Chapter 9

A Heart As Cold As You

Donghae walked to a deserted alley. He pulled his hood up over his face. He didn't want anyone to notice him.

He saw a boy and a girl cloaked in black. The girl noticed him coming and nudged her partner in the ribs. The boy, who was smoking a cigarette, looked in the direction of his partner's finger and saw Donghae approaching them.

Smirking, he walked up to Donghae with his partner following close behind him.

" Well, well, well, look what little fishy has come here to see us~ ", chuckled the boy evilly.

" My, my, my~ Why does poor little fishy look so angry~? ", cooed the girl.

" Shut your ing traps up, you two. Jung Soo Yeong, you sent that nightmare to Jyoung Mi-ah, did you? ", snarled Donghae.

" What nightmare? ", asked Soo Yeong innocently.

" Yeah, what nightmare? ", asked the boy innocently.

Donghae grabbed the boy's collar and shoved him against the wall.

" Look, Min Sung, I don't know why you two sent that nightmare to Jyoung Mi-ah, but I will make sure you two don't do it again. ", growled Donghae.

" Woah, woah, woah there, Fishy. Calm down. ", smiled Min Sung calmly.

" It wasn't us who chose to send the--oops! ", gasped Soo Yeong as she clamped shut.

Min Sung hissed angrily at Soo Yeong. Donghae raised his eyebrows in confusion.

" What?! Who commanded you two to send that nightmare?! ", proded Donghae.

" We're not telling you anything. ", said Min Sung stubbornly.

" Yeah! ", agreed Soo Yeong.

Donghae closed his eyes and when he opened them again, his eyes were glowing a turquoise blue. Soo Yeong and Min Sung tried to look away, but their eyes started to glow with the same color.

" Are you two listening to me? ", asked Donghae.

" Yes, master. ", said Min Sung and Soo Yeong in unison.

" Tell me who commanded you two to release the nightmare upon Jyoung Mi-ah. ", commanded Donghae.

" It was Prince Jonghyun of the Underworld. ", answered Min Sung flatly.

" He ordered us to release the nightmare upon the girl for she had been chosen as their weapon. ", supplied Soo Yeong emotionlessly.

" A weapon for what purpose? ", asked Donghae.

" He said that his kingdom is preparing to take over and rule this mortal world. As you know, the Underworld and the Nightmarers have been allies for over 3000 years, so they want us to release upcoming nightmares upon her for some reason which they never told us. ", said Min Sung.

" All they asked us to do was to make sure the nightmares get to the girl undisturbed and undetected. ", said Soo Yeong.

" Is that all they told you? ", asked Donghae.

" Yes, master. ", answered the pair.

" Well done. ", said Donghae.

The light in Donghae's eyes faded and his eyes became normal again as well as Min Sung's and Soo Yeong's.

Donghae disappeared into the night, but not before knocking the pair out and leaving them out cold so that they wouldn't follow him.

He ran all the way back home and snuck in through the window. Everyone was asleep.

Donghae went to Jyoung Mi's room. He looked at her sleeping on the bed. She looked like an angel.

He brushed a lock of hair from her face and went to his own room.




Back in the alley, three figures looked at Min Sung and Soo Yeong as they got up groggily. One of the figures shook his head disappointedly.

" Tsk, tsk, tsk. You let yourself get mind-controlled, you get knocked out and you gave our plan away. Useless. ", tutted the figure.

" You what?! You both gave our plan away?! ", screamed one figure angrily as he grabbed Min Sung by his collar.

" N--n--not--not all, prince! Y--y--y--you--you didn't t--tell us the r--r--rest of your p--p--p--p--plan, so he d--didn't kn--kn--know about the rest of your p--p--plan! ", stuttered Min Sung uncontrollably.

" Dammit, you two! I trusted you both! ", snarled the figure.

" And you let him get away! ", said another one, jabbing a finger at Soo Yeong.

" W--w--well, we d--didn't have t--time to r--re--react! ", stuttered Soo Yeong.

The figure holding Min Sung let out a yell of frustration and flung him into Soo Yeong in rage. The both of them were flung into a pile of garbage cans.

" Never send a pair of stupid Nightmarer trainees to do your job. ", muttered the figure angrily under his breath.

The three figures walked out of the alley, leaving the pair unconscious in the alley.

" Yah, hyung, don't get so worked up. We just have to think of another plan. ", said one of the figures laying his hand on the right shoulder of the enraged man.

" No thanks to those two idiots, half of our plan is revealed! ", snarled the guy as he slapped the hand away.

" Calm down, dongsaeng. We'll just have to ask someone else. Someone we trust and someone who isn't easily manipulated. ", said the other man on his left-hand side.

" Hmmm...unless we use a mortal from this world. Someone who knows the girl's weak spots. ", offered the guy on the right-hand side.

" I think I know the very person. ", smirked the figure.




HyunA was at home with Jonghun. They were kissing and cuddling groping each other's butts.

Yoseob, who had just come down into the living room, saw the scene before him and gagged. He reached in the pockets of his jeans and pulled out a pair of sports shades.

He slipped them on and was about to go out of the house, but his sister noticed him and stopped him.

" Just where do you think you're going, little boy?! It's 10 PM! ", she snapped.

" Out. ", replied Yoseob flatly and slammed the door behind him.

" You just wait! You come back here, little boy! ", shrieked HyunA as she stood up to follow her adopted brother, but Jonghun pulled her back.

" Leave him, jagiya. Don't you wanna spend time with me~? ", smirked Jonghun.

" Of course~ ", purred HyunA as she brushed her hand against his chest.

He started to tug at her shirt and she started to pull at his pants, when the doorbell rang and interrupted them.

" Who could that be? ", asked HyunA.

" I'll go with you, yeobo. ", said Jonghun.

HyunA opened the door and found a giant snake outside her door.

The horrifying beast was 5 stories tall and it's body was as wide as the bark of a sycamore tree. Its eyes were a fiery red and orange and its scales were copper brown. It was as long as a subway train and its horrid black tongue flickered and lashed this way and that way.

Jonghun and HyunA screamed in shock and tried to shut the door, but the reptile was faster. Its long tail shot out from behind and coiled itself around HyunA.

It pulled her out of her house and dragged her into the night. Jonghun ran after his lover.

" Jonghun! Help! Help me! ", shrieked HyunA as she reached her hand out to grab his.

" HyunA! ", shouted Jonghun.

The snake flicked its grotesque head and swung its massive tail towards Jonghun. Jonghun saw the enormous thing coming towards him and tried to dodge it, but failed.

The force of the snake's tail propelled him through the air and into a tall, tall tree. Jonghun hit the tree and disappeared into the folliage.

" Jonghunnie!!! ", screamed HyunA as the snake dragged her away.




A man with blackish-brown hair sat in a crowded club at a table. He wore a shirt that was loosened to show his muscular torso, his hair was slightly spiked up here and there and his face looked like a god's, but you could see the evil glint behind his seemingly angelic, deep blue eyes.

He saw his friend approaching with a trembling girl by his side.

The girl had messy auburn hair with short bangs, stormy blue eyes, blood-red lips and smooth, peach-colored skin. She wore a t-shirt and denim shorts. She was also barefooted.


She was trembling and pale.

" Hyung, I've brought the girl. ", said his friend.

" Well done, Yunho. Now, we have to wait for Prince Jonghyun and his brothers. ", smiled the man.

" Who are you? Where am I? ", asked HyunA.

" Don't be afraid, Hyun Ah. We only need your help. ", smiled the man as he caressed her cheek.

" Who are you? ", asked Hyun Ah, still stunned by the hottie in front of her.

" Oh, how completely rude of myself. Choneun Kim Jaejoong imnida. But you can call me either Hero or Jae. Hero is my nickname. ", smiled the man as he shook her hand politely.

" Ann--ann--anyeong. Choneun K--Kim Hyun A--Ah imnid--d--da. But p--please c--call me Hyun--HyunA. ", she stuttered, because she was mainly focusing on Jaejoong's hotness.

" Pleased to meet you ", smiled Jaejoong.

Hyun Ah almost fainted. His smile was dazzling!

" How do you know my name? ", asked HyunA as she leaned back against the reclining velvet couch.

" I have my sources. ", smirked Jaejoong.

Just then, three boys appeared by their table.

One had an adorably mischievous face, neat brown hair and a pretty good body build.

The other had gold-colored hair with light brown highlights, a muscular body and god-like facial features.

The third had spiky, brownish-orange hair, a well-built figure and perfect facial features.

" Your highnesses. ", said Jaejoong as he stood up and bowed.

" Well done, Jaejoong. ", smirked Jonghyun as he took a seat.

HyunA started fanning herself. She was getting surrounded by hotties! Was this a dream or not?

" Annyeong, pretty girl. Choneun Kim Jonghyun imnida. ", smiled Jonghyun seductively.

" Choneun Kim Kibum imnida. But please call me Key. ", smiled the boy with the spiky hair.

" Choneun Kim Jinki imnida. But call me Onew. Please. ", said the boy with the neat hair.

" Choneun Kim Hyun Ah imnida. Call me HyunA for short. ", purred HyunA seductively.

" Hello, HyunA. We need you to do a favor for us. It is concerning a girl named Kim Jyoung Mi, so are you up to it? ", asked Jonghyun.

" I'll do anything to make that 's life horrible. What's in it for me? ", asked HyunA as she leaned forward in her chair.

" We don't need you to torture her. We need her alive. Bring her to us and we'll reward you handsomely. ", said Key with an evil, sideways smile.

" Alright. I'll do it. ", said HyunA with an evil grin.

" Thank you very much, HyunA. Take this to keep in touch with us concerning her whereabouts. ", said Onew as he handed her a bat-shaped handphone.

" Sweeeeet~ You can count on me. ", smirked HyunA.

Yunho came back and led her out of the club. The four figures at the table smirked evilly.

" Too easy. ", smirked Jonghyun.

" We'll get our hands on the intended girl in no time. ", smiled Key sickly.

" What should we do about that HyunA girl when we don't need her anymore, your highnesses? ", asked Jaejoong.

" Dispose of her when she is no longer of any use. ", said Jonghyun.

" Yes, sir. ", said Jaejoong and left the club with their consent.

The three boys left the club after a while too.

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Hi hi ~
I just started reading this & I love so much right now ~
Hopefully you can update soon ^~^
In the meantime, I'm gonna read your other stories!
Natsumi_JoLee #2
Aww, it's okay. ^w^ I'll patiently wait for your updates. And hwaiting with your schoolworks! :)
It's ok... Dont worry I'm not gonna unsub it... I will be waiting for update soon 8)
Natsumi_JoLee #4
fight.. it's on! XD
ohoho~ update soon ^w^
Natsumi_JoLee #5
updates TT^TT
Update soon
minhojong #7
was so sad when kitty died:'( Love this story. it's so different then the others i read! update soon<3
Natsumi_JoLee #8
Yeah DOnghae! Get to know your real feelings for Jyoung mi. Same goes for Leeteuk. :)
BeastFreak #9
Nooo Kitty T^T <br />
Wow like the jyoung mi and leeteuk moments ^.~<br />
new reader ♥ UPDATE SOON ♪