Chapter 4

A Heart As Cold As You

Jyoung Mi woke up groggily. She felt her head. To her surprise, her headache was gone completely!

" Meow~ "

Jyoung Mi looked down. Kitty was sitting on the floor, looking worried for her mistress.

" Meow~ "

Jyoung Mi smiled and petted the kitten. But her mind was filled with questions.

Who put her on the couch?

Who closed her door for her?

Did a burglar get in?

Did she get ?!

Did she get robbed?!

Jyoung Mi checked herself and then searched her house for any missing valuables.

No, everything was still here. She was alright. Nothing was missing. But what happened while she passed out?

Shrugging, she went to have a shower and change. Just as she came down drying her wet hair and wearing a comfy tee and shorts, there was a knock at the door.

" Who could it be? ", thought Jyoung Mi.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi! ", said a voice.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi! ", called out another voice.

" What the hell? ", she thought.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi! ", shouted another voice.

" Who the hell is it out there?! ", shouted Jyoung Mi as she leaned against the door to hear the name of the person or people outside her door.

" It's me! Me, Fishy Hae! ", said the voice.

" Yah! Only I can call you Fishy! ", hissed another voice.

" Shut it, Monkey! ", said another voice.

" Why don't you shut it, Turtle Boy?! ", snapped 'Monkey'.

" Just who the are you, dammit!!!??? ", shouted Jyoung Mi impatiently.

" It's me, Donghae, and friends. ", replied 'Fishy Hae'.

Jyoung Mi opened the door and sure enough, it was Donghae and the rest of Super Junior. She leaned lazily against the side of the doorframe.

" What did you guys come to my house, huh? ", she snapped as she dried her hair.

" We came to see you. You passed out on the fl--mmbbllpphh!!! ", garbled Donghae as Leeteuk clamped his mouth shut.

" How did you know I passed out on the floor of my house? ", asked Jyoung Mi in suspicion as she placed her hands on her hips.

" Kibum saw you while walking here and he...umm...helped to...uhm...tuck you in. ", said Eunhyuk, hoping that she would buy his lie.

" Uh-huh... ", she answered flatly, sounding unconvinced.

She was about to close the door when some one stuck his foor in the path of the door, preventing her from closing the door.

She opened it and found that Yesung was the one who had stuck his foot in the doorway. She groaned exasperatedly as she opened the door again.

" What now?! ", she groaned.

" Aren't you gonna, like, thank Kibum or something? ", asked Shindong timidly.

" Alright, fine. Gomawo, Kibum-sshi, and if you guys have nothing better to do, go home and leave me alone. ", said Jyoung Mi and started to close the door.

" Wait! ", said Leeteuk.

" WHAT?! ", she screamed in frustration as she messed up her already messy hair.

" May we come in? ", asked Leeteuk.

" Waeyo? ", asked Jyoung Mi, gritting her teeth.

" Just for a while only. Please. ", asked Siwon.

" Argh! Fine, fine! ", sighed Jyoung Mi as she pushed the door open lazily with her foot.

" Gomawo. ", smiled Leeteuk.

" Hmph! ", snorted Jyoung Mi as she flicked her head.

The 15 boys stepped in. Jyoung Mi stewed as the boys sat down on her couch and on the floor. These boys were getting on her nerves.

" Nice house you have. ", said Hankyung.

" Yeah, yeah, thanks. ", muttered Jyoung Mi.

" Hey, couldn't you be a little more polite? You always say 'whaddya want' and 'whatever' to people, y'know. ", said Heechul.

" You got a problem with the way I speak, pretty boy? ", sneered Jyoung Mi.

" Ani! I was just asking! ", said Heechul in fright.

Jyoung Mi flipped the towel around her neck.

" Can we..uhm..become chingus with you? ", asked Hankyung.

" Ani. ", answered Jyoung Mi.

" Waeyo? ", asked Sungmin.

" I'm not interested in being friends with anyone. ", she huffed.

" Waeyo? ", asked Shindong.

" It's a personal matter, arasso? ", said Jyoung Mi as she raised an eyebrow.

" Eh, arasso, arasso! ", said Shindong hurriedly.

