Chapter 6

Online Friend...?

Your POV  


It's a month since Ilhoon left for California now. Every now and then, you would Skype online with Ilhoon. You would put your headphones on and lie on your stomach as you placed your laptop in front of you while video-calling on the bed. However, when you thought you are there for him…


           "I know I have no rights stopping you being friends with G-Dragon-ssi but you seemed to be with him more and I don't like it."


That's right, you told him about G-Dragon being your friend but hide the part where Jiyong might go psycho. But from how it looks, Ilhoon seemed to have a rather drastic character change.


           "Ilhoon, you're in California. I'm in Seoul. I know it's bad for me to say this but we still have to make connections here and there. Besides, G-Dragon makes a good friend too," you told him.

           "AM I NOT ENOUGH AS YOUR FRIEND?!" Ilhoon burst suddenly.


You got startled and stared at a fuming Ilhoon. This wasn't your first time seeing Ilhoon burst out of the blue. You stared at him, speechless and taken aback by his outburst.


         "I need other friends too, Jung Ilhoon. You need other friends too. We can still be friends but we need other friends too," you told him calmly, but you can't deny that you're shaken by him being that way.


His face immediately soften after what you said, or your visibly shaken look gave him every reason to soften. You're unsure either but to see Ilhoon like that… You just don't know how to react, especially the words he just said.


        "Mianhaeyo, Hana-ya… I just… It's okay," he uttered and looking away from the camera.


Seeing Ilhoon broken like that, it breaks your heart. But on your defense, you needed other friends too. You can't always be with Ilhoon only. It's not about making connections as a chaebol; it's about making new friends and seeing the world from another perspective. You had been explaining this to him but he kept feeling bothered and uneasy.


         "Ilhoon, even though I have Jiyong in my life, you will still be my friend. I promise," you reassured him.

         "But sometimes, being friends only is not enough," he uttered.


What? Did I hear it right?


         "What do you mean?" you asked him again.


He immediately got flustered, "I got to go now. Talk tomorrow, Hana." And just like that, he left Skype. You heaved out a sigh and left Skype as well before going to surf on the internet, unsure what to do. You couldn't deny your confusion over what Ilhoon uttered earlier.


But sometimes, being friends only is not enough - isn't that obvious that he likes me more than a friend? To say the truth, I only see Ilhoon as a friend; nothing more than that. But if he really likes me… What should I do? It's somewhat obvious now that he likes me.


As you begin to lose yourself in your thoughts, your phone buzzed and you looked at your phone.




You took it and answered the call.


       "Geumsaeyo?" you answered.

       "I'm bored," he whined.

       "I'm not a tool to kill your boredom, Jiyong," you said in a matter-of-factly tone. "And it's 1am."

       "Exactly. So why are you still awake, Hana-ah?" he asked.


He sounds concerned. Is this supposed to be okay?


        "I couldn't sleep. So, I decided to surf on the internet," you answered as you took your earpiece and attached it to your phone before placing it next to your laptop and continue surfing on the internet.

        "You can do better than surfing on the internet," he told you off.

        "Like what?" you asked.

        "How about we do something interesting? Let's tell each other stories," he suggested.




        "Stories?" you asked him.

        "Listen first," he told you and you hummed while switching off your laptop. "I will say a line and then you continue. One line each and we take turns. Let's see how interesting the story gets."




        "Okay," you answered as you placed your laptop aside. "You go first."

        "Okay, hold on," he replied.


You lied on your bed, facing the ceiling as you heard him shuffled as well. Probably he is on his bed and getting in the most comfortable position before we start this interesting thing. Your room was only illuminated with a bed lamp, you preferred it that way. Well, once you're on the bed, you are extremely lazy to get off just to switch off the main lighting. So, it's no surprise that you would use the bed lamp.




You hummed.


        "Once upon a time, there was a girl who lives in a castle," he started off.

        "So, I continue from there?" you asked for a confirmation.

        "That's right. Just one line and we take turns," he answered. "Now, continue."


You hummed in return, "The kingdom always referred this girl as Angel Wings."


         "Rumour has it that she is constantly trying to break free from the chains tied to her legs."

         "Every now and then, she will tug on the chains in hope that it will break."

         "But it didn't and never will."

         "She told herself that she's not strong enough to break it."

         "But it was better if she stay in the castle."

         "It was better for her not to break the bond."

         "As much as she craved for freedom, she does not want to see as a rebel."

         "She does not want her actions to be deemed as a disrespect to her elders."

         "She has a fear but she chose to hide it."

         "She knows that one day the chain will break once and for all."

         "But that day is not today."

         "That day will come eventually."


You heaved out a sigh. You somewhat get idea of what Angel Wings is facing. Because what Angel Wings is facing is the inference of what you are facing right now. You want to break free but you don't want to break the bond. And the most interesting part of all, Jiyong and you wrote this story together.


       "Why? You feel what Angel Wings is feeling?" he asked.

       "Yeah," you uttered.

       "I feel it too," he uttered.

       "A story must come to an end too, Jiyong. Let's continue this story," you told him. "It's your turn."


You turned to your side and faced the window while waiting to hear his continuation.


       "However, one day, the kingdom was attacked by a dragon on rampage and he smashed parts of the castle."


Seriously? =.="


       "Angel Wings panicked because she couldn't break free from the chains to free herself."

       "Everyone left to save their lives, leaving her on her own."


I pity Angel Wings…


       "However, when the dragon discovered Angel Wings, he clawed on the chains of her legs."

       "Instead of running away, she stayed and looked at the dragon."

       "That is when she saw the dragon's eyes is a reflection of her own."

       "She stood up and took all the courage she has to walk to the dragon."


I see where Jiyong is taking this story to…


       "The dragon knew everyone would run away  and scream in fear but this girl chose to walk towards him."

       "The dragon breathed fire away from her as an attempt to scare her away."

       "She shrieked but did not ran away."

       "The dragon was rather intrigued by her and moved closer to her."




       "She let out her hand and touched the dragon's face."

       "For the first time ever, the dragon felt what it was seeking for."


Daebak… Jiyong-ah… You're just telling me what you are feeling all these while.


       "She immediately climbed on the dragon and the dragon spread its wings."

       "The dragon immediately took a few steps back before soaring to the sky."


And for the first time ever, Angel Wings felt what she was seeking for…


       "And for the first time ever, Angel Wings felt what she was seeking for," you spoke your thoughts. 

       "That was a great story, Hana," Jiyong praised you.

       "I can't deny that," you smiled. "We should do this more often."

       "We can this more if you want to. I don’t mind," he told you and you could hear a smile over the phone.

       "Angel Wings and the Dragon…" you uttered.

       "If you dream about them tonight, don't forget to thank me," he said coyly.

       "Whatever," you scoffed. "I'm going to sleep now. Sweetest nightmares, Jiyong."

       "Sweet nightmares from me too," he chuckled.


You hung up soon after and looked at the ceiling of your room.


Angel Wings and the Dragon, huh? Sounds like we are basically telling each other our lives indirectly.


Your phone buzzed once again and you looked at the screen.


What in the world does he want?


      "What?" you asked him.

      "In case you're going to think about our mini story session earlier, let me just tell you one thing. Stories are written by authors who have desires of how and what they want. Stories are written by authors are mostly a reflection of their inner desires. And me being me, as well as you being you, we managed to bring out our inner desires. That's all, Kim Hana. Night night," he told you.

      "What?" you asked him, only to realize that he had hang up the phone call.


Kwon Jiyong


 You immediately dialled his number and it only rang twice before you heard him saying "What?" with the same tone as you earlier.


      "You mentioned earlier that stories are written by authors are mostly a reflection of their inner desires? What about lyrics then? It can't possibly mean just a way to portray your thoughts and experiences, right? Don't deny that songs created are also a reflection of your own inner desires," you told him off.

      "But most of my songs are basically my experiences," he answered. "Unlike you, I know you write because you have inner desires of whatever I mentioned earlier."

       "How can you know when you have yet read any of my writings?" you asked him.

       "I don't have to. It's normal for authors to write in that manner," he answered.

       "That's basically stereotyping," you told him off.

       "I'm not stereotyping. I am stating the fact, dearest Kim Hana. I'm not opposing writing and reading. But we all know that writing is always seen as an escapade. But an overdose of desired escapade can bring harm as well," he told you.

       "Such as?" you asked, mode is coming about.

       "You will begin to fantasize on how you want certain things to be. You wish everyone will be in a certain way. You will deny the reality," he answered. "The same applies for reading."


He has a point though. In fact, all his words - there were a fact.


You took a deep breath before heaving it all out as a sigh, "Sometimes people need an escapade. Reality is too cruel to handle, don't you think?"


        "Reality may be cruel, Kim Hana. But you cannot pamper yourself in fantasy all the time," he told you.

        "Because when you're comfortable with living in fantasy, you will not be able to handle reality. I know," you answered.

        "Glad that you know that. And I want to see some of your writings, please?" he replied.

        "Come over next week and I will show you," you answered. "I want to sleep."

        "Okay okay," he laughed. "Rest well, Hana-ya."

        "Good night, Kwon Jiyong," you smiled before hanging up.


You placed your phone aside before remaining on your side - slowly drifting yourself to sleep.


Hello! Chapter 6 is out and do comment down and subscribe~ :) I will try to update as soon as I can. And when my ideas arrives, I will write immediately (most of the times). 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 18: Talk about perfect timing, I could not help but laugh when her parents came home. I love this story. Great job!
Hihihihijijo_143 #2
Chapter 18: Wahhhh<3 thx for the update authornim!!
kaygoode95 #3
Chapter 18: So sad it's over, but I'm going to read it again. I hope to read more stories from you.
kaygoode95 #4
Chapter 16: I love this story thank you so much for updating.
Hihihihijijo_143 #5
Chapter 16: Omo! What's gonna happen to Hana?
Thx for updating authornim!!!!
Also, you're an amazing writer! You're one of my favourite so don't let anyone put you down! Don't give up and I hope you will be able to find a job soon! Hwaiting<3!
kaygoode95 #6
Chapter 15: Please update soon.
Hihihihijijo_143 #7
Chapter 12: Ermmmm......pls update soon authornim......