
Thx for updating authornim!!!!
Also, you're an amazing writer! You're one of my favourite so don't let anyone put you down! Don't give up and I hope you will be able to find a job soon! Hwaiting<3!
kaygoode95 #6
Chapter 15: Please update soon.
Hihihihijijo_143 #7
Chapter 12: Ermmmm......pls update soon authornim......