" If looks could kill, Shindong would be dead right now! Jyoung Mi-sshi's glare is murderous! Way worse than Kyu's! ", whispered Kangin to Leeteuk.

" Yeah, I agree with you. ", replied Leeteuk.

" Meow~ "

They saw Kitty purring and rubbing herself against Kibum's leg. Kibum laughed and tickled Kitty underneath her furry belly. He picked the kitten up and put her on his lap. Kitty purred and purred in delight.

" She...likes you. ", said Jyoung Mi in surprise.

" She's a cute kitten. ", smiled Kibum.

" T--th--thanks. ", stuttered Jyoung Mi.

" Meow~ ", meowed Yesung as he clicked his tongue.

Kitty heard him, jumped off Kibum's lap, landed on the floor and padded over to Yesung. Yesung picked her up and her gently.

" She...seems to like you too, Yesung-sshi. ", said Jyoung Mi.

" I like animals, so yeah, I have a way of attracting animals. ", smiled Yesung.

Jyoung Mi just nodded her head and sat down on the floor.

" Jyoung Mi-sshi? ", said Sungmin.

" Ne, Sungmin-sshi? ", answered Jyoung Mi.

" Can you please become chingus with us? ", begged Sungmin.

" I-- "

" PLEASE????? ", begged Sungmin.

He pouted, puffed out his cheeks a little and aeygo-ed. Jyoung Mi stared at his puppy-like face. cracked a tiny smile at first and then, she laughed much to the surprise of the boys.

So, she wasn't an entirely rude person after all!

" Ahahaha! Your face is just cute! ", laughed Jyoung Mi.

She held the sides of her stomach and laughed till her sides ached even more.

" Hey! I made you laugh! ", said Sungmin as he clapped his hands.

" Wow, she has a beautiful laugh. ", thought Leeteuk.

" She's prettier when she smiles. ", thought Donghae.

Just looking at Jyoung Mi laughing made them all crack a smile.

" You can add 'King Of Laughter' to my titles, guys! ", stated Sungmin proudly.

" No way, Pumpkin Guy! ", chuckled Kyuhyun.

" Yah, who are you calling a pumpkin, EvilKyu!? ", said Sungmin.

" Speak for yourself, Pumpkin! ", taunted Kyuhyun.

Sungmin stuck his tongue out at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun blew raspberries at his hyung.

" So, what do you say? Can we please be your chingus, Jyoung Mi-sshi? ", asked Ryeowook.

" Well... "

" Please~!!! ", begged Ryeowook.

" Maybe. ", shrugged Jyoung Mi.

" Yay! ", shouted Eunhyuk.

" BUT...on a few conditions. ", said Jyoung Mi.

The boys fell silent.

" First, let me get used to you guys. Second, don't piss me off by asking me questions concerning my personal life. Three, let me have my own privacy at times and lastly, do not ever touch me or sit next to me. Understand? ", she said.

" Ne. ", said all the boys in unison.

" Well, guys, let's go home. ", said Leeteuk as he stood up from the couch.

" Alright. Annyeong, Jyoung Mi-sshi! ", said all the boys as they waved and walked out.

" Annyeong, chingu. ", smiled Donghae as he followed the guys out.

Jyoung Mi just stood there. She watched the boys disappear around a bend.

" Annyeong.....chingus. ", whispered Jyoung Mi at the end.

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Hi hi ~
I just started reading this & I love so much right now ~
Hopefully you can update soon ^~^
In the meantime, I'm gonna read your other stories!
Natsumi_JoLee #2
Aww, it's okay. ^w^ I'll patiently wait for your updates. And hwaiting with your schoolworks! :)
It's ok... Dont worry I'm not gonna unsub it... I will be waiting for update soon 8)
Natsumi_JoLee #4
fight.. it's on! XD
ohoho~ update soon ^w^
Natsumi_JoLee #5
updates TT^TT
Update soon
minhojong #7
was so sad when kitty died:'( Love this story. it's so different then the others i read! update soon<3
Natsumi_JoLee #8
Yeah DOnghae! Get to know your real feelings for Jyoung mi. Same goes for Leeteuk. :)
BeastFreak #9
Nooo Kitty T^T <br />
Wow like the jyoung mi and leeteuk moments ^.~<br />
new reader ♥ UPDATE SOON ♪