T Minus...

A/N: So, I've taken a few days out from Jae's diary to enjoy a long weekend. Now let's get back in. And today's entry is based on a tweet from another serving soldier, in which he told about Jae complaining that he put on too much weight. My earlier predictions are eerily accurate, it seems!  

I know you can get addicted to working out just as you can get addicted to drinking or eating or tidying up or… anything really. Even if you wouldn't think so after a day like today. Weekends are more relaxed here when you're not on duty, so come Monday they try and remind us what we're here for.

Today was end-to-end PT. Run, assault course, power circuit, and then crazy games on the drill court. I should be wiped out. Actually, I am as wiped out as everybody else. But that doesn't mean I can stop.

I know why I'm heading to the gym when everyone else is heading towards the nearest flat surface… of course I do. Our last medical checkup says I just keep piling on the pounds. The waistband of my uniform trousers says so, too. And I just can't face the idea of getting fat. Building muscle is easier to handle, so…. weights.

Both Junsu and Chun were ing pleased when I told them how much weight I'd gained. Which makes me wonder: did I really look so hagged? And if I did why didn't they tell me? Or did they and I simply wasn't listening?

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Chapter 93: GFF (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 93: Yeah ... I'm side eyeing Cjes's planning skills. Jae may be unhappy with all that noise but I'm super happy with what happened today.
phinea2009 #3
Chapter 92: Yoochun looked really comfortable in his army duds and that pose in his crew pic .... I laugh every time I come across it.

I can imagine Jaejoong saying he's JYJ with a lovely smile and winsome air. No offense meant and taken.
phinea2009 #4
Chapter 91: I'm sure Junsu will thrive in the army. I agree the brass will fight for him like crazy. Leader Shi will choreo something spectacular wearing those ugly boots.
phinea2009 #5
Chapter 90: I wish all of them enlisted together.
phinea2009 #6
Chapter 89: I'll be waiting .... These cuties are too precious to give up.
Chapter 89: Don't worry, Jaejoong. Fans will not forget the three of you even if we can't see you next year. We will wait patiently for JYJ to reunite and make a come back.
phinea2009 #8
Chapter 88: Dear sweet humble Jae. I'm sure it wasn't meaningless to that soldier.
phinea2009 #9
Chapter 87: Jae looked like a shy yet cheeky kid in the show. I'm so happy to see him looking well and eating well too.
Chapter 87: OH MY ING GOD wait. Jae was on TV? why do I always miss these kinds of stuff...