T Minus...

Jung YunhoToday should have been a good day. A positive day. We were learning to save lives.

Instead, all I could think about was almost losing one. Yunho collapsing after drinking from that bottle, eyes wide with fear, is one memory I've relived too many times to count. I didn't want to go there again, but when the instructor talked about poisoning... well... all I could see in my head was the vibrancy that's Yunho. The big smile, the bigger moves, the whole boatload of enthusiasm... imagining that gone is...

I suppose push-ups are an adequate punishment for zoning out in the middle of the class and not paying attention.

They were a good distraction, too.

Lower, breathe, push up, repeat.

Push-ups: the Kim Jaejoong patent remedy when things get on top of me. How the instructor knew I have no idea... but it's still working as well as it always has.

And for that I'm grateful.

A/N: I've been gagging to find a place for one of my favourite pictures of all time. And a drabble about First Aid is as good a place as any. Not sorry. :-)

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Chapter 93: GFF (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 93: Yeah ... I'm side eyeing Cjes's planning skills. Jae may be unhappy with all that noise but I'm super happy with what happened today.
phinea2009 #3
Chapter 92: Yoochun looked really comfortable in his army duds and that pose in his crew pic .... I laugh every time I come across it.

I can imagine Jaejoong saying he's JYJ with a lovely smile and winsome air. No offense meant and taken.
phinea2009 #4
Chapter 91: I'm sure Junsu will thrive in the army. I agree the brass will fight for him like crazy. Leader Shi will choreo something spectacular wearing those ugly boots.
phinea2009 #5
Chapter 90: I wish all of them enlisted together.
phinea2009 #6
Chapter 89: I'll be waiting .... These cuties are too precious to give up.
Chapter 89: Don't worry, Jaejoong. Fans will not forget the three of you even if we can't see you next year. We will wait patiently for JYJ to reunite and make a come back.
phinea2009 #8
Chapter 88: Dear sweet humble Jae. I'm sure it wasn't meaningless to that soldier.
phinea2009 #9
Chapter 87: Jae looked like a shy yet cheeky kid in the show. I'm so happy to see him looking well and eating well too.
Chapter 87: OH MY ING GOD wait. Jae was on TV? why do I always miss these kinds of stuff